HanadaMidori Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Victoria island was amazing. As I stood there on the boat. When we got there, there was a guy who was screaming about jobs. Jobs……a job wouldnt be so bad . “What jobs?” i asked. He replied with “Well there are magicians, theives, and warriors.” ” Magicians would be nice” I replied. ” Do thieves steal things?” Utarie asked. The man said it depends if you want to. “Whats your name mister?” I asked. “Olaf” He replied. “Well thank you”. I replied. Me and Utarie went our seperate ways. Kerning for her, and Ellina for me.

Misha’s Story
I went to Ellina. As strange as it was climbing a giant tree. about 10 minutes later I reached the top. I opened the door to find an old man floating in mid air. I asked him if he was alright. “A magician is the path you choose?” “Ummm well yes” I replied. All the sudden a big flash of yellow lights started coming from the floor. It was amazing becoming a magician. “Thankyou” I said as I left. I wonder how Utarie was doing…? As I walked down, I triped on a tree root and went flying down ward. I landed on the ground. “Ow…” I went unconious.

Utarie’s Story
“Wow! This place reaks of smoking and polution…..” I said as I walked down the street. “Hey!….Hey you!!!…Come here for a second!” A man said. I looked at him. He was getting up to get me. I ran for the nearest place that can give somone safty. A bar was the closest thing I could find. I ran in and blocked the door. He was pounding on the door. I went into the bathroom to wash my hands. As I walked in I saw a staircase. Walking down slowly I saw a man hanging upside down. “Hi mister?” I said. “YOU! YES YOU! DO YOU CHOOSE TO BECOME A THEIF?!” he said. “Ummm if I say yes-“
“A THEIF YOU SHALL BE!!!” he said, cutting off my sentence. A red and black light started coming out from the floor. I felt stronger. Much stronger from before.

Better get to Misha now, I thought. I walked out to find a bunch of monsters. I ran back inside the city. “Better take a cab” I told myself. I went to ellina. I ended up being at the highest part of the town. “Oh my god….Why am I on a tree?”
Ad I walked randomly I ended up falling off the edge of the tree. I landed flat on my face. I got up with grass on my face. As I started walking I saw someone. “It seems that someone also jumped off a edge!” I ran towards the person, to find Misha flat on the floor.The dress she was wearing probally softended the fall. It being soft and all. I picked her up. And took her to Kerning with me since they had a hospital there. When I was talking to the taxi guy, Misha started mumbleing.

Misha’s Story
I was awakened by Utarie. Her grip was hard. She was handling my arm as though it was a doll. Gripping it tight as though she was going to lose me. I stood up. “How about we go to Henesys?” I told Utarie. “Great lets take the cab!” Utarie replied. “How about we walk there instead?” I said. “Dam I hate walking” She said. We walked to Henesys. It was so crowded there. So many people there. Just talking. I walked to the other side of Henesys with Utarie to find a bunch of people selling things. Wondering what they were selling I asked someone what are they selling. Snail shells he replied. No thank you i told him as I walked away. Hey Utarie lets train. I said. Utarie seemed mad but she still trained with me. We both ended up leveling up. Those flash’s of greenish yellowish lights with those big giant floating letters. Weird.

4 thoughts on “HanadaMidori Chapter 2”

  1. i like da story Misha its really good and Utarie in ur story totaly remids me of da real meh

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