Today I leveled, but that wasn’t all.

I start my day on Maple Story at about 3 pm. It’s been a difficult day previously, but I’ve gotten this far, and I begin my day of training. Not very far into it, after finally finding a free zombie room 4 channel (therefore labeled Z4) my best friend and interest, Shmooki, joins into the fray. He’s actually really helpful and sweet, although stubborn, but he’s a level (now) 60 cleric.

But about three hours into it, I have to go all the way back to Orbis to repot. I ask Shmooks to hold the channel for me, which he gladly does. But once I return, Shmooks has accidently gotten DC’d, and just logging back in as some sin begins stealing our channel. Not to be outdone, we try to shoo him politely away, but that doesn’t work in the least, even if we overpower him. His illiteracy was blinding, and I even though I have quite a few sin friends, many MANY sins at Zombies are.. well, quite frankly asses. Sometimes I wonder if there is decency left in the world. If I had been there for less than 5 minutes, and someone comes in and tells me that they had just gotten DC’d, or something polite like that, then I’ll leave.

But this one was stubborn.

So he called his friends, another two 6x sins and a cleric. By then.. it was getting beyond difficult to hold the channel. But we kept dueling. This went on for about another hour, without either party giving in. But, without any of us noticing.. the sin who had started this whole mess.. just left. With no reason. No one noticed till about 20 minutes later, when I again asked them to change channels. One of the sins said something similar to ‘Well, why not, our friend already left.’ except in some foreign language known as ‘N00bspeak’. Then I mentioned how he was trying to steal our channel, and they said they didn’t know, things like that slip you know? At this, I didn’t know weither to laugh, cry or kick someone’s butt. We had put up a fight for close to two hours, and the other party didn’t even know what they were fighting for.

So.. they simply.. left? It was ridiculous. But Shmooki and I are training partners, we account for each other to doing our best. I strive for 50% a day, which lately has been going quite well. Maybe I’ll be 70 by June? You never know!

Anyway, this ends my first blog. I’ll chronicle my future travels along Maple Story..

Level 62, Ready, Start!


(P.S: MaskOfSmak pwns you.)

15 thoughts on “Today I leveled, but that wasn’t all.”

  1. Man. People really know how to tell stories. I’m jelous. This was a great read.

  2. Wow. just wow, the sin’s friends didnt know what happend and all o_O. Good luck to level 70 man. oh and one more thing I agree with Tact,

  3. lol

    that sin’s friends are such retards LOL


    *thumbs up*

    u better becareful that they dont defame u

  4. Woah, that was a great report on the story! It annoys me when your disconnected and then someone comes and steals your challenge. Good luck for 70!

  5. Is there some unwritten law of maple? = You really cant steal channels, and I hate when people tell me to “cc plox”. You certainly don’t own maple, Wizet does, so what gives you the right to tell people to switch off ‘your channel’?

  6. Well, Tiny, especially in the Z4 area, there isn’t enough room for effecient training for more than two people. So one of us obviosuly has to go and it’s proper politeness to leave if someone else was there first. ^^

    Hope this awnsered your question.

  7. Wow, good job on that! Kudos to you, and nice blogs! You inspire me to write something xP.
    Anyway, Good luck on lev 70!

  8. Congratulation, Mip! I think your gonna beat me to lvl 70 at this rate >.< Well good luck to lvl 70!
    In 16 days you’ll be lvl 70 if you keep doing 50% a day^_^. I can barly get 10% a day.
    Dumb HW

  9. Lol wow good luck to 70! You rock Mip! It sucks that the guy just left -_-, but at least your almost 70!

  10. Illiterate noob sins . . . *shudders*

    I learned to deal with them by hitting a monster and moving onto the next one, while the sin has to hit the nearest monster, which would be the one i recently hit. At mobs, i use slash blast while the sins KSes. I really like the fact that my cat picks up the mesos that drop after the kill. . . makes the sin feel owned. However, this is not true for all sins.

  11. Guruji said: “Illiterate noob sins . . . *shudders*

    oh and any of you who have met me in game, or will meet me in game, I apoligize ahead of time for talking in “n00bspeak” in game. When you are battling to stay alive, you want to be able to make your message short, right?

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