The Day the Clock Chimed, Act 9 + More!

Hiiiyo everyone! How’s it been going? I missed you all.. and I’m *still* in the process of moving. I’ve had very little compie time, and my own compie is currently packed up. However, thank you all for your support and kindness as I’ve talked to a bunch of ya’ll in game. :3

Clickage for happy music. ^^

To start off, I just went on MS again today, to be bombarded by whispers, guild chats and lovely ramblings of kindness, to which all I happily replied, and only then did I realize: I have, infact, not gone to the new Aqua land or the Alien landish.. thing. I have been so out of touch with the online world, I haven’t even glanced at such things. Hearing fairly bad reviews on the alien venture, I decided to try my wares at Aqua Land, heading through Orbis just for that very ordeal. I must say.. the jumping is like.. a legal fly hack. Or jumping on crack.

But whatever it is, it’s insanity.. difficult to jump without hitting into monsters, but lovely for avoiding monsters all together. It makes my SB jump shot fairly useless though, but I suppose I can withstand that. (For all you wondering, yes.. I am still level 68. :D) I continued into town, but was serverly dissappointed when I learned that all the monsters were too easy for me, because the dungeon hadn’t been released in Global. That’s a sort of twisted, evil teaser for us high levels, ne~?

One last thing: People. Seriously. I beg of you. I don’t care if you write regular blogs or story blogs, just stop writing things that have nothing to do with any MMORPG what-so-ever! This is the wrong site for that!

Anyway, I’ll continue on with the story, since I’m sure that’s what you’ve all been looking foward to for almost two months. I hope it’s worth the wait!
(Yeah, I suggest you stop the happy track here. ^^;)

[Continued from Act 8]

The day had gone so fast, Mip thought to herself as she paced uneasily down the hallway, back towards her own room. The day had continued on as peaceful as before, Eriatic, the tall mage had taught her quite a few table manners, telling her a bit about his background. Where he was born, how he grew up, and how he came upon this household. It was all a rather simple tale, nothing really complex about it, but Mipsacri began feeling as though she had a close bond of friendship with him most of all. The sun was lower in the sky on the west side of the house, suggesting it was about five o’clock, and the thief was well aware she needed to leave soon, pulling out the faded letter from her pocket and reading it over again.

“I have her. I see you. Come to the center of the Victoria dungeon in two days and don’t tell the old man or she dies. Make sure no one follows you, but prepare to face death in exchange for her life. I’ll be watching you.”

In reading this, she let out another sigh, her dark hazel eyes scanning over it slowly. “In two days.. that’s tomorrow.. Hana.” She mumbled, shaking her head in disappointment. She knew she would have to leave Meriako and Lecra this way, although she wanted to make everything better for both of them, she doubted she could. These thoughts, the mere idea of leaving things unfinished, in case she never came back alive, was pure torture to her.


“Two days, Miss Mipsacri?” A voice spoke behind her, which immediately sent a long shiver up Mipsacri’s spine from the sudden surprise. She hadn’t heard any footsteps behind her, but one glance over her shoulder told her that there stood Eriatic, who seemed genuinely concerned about her actions. “Uh.. well..” She stumbled in her words, unsure what to say at all, but knowing she couldn’t tell a soul about what she knew. “I have to go tonight. I need to make a journey to do something.” She finally stated rather sharply, pivoting on her heels to face him, although her eyes diverting his. He paused slightly, trying to figure out what was going on completely, but Mipsacri interrupted him before he had a chance to continue, “I need you to please not ask anything more.” She demanded, a slightly commanding tone in her voice, her eyes finally matching with his. Mip didn’t want it to be this way, she didn’t want to order him around, but it was the only way to get away without too many questions.

Surprised by her tone of voice, he nodded slightly, his shaggy orange hair covering his eyes slightly, stepping a bit closer to her, but still keeping personal boundaries, lowering his low and smooth voice to a whisper, their eyes still locked, each word emitting with a genuine and caring resound about them. “Be careful.” As their two eyes connected, Mip felt a slight blush come to her cheeks, but quickly shook it off, turning around again to head down the hallway, waving over her shoulder to indeed show that she would be careful. But when she looked back over to him, he was somehow gone again, completely vanished, you could say, she didn’t even notice his footsteps depart.

Before she knew it, it was time to go. She had packed up all of what little she owned, and in the time she had, it began to rain as it had the previous evening, first a steady sprinkle, quickly intensifying into a downpour. Glancing out of her window, the sun was sinking slowly, although now encompassed with clouds, meaning it was now about seven, and Mip slowly sat down on her bed with a slight squeak from the springs, scrawling out a note to leave on the bedside table.

”Dear friends,
I am departing on a journey for an undisclosed period of time. If I ever return at this point is unknown. I’d just like to say how wonderful it’s been to meet all of you, and I wish you all the best in the future.

My regards,

She smiled sadly at her writings, her rough and ill-fashioned way of writing expressed in this simple note. Being prepared for anything, that indeed perhaps she couldn’t return from this alive, she took her time in daintily sealing it, folding it shut in decent proportions, only then noting the key that sat on the table beside it. Picking it up, she slid it into her pocket as well, supposing it would help her get in and out of this mystic land. Glancing around the room once more, as if trying to etch it into her mind, into her memory, the bright lights hanging from the ceiling merrily lighting the room as though nothing had changed. Which, essentially, was indeed true. Nothing would change if she were there or not.. it was up to her to fix things and make a difference. “I’ll be back..” She nodded, finally resolving to herself that she indeed had to come back alive, to fix the things between Meriako and Lecra, to see Eriatic again, confidently strapping her shield to her arm. Walking towards the window, she undid the hook that held it shut, pushing it open carefully, making sure she made no noise, her boot stepping up to the windowsill.

“I’ll see you again, Meriako. I’ll find the Priestess and fix everything.” Springing off the windowsill, she shivered as the cold rain hit her body, wincing slightly as the pressure of the wound on her stomach from jumping intensified. Landing smoothly on the top of the gate, balancing on one foot just barely, she looked back at the house which she had only arrived in days ago, smiling softly as she rain already began to soak her, her long pig-tailed silver hair beginning to weigh down into her eyes from the rain. “See you soon, everyone..” From there, she flipped backwards off the fence onto the street beyond it, heading back into the jungle-like village.


A stunned looking Meriako lied on her fluffy pale blue bed silently, her cheeks stained with tears, her tiny body curled into a tiny ball. The room looked so happy and cheerful, a thick blue rug on the carpet, the lights glittering down from the ceiling, clocks everywhere. No one had ever been mean to her, especially not her best friend, so this whole thought still was unknown to her, her fingers were clutched tightly around the apron she had had for Lecra, kneading it’s soft material with her thumbs. Her lips mumbled the same words over and over again, although they were hardly audible, the many clocks in her room overpowered her meek voice with its endless pacing of the time.

”I’m sorry.. I’m sorry..”

Far, far away, another voice could be heard muttering the same words. Lecra sat emotionlessly under a tree out in the dark jungles of Naliea, the death screams of vicious monsters could be heard not far away in the distance; the continuous patter of rain hitting into the ground around him, although he was mostly protected by the tree he was under. The dark storm clouds reflected his moods as his bow sat propped beside him on the tree, his knees pulled to his chin, his head resting on his arms. What had he done? He knew he didn’t hate Meriako, although he didn’t care about what he said to Mipsacri that much, he was more concerned for the tiny cleric, knowing what such things could do to her, as she had never been exposed to such things. His eyes closed as he let out a long sigh, trying to think this all through. He’d never be able to come back to the Greynol household, to ever see Meriako again. It was over. Slowly standing, his winged shoes sinking in the mud slightly, leaning his weight tiredly against the tree, he fixed his eyes on something, just recognizing it.

Meanwhile, Mipsacri was making her way up the massive hill, which she had once gone down in a race against Lecra, recalling that memory with each step. ”I hope you’re okay, Lecra..” Even though she hated his rudeness, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him slightly, a bit of guilt on her part. She had always been so cruel to him, and now that he was obviously upset, even if she knew where he was, she had no right to console him. The rain continued to fall on and around her, making the hill quite a bit slick, leaping quickly from stone to stone, pushing off them to gain more speed with each jump, but not really focusing on her movements, but rather her thoughts inside.

Before she knew it, she was already outside the portal, using the visitor’s key to get in and out through the wall of the El Nath tower. It was cold and dank, and it was indeed night again; Mipsacri was absolutely soaked from head to toe from the warm tropical rains, making her teeth almost instantly chatter as the freezing air blasted on her body. Cursing under her breath slightly, she pulled her long black cloak a bit tighter, although it did little good, since that was wet as well. She simply decided the most efficient thing to do would be to scale the tower as fast as possible, gripping the rope, cold to the touch, she beginning to pull herself upwards, trying to get to the top.


Time passed, and things looked more and more grim. Even though she eventually reached the top of the tower, she was aching and freezing, the pain in her stomach from the wound she had received earlier multiplying from such pressure. Staggering out of the building into the city in the sky, worn and dirty, Mipsacri looked exhausted, her normally shiny silver hair was now a muddled grey. Things around her continued with the same happiness and high-energy weither she was there or not, nobody taking notice to her situation, the lamplights glittering off the pristine sidewalks and into the dark night. Pulling her cloak off her, which was completely soaked and ice cold from the weather within the tower, she climbed up the ladder, stumbling towards the ship, each step seemed tiring and impossible.

“Keep going..” She urged herself on, slamming her hand down on the counter to purchase her ticket, to which the ticket lady happily obliged, handing her her ticket with a happy generic greeting. She could usually take things better than this, why was she suffering so much? Her stomach was the worst, it felt like it was splitting her apart from the inside, but she wasn’t sure why. Finally ending up on the ship, which was completely empty due to the fact that it was so late, she collapsed forward on knees, the pain overtaking her body, only then coughing sharply, blood spewing from her pale lips. Staring at it intently from where she sat, her eyes widened, her hands shaking, for the first time, feeling a possible fear. This wasn’t an average wound, she assumed at that point, but her mind was getting fuzzy, too confused to comprehend it, her body felt weak.

Her eyes were closing, inside, her body was yelling at herself. “Get up, Mipsacri! You’ve come this far; you can’t die yet! What’s wrong with you!? Why is this happening so fast..?” She knew this wound that that woman had given her a while ago was the cause of her pain and her body not cooperating, but she refused to die just like this. Was it any use? Could she stop this? She had to! She.. had to.. She wasn’t ready to die. Lying on the deck of the ship pathetically, she took a deep breath, trying to keep her eyes open. But.. they felt so heavy. So heavy. “WAKE UP!” She screamed at herself inside, but not a single mutter escaped from her frozen lips, the words just seemed to fade away in her mind.

Things were getting darker.. ever so darker.

[To be continued..]


[OST used:
.hack//SIGN OST 1 & 2
Solty Rei OST 2)

(MaskOfSmak pwns you.)

8 thoughts on “The Day the Clock Chimed, Act 9 + More!”

  1. yay ur bak mip! =D still love the stories hopefully the next one will b out soon ^_^

  2. Yaaaaaay you’re back ^_^ Great act, like always >__> Don’t let her dieeeeee <3

  3. Nice addition to the story. But you and your cliffhangers.

    Can’t wait to see what’s going to happen in the next installment. Mmhmn.

    Christ, woman. You know how to keep people waiting.

    But. I still love you. <3

  4. Yay! I was waiting forever for you to continue with your stories! Another great chapter!

    gujju ♥

  5. Id say mipsacri is like madonna~~ she never gives up and always keep writing fabulous storys! <3
    PS: could u guys take a peep at my post plz T.T

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