So what.

So. I’m going to do it. Steel-Whip Mip is going to demolish her own rules, and pour out her heart. How I feel. What I feel. I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you what is going down with this site.

I can’t do my job anymore. Things are dying. It’s so absolutely maddening, frustrating, to see something I’ve put my heart and soul into for over a year die. My favorite writers, my friends, my acquaintances, all slowly shift into that damned behemoth that is Profil3. I’m bitter, I’m so bitter, how this is all ending. Why are people leaving?! Is it something I did.. am I being too strict? Are people angry that I’m doing my job?! Even my own supervisor, at one time, my guidance, my inspiration, has thrown me and the rest of the site out of the nest like a bastard child. But I can’t fly by myself. I don’t have any wings.

So this man who calls himself the master of this domain, instead of telling me straight up that he’s leaving, instead of giving me what I need to keep this alive by myself, or closing it with dignity, he just leaves me alone. Leaves me alone to do everything by myself! But I can’t. I can’t keep up with everything, the pron-posters, and spammers, the hackers.

I glance over longingly at that site, almost filled with a jealousy, that everyone has left me alone. Except for a few, solitaire writers, everyone has gone there. Each post is filled with spam, non-related stuffs, or generally illegal things. But, still, everyone.. EVERYONE, stays there. Why?! What did I ever do to you all to get you to leave me alone?!

Even the people, the dedicated few, who remain.. I beat them, I hurt them again and again, just trying to do my job. How does one even attempt to keep that happy-medium, between doing their job and keeping people from being upset at you? Again, people write things that stray from the rules, so I scold them and reprimand them, over and over, and they dislike me. Hate even. Steel-Whip Mip indeed.

Is that site ‘cooler’? Is it the layout? Are people nicer there? I miss the old times. The old times, when everyone knew everyone, and everyone was friends. There were people here. I miss people! But once that man left, everyone left.. everyone followed him blindly onto his next outlandish conquest, for reasons unknownst to me. I hate this, I hate that my mentor has abandoned me, won’t respond to me, won’t even save this sinking ship. He won’t even answer my begging for a short and sweet death.

What did I do to you? I was so strict that I scared you away? Am I just supposed to allow anything to pass through? I’ve lost support from the only person who could run this place, so I’m all alone. The worst part is; the place is slowly, ever so slowly, dying, things are falling apart around me. I do believe there are only about 5 active people on the site now. Each day, I come on, only to see spam, a few notable works from the same people, over and over.
Do people just enjoy spam more? Do they bask in the land of flames and noobs?

Maybe I’m crazy, yeah? Maybe.. but you try steering a ship that’s slowly sinking into the waters, and there’s no one there to save you, and the wheel doesn’t even work. Anybody that wants my job can have it.
That’s my heart, I’m done with this.

Trying to paddle with my ore and pull this ship out of the water so it can fly,

~”Steel-Whip” Mipsacri

(Perfect music. The video itself is entirely irrelevant, but the music describes my feelings.)
(Now that I think about this, one of the things that started me on this, was; of all people, Waffle PMing me, just to tell me how I couldn’t save this. How it was gonna die even if I tried my best, so I should just let the site go.)

15 thoughts on “So what.”

  1. The land is ruled by a cruel, heartless tyrant, the skies gray and the future bleak. The citizens suffer under his harsh rule, and crime spreads like wildfire. But one beacon of hope stands out among the sea of depression; Mipsacri and the Fellowship of MMOT. Together, they will crush the tyrant’s rule and MMOTales will be transformed into a lush paradise…

    I suppose many people have left for Profil3 because of uhh… the profiles, along with the fact that Profil3 is a site not only for MMOs, but real-life stuff too.

    I don’t know. Maybe if we pester him enough on Profil3, he’ll listen…

    Nevertheless, I will remain loyal to MMOT until the end~

  2. One of the one things that annoys me on this site is not you, Mip but the hard-core people that have made acc’s on this site. If someone writes about their day on maple or another game and it seems boring, then why should that person be told “your writing’s boring”, “I hate it”, “GeT BETtEr GrAmMar”. It does get annoying when people can’t bother to use spell-checker,etc. But why make them feel bad for just doing something that the site is made for, I’ve seen some great writers out there and because of harsh critism,(nocluehowtospellthat-inarush.) they have quit their stories or blogs. Plus, some stories out there are actually quite good and the people that have wrote them are cast into the shadows and not noticed. If you like it say it! Make someone feel good about themselves so they keep composing their secretly loved stories, poems, comics, etc. o_O

    Sorry it’s kind of long. DONT LEAVE MMOT! D:

  3. No, it’s not the site that’s dying, it’s just that with the whole-going publicity thing on profil3, the recent attacks, so on so forth, just cast MMO in a small shadow. . .

    This was none of your fault, as you saw, people come and go. These days, we rarely see anything here that disobeys the rules, which means you are doing a wonderful job as a rightful moderator.
    However, it is true that no one can do such a multi task job alone, which is why I already sent a letter to Captain, a long time ago. He installed the report function, (which I think he just . . . abandoned completely, well that’s a cheerful thought. ^^’).

    There is just one teeny problem, it has nothing to do with you as moderator though, but we have to face the facts.

    -Layout of Profil3.
    -> Includes Video function
    -> Blog function / MMORPG related
    -> Screen Shot Function
    -> REAL LIFE FUNCTION (MySpace much?)

    It contains the original blog function that is MMOTales sole source of “entertainment”. I never bothered with Profil3 myself, since it resembles MySpace and Facebook (which I both dislike greatly, no idea why). Also, it wasn’t you that scared away the other people, the whole community of MMO did. ^^’ Theoretically. By installing the rules, some individuals on MMO tend to “flame” in a polite way.

    Example: “As already mentioned by the Moderator of this site, 1 lined blogs are not allowed, yadayadayada, and you need muffins to finish your day properly.” (Not blaming anyone, just doing a simple example. I like muffins too much, so it was the first thing that popped into my mind)

    -> The first few lines scare some people away, since on Profil3, there are barely, or no restrictions to posting.
    -> The last few lines scare a [few] people away, such as (BrokenImages perhaps) who believes such incredulities are. . . utterly nonsense. o.o
    -> And the other crazy people (the majority), who like this attitude, remains. n_n

    Another important note is that. . .
    Maple Story is the main MMORPG occupant of the site right?
    Maple Story is about Leveling, Quests, Guild Drama, Smex, and NX right? (And other weird stuff)
    So all we can blog about are those ^^^ few topics.
    Don’t you think it gets a bit boring sometimes?

    Anyway, this has nothing to do with you in particular, and I think this site is rolling around fine.

    Profil3 is slowly sinking too. If you observed it close enough, it’ll resemble Eos Tower 101 channel 1 jam packed on a Saturday morning.

    See? There’s no need to be frustrated over just a few people leaving. They’ll be back, later or sooner. Though let’s hope for the latter.

    You’re not alone in this. o.o The whole community of MMO is with you.

    xFire said: “One of the one things that annoys me on this site is not you, Mip but the hard-core people that have made acc’s on this site. If someone writes about their day on maple or another game and it seems boring, then why should that person be told “your writing’s boring”, “I hate it”, “GeT BETtEr GrAmMar”. It does get annoying when people can’t bother to use spell-checker,etc. But why make them feel bad for just doing something that the site is made for, I’ve seen some great writers out there and because of harsh critism,(nocluehowtospellthat-inarush.) they have quit their stories or blogs. Plus, some stories out there are actually quite good and the people that have wrote them are cast into the shadows and not noticed. If you like it say it! Make someone feel good about themselves so they keep composing their secretly loved stories, poems, comics, etc. o_O

    Sorry it’s kind of long. DONT LEAVE MMOT! D:”

    Kind of long?. . .

    ~I think my ears are bleeding. >O

  4. Why? Why are you saying this! Haven’t you seen end of the world movies?
    At the end everyone becomes crazy, we’re not in chaos yet!

    Please, please don’t say that you want to tear this site apart!

    Take a look at me, I have been here through a lot of times, I’m not considered a godly MMOTaler but I’m not brand new.
    Well, I still have a lot of hopes for this website, I plan to become one of those triple numbered blog people.
    If you take down this site, then you would be ruining my dreams and many other people’s hopes and dreams.

    MMOTales is like my maplestory buddy, with out it I would have probably given up on it.
    But this site has made me realize the true wonderfulness of writing, and because of it, I can try to write a work of art and not be afraid to be burned down.
    I beg you not to give up so easily.
    If you do, you are a wimp! I’m not even gonna put capitals on the word ‘wimp’
    YOU would rather give up, then fight?

    But in total, I do not even realize what you are blogging about
    This site is falling?
    I see a new cast has joined MMOTales.
    The likes a blog gets are at a higher average then before, that means more people are reading.
    And maybe there’s lesser blogs because some people are busy or they just are working hard on a project right now

    Well, all I ask for is please don’t give up hope.
    Because I and all the mmotalers can share some with you if you need some.

    ~LaZzz. . .(see, here, I don’t have to insert,”Please don’t flame me&quot

  5. lazydame said: “Why? Why are you saying this! Haven’t you seen end of the world movies?
    At the end everyone becomes crazy, we’re not in chaos yet!

    Please, please don’t say that you want to tear this site apart!

    Take a look at me, I have been here through a lot of times, I’m not considered a godly MMOTaler but I’m not brand new.
    Well, I still have a lot of hopes for this website, I plan to become one of those triple numbered blog people.
    If you take down this site, then you would be ruining my dreams and many other people’s hopes and dreams.

    MMOTales is like my maplestory buddy, with out it I would have probably given up on it.
    But this site has made me realize the true wonderfulness of writing, and because of it, I can try to write a work of art and not be afraid to be burned down.
    I beg you not to give up so easily.
    If you do, you are a wimp! I’m not even gonna put capitals on the word ‘wimp’
    YOU would rather give up, then fight?

    But in total, I do not even realize what you are blogging about
    This site is falling?
    I see a new cast has joined MMOTales.
    The likes a blog gets are at a higher average then before, that means more people are reading.
    And maybe there’s lesser blogs because some people are busy or they just are working hard on a project right now

    Well, all I ask for is please don’t give up hope.
    Because I and all the mmotalers can share some with you if you need some.

    ~LaZzz. . .(see, here, I don’t have to insert,”Please don’t flame me&quot

    Well said. I don’t see what’s to hope there, as far as I can tell, MMO > Profil3. >O

  6. I hate profil3 with a passion. I come here to blog about my MMO experiences, and I enjoy that. I do not wish to blog about real-life; I have another journal that’s for close friends irl only if I need to do that.

    I don’t blog as much as I used to, but that’s only cos I don’t play as much as I used to. That comes and goes. . . sometimes I play alot, thus I blog as much.

    I can understand why you feel the way you do, though. Don’t give up on us. We need a site like this, where literacy is important, where it’s not another MySpace clone.

  7. im active with my 2-4 blogs a day >:]. No offense but. . . if someone likes everyones blogs to much such as zaboombafu and eden. . . why did you take it away? They’re cousins aren’t they? Sorry if my grammar is to hard to understand.

  8. Eh, you’re getting on my case about that, Jesus? ^^ I was just doing my job. The fact that the similarities were undeniable, but I’m not talking about that today. Rules are just rules. ^^


  9. Sorry for the double post but we are all family on MMOTales. If you were to tear apart the site it’s like our brothers and sister dying . *Goes and cries in the corner* And I’ll miss all the times that you deleted my blogs and said, “Delete this now and put this on forum. This is not MMO related.” *Goes and runs off*

  10. Nah not really I just felt it was unfair >.<

    Mipsacri said: “Eh, you’re getting on my case about that, Jesus? ^^ I was just doing my job. The fact that the similarities were undeniable, but I’m not talking about that today. Rules are just rules. ^^


  11. I think it’s unfair that Mip is the only one who can really do anything about maintaing order in the site since captain doesn’t come here, and he didn’t appoint any other mods (or if he did they aren’t active). At least you have the decency to show yourself unlike mods at Basil. They’re too wimpy to show themselves and get ridiculed for upholding the rules. -.-

    Give it another go, Mip? Things might turn around soon. ^^

  12. That was cold. ;_; At least I didn’t delete your blogs with the temp. ban, then PM you with what you did wrong. I just gotta do my job, and usually I give everyone a chance to fix their blogs themselves. “Please fix this.” is better then “I’m going to delete your blog and not tell you what you did wrong.

    Seriously, I don’t want to tear this site apart, that’s the last thing I want. I simply think it would be more noble to die a quick and painless death then to let it drag on and on.
    But for the record: I haven’t given up the fight yet. I’m going to keep trying to get ahold of that guy, and try to get him to understand where I’m coming from.
    Also, I don’t think it’s fair to have mods in the shadows as they are. I think mods should be able to be helpful, and available in case someone needs a mod to talk to.


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