First and foremost, I’d like to acknowledge Nexon for taking charge. Though, I’m not very fond of the organization, I’ll give them credit for doing what’s needed to be done.
However, there have been things pestering me for a very long time. i chose not to speak of it because it didn’t really concern me when I first realized it but I guess I’ll just say it now.
First, I want to speak of MapleStory’s font change. Maybe Nexon announced why they did such a thing. Maybe not. If they did, I wasn’t around to hear it. But, the font now is just so… I know I shouldn’t make a big deal out of this and I know I sound like a fruitcake doing this but really, what the hell? With this sort of presentation, Nexon’s pretty much insinuating that “Maple Story is for KIDS. Come on, children. Go ask your parents to buy you some NX Cash!” I’m pretty sure this is wrong on my part and I don’t know why I really care.
Take a look. I personally miss the classic look. Now that I think about it, the font really gave MapleStory the serene Maple [EXPLORATION OF THE UNKNOWN] feeling. The displayed font now just makes me feel like crap.
Okay, now that I’ve gotten that over with, here’s another thing I’d like to mention. I’m damn sure you all know that this is happening so I won’t go in depth to it.
Do you all remember back in the day where only respectable people (with quite a bit of exceptions, of course) were the only ones with NX Cash? Since the only way of acquiring NX Cash back then was PayPal. Obviously, most kids do not know how to use it and the focus was mainly on adults. But, Nexon steps up into the plate and releases those Nexon Cards. Don’t get me wrong, those cards are pretty cool. I’ve never used them, but it’s a very clever approach for business. So, all these kids are buying Nexon out. Big deal. I don’t really give a care if kids spend their life savings on this junk. It’s apparent that they can buy better things but hey, it’s your money (or in many cases, your parents’), so you can spend it the way you want.
The thing that bothers me MOST is how people express themselves with this privilege. Freedom of Expression? Pish-posh. I guess this isn’t as bad right now as it used to be but I’d just like to point it out. Furthermore, I see a lot of discrimination revolving around “money”. Whether it’s a sprite’s looks or the fact that they don’t spend money on the game, people just don’t seem to stop. I see the same thing every single day. It’s hard to ignore but it’s harder to just stop. I guess it’s just human nature.
“You don’t have NX, you can’t join our guild” -Total bullsh-t.
“Get a skin change you n-gger!” -Need I say more?
It goes on and on. And once again, I am unable to put my thoughts into words. I just re-read what I wrote up there. It doesn’t flow and I apologize for that.
Okay, the real stuff.
Fourth job. Oh, the hype has most of the Maple population pumped, though half of them aren’t even close to that caliber yet. I for one, do not really care. Don’t get me wrong. Paladins look pretty daunting. But in all honesty, it’s just another feature (if you will) that’s being released. Alright. This makes me think back to the time when third job came out. Yeah, good stuff.
I remember the exact second the patch was over, Toushirou3 and HyunieJjang rushed and got the advancement over with. How they found their level 70 weapons so quickly is still a mystery to me. By the time I logged on, Toushirou3 already had a Doombringer and Metal Silverrings and HyunieJjang already had his Gold Dragon.
Alright, no more reminiscing. Venting time is over.
So, I was on my way to getting my level 70 Lord Pirate’s Hat. I already received the level 60 one by completing 50 quests. So I finished my 77th quest (you need 150 for the level 70 hat), and instead of checking the number of quests I completed, I reseted the number. How smart is that? So right now, I’m at 108. If you add 77 to that, I’d already be kicking it with that level 70 hat. Slick…
On a side note:
Heath Ledger, 28, was found dead today (with pills scattered around) in his apartment in Manhattan. For those of you who don’t know who he is, I guess his biggest role was the opposite of Jake Gyllenhaal’s role in Brokeback Mountain. If you still don’t know who he is, he’ll be Joker in the upcoming Batman film, The Dark Knight (has been shot already). Yeah, what a bummer. Everyone’s pretty sure (or at least I am) that it’s DOD.
OH, AND FINALS. Crap… I should get cookin’ on my studies.
I argree with everthing you said there.

And yeah I heard about his death on teh news
That really sucks
He won’t be able to see his movie become a smash hit
I don’t usually pass on rumors/gossip/unconfirmed info but apparently the font change was due to copyright threats
they said it was the harry potter people, i doubt that part
but the copyright part would make sense
Your literacy makes me awe 😮
yah i saw in hte papers D=
nuu i didnt get to see brokeabck yet lawl!
but i do like how you present your point.
Why do you wanna see two men being gay?
Unless. . . -gasp-
Yeah, like Waffle said, the font was changed because of copyright issues with Harry Potter. Blasphemy, I tell you. >O
Wow, Nexon sure are hypocrites, we need to be 13 or older to play the game, so anybody under that age has to lie about their age. Then, they try to manipulate the people under 13 (because I’m sure that font is not appealing to anybody older than 10 years of age) to buy Nexon cash. So in a sense, they’re trying to get little children to lie about their age, and everybody knows lying is bad, especially for young people. <—– Use this point in a lawsuit.
You get a likey for indirectly mentioning my best friend’s favorite anime character.
Just kidding, the like was for the PURE AWSMNESS of teh blogzorz too. 8D
Actually, they changed the age limit to 10 recently.
What about the 6 year olds running around with their pwnage lvl 70+?