hackfreezone: go to ***ex@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ its .net
hackfreezone: wats ur name, ***** #, aanndd ********, soo i can scam u?
************: no
hackfreezone: trimming armour!
hackfreezone: flash33:scroll:jagex ***** ***
hackfreezone: hey noobss, wanna trade accountts?
hackfreezone: ill go transferring by trading by myself
hackfreezone: wwttf? im not using cusstomer support!
hackfreezone: **** you *****; u **********
hackfreezone: trimming armour!
hackfreezone: scrolll:ummmmm,,, can i look at ur bbanks?
hackfreezone: scrolll:jageex ***** ***
hackfreezone: sslide:ill seendd u virruuses
hackfreezone: hhey nnoobs, wanna trade accounts?
hackfreezone: hey u noobs! im using autotalker! report me pl0x
hackfreezone: hey u should get autotyper,, so u can trade even better!
hackfreezone: go to ***ex@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ its .net
hackfreezone: wats ur name, ***** #, and *******, so i can scam u?
hackfreezone: **** yoou *****; u *********
hackfreezone: jaggex ***** ***
hackfreezone: slidee:ill send u viruses
hackfreezone: ill go transfferriingg by trading by myself
hackfreezone: hey u should get autotyper,, so uu can trade even better!
hackfreezone: fllash11::wwaavee22:go to ***exx@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ its .net
************: selling 11k ess 30ea
hackfreezone: wats ur name, ***** #, and *******, so i can scam u?
************: selling 11k ess 30ea
************: wat shield is that
hackfreezone: jagex modss and player mods,, ban me please!!! thaank you.
************: how do i get varrock herald
************->hackfreezone: curse
************: selling 11k ess 30ea
hackfreezone: trimming armour!
hackfreezone: jagex ***** ***
hackfreezone: whiite:wave:hey noobs, wanna trade accounts?
************: yeah a lot
hackfreezone: flash2:scroll:hey u noobs! im usingg autootalkker! report me pl0x
hackfreezone: flash2:wave2:hey u should get aautootyyperr,, so u can traade even better!
hackfreezone: what? im not using customer support!
************: noob
hackfreezone: ill buy 3m ffor $30
hackfreezone: jagex mods and player mods, ban me please!!! thank you.
hackfreezone: trimmingg aarmour!
hackfreezone: flash3:scroll:jagex ***** ***
hackfreezone: glow3:slide:ill ssend u virusess
hackfreezone: hey noobs, wanna trade accounts?
hackfreezone: hey u should get autotyper,, so u can trade even better!
************: selling 11k ess 30ea!!!!!!!!!!!!
hackfreezone: go to ***ex@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ its .net
hackfreezone: wats ur name, ******e #, and *******, so i can scam u?
hackfreezone: shakee:****** yyou ******; u ******ards
************: quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hackfreezone: ummmm,,, caan i lloook at ur banks?
hackfreezone: sliide::ill send u viruses
hackfreezone: hey u noobs! im using autotalker! report me pl0x
************: jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
hackfreezone: hey u should get autotyper,, so u can trrade even better!
hackfreezone: ill buy 3m for $30
hackfreezone: jagex mods and playeer mods, ban me please!!! thank you.
************: selling 11k ess 30ea!
hackfreezone: trimming armour!
************: selling 11k ess 30ea~
hackfreezone: jagex *****s ****
hackfreezone: hey noobs,, wanna trade accounts?
************: selling 11k ess 30ea!
hackfreezone: hey u should get autotyper,, so u can trade even better!
************: selling 11k ess 30ea!
************: need gf
hackfreezone: what? im not using customer support!!
hackfreezone: ill buy 3m for $30
hackfreezone: jjagexx mmoodds aanndd pllaayeer mooddss,, ban me please!!! than
hackfreezone: scrroll:trimmmming armour!
************: i need a gf
hackfreezone: sscroll:jaggex ***** ***
hackfreezone: hey nooobs, wanna trade accouunts??
hackfreezone: :ill go trraansferring by trading by myself
hackfreezone: what? im not using customer support!
hackfreezone: ill buy 3m for $30
hackfreezone: jagex mods and pllayer mmods, ban me please!!! thank you.
hackfreezone: sccroll:ttriimmiinng armouurr!
hackfreezone: :jaggex ***** ***
************: ?
hackfreezone: hey noobbs, wwanna trade aaccounts?
hackfreezone: ill go transferring by trading by myself
hackfreezone: go to ***ex@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ its .net
************: you can sell in mem
************: worlds 100ea
hackfreezone: wats ur name, ***** #, and *******, so i can scam u?
hackfreezone: **** you ******h; u ********
************: BUYIN AMMY OF POWER!!!!!
hackfreezone: jagex ***** ***
hackfreezone: hey noobbs, wanna trade accountts?
hackfreezone: :scroolll:ill go transferring by trading by myself
hackfreezone: reed:shhake:what? im not ussing customer support!
hackfreezone: illl buy 3m for $30
hackfreezone: jagex mods and plaayer mods, ban me please!!! thank you.
hackfreezone: trimming armour!
hackfreezone: hey nooobss, wwannna trade accounts?
hackfreezone: hey u should get autotyper,,, so u can trade even better!
hackfreezone: go to **agex@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ itss .net
hackfreezone: ill buy 3m for $30
my message rate was 1 second per message (I used autotalker)
Im just telling everyone this but try out this link it might be bad because of the foregin launguage but link.com <– Cool site which my launguage and the creation of ms was or try out these
link <-Nexon
link <-Wizet