wow people are stupid

Well this seems to be my first blog and i have major doubts that a soul will ever wander over my decrepid land that i call my site in this little bloggery (yes i just used the word bloggery). OOOOOOKAAAAAAAY so i was feckin around with my friends at the land of the wild bull when a guy yells at me “GET A LIFE” then i say “no thanks i have about 10 in different games” during this a level 29 noob mage had over heard and decided that it was his god given right to defame me, so he did. I didnt notice at first but when i looked down i started cursing at the key board and screen (etc etc.) so i tried to follow but he tracked me of course and just scrolled away so luckily my friends were at my house to day so i got on my friends warrior and started tracking him and eventually defamed him/ reported for harassment ( during this he had been constantly insulting me and calling me various words that i would be banned from this site if i repeated). long story short i got back and it felt good

3 thoughts on “wow people are stupid”

  1. I did something like that once. I got into a huge defame war and lost about 25 fame in just 4 hours

  2. xmikeslave0 said: “if thats ur first blog, how come u have 2 more blogs at ur MMOid? lol”

    My first one thats longer than x lines

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