You up for it? A level 22 LunarPanda of Aibatt that flies on a nice Ignice Board.
That’s like, Sexy to the power of Panda.
Anyway, Rose and I were just going crazy yesterday, as many of you read in her blog, “Penguins and Noobs” (Refer to: link )
Anyway, I have yet to Abuse the Dividers, but that’s for another day. Anyway, let’s start with Yesterday.
Flashback to me, level 19. I’m at the Boss Bangs, and I’ve made the huge-est mistake, getting Fire Boomerang to level 10, when level 5 is the requirement for my tier two skills. Bleh. But I got my other skills to five, and began Stoning (No, not like that) Boss Bangs. Huge folds of rock enveloped Bang by Bang. Bleh, it was just crazy. I had Party Requests FLYING at me. I looked to the corner of my left eye. 98.93% Heck yeah! I have a habit of running my tounge over my right incisor at times, cause it’s like, sharp. So, in all this nervousness, I was getting near to shredding my tounge.
Another fold of rock smashed into a Boss Bang, and it fell in submission. A blue glow washed over my pixelated body, and lookit me! I became level 20!! Rawr. I quickly read over the flying tips Rose gave me, and waited the patient 10 seconds for the Ignice Board to Equip itself. I didn’t move. I furrowed my brow. 0 KM/h. Then I read over the instructions again, she’d said “Press Space to start”. I exhaled sharply, then tapped my space bar. I accelerated at a startlingly high rate.
I logged off happy that night, and prompty fell asleep, most of my energy drained from the rapid clicking of C, F1, F2, F3, and F9 (Hotkeys).
I had my midterms this morning, and for 2 different tutoring classes. One being Chinese (Which I hate writing, but lurv speaking), the other being Math+English, so a total of THREE massive midterms. I twiddled my fingers the whole ride home. I zoomed past my mom, who was still opening the MailBox, and up the stairs. Who needs slow elevators that go a floor per 30 seconds when I can zoom up a floor in 3-5 seconds?
I crashed into my chair, and yelled for my sister to bring me a soda. She whined, but brought me an ice cold Fanta. Whatever happened to those commercials? They were HAWT. >.>;;
Anyway, I opened MMOTales, checked the blogs quickly, got on AIM, and, setting my away message, opened FlyFF. I trained hard. Getting to level 21, I moved on to the Wagsaacs. Nehehe. Funny name =]
Anyway, I’ve just become level 22, with a new set of equips. Yeah =] Smexy Panda.
Pics for all!
link – You wanna mess with me? You mess with my Earth Strike.
link – Whoa now, there are kids on this site.
link – They all looks like ants from here!
link – Forgot to blog about becoming a Magician. =[
link – Old Vagrant Pic.
-The Panda
Quality blogs ftw! ^^
Loved the third screen shot. ^^
Ah, thanks for the support Fenny. =]
The Sky Screenie?
Panda! This is an excellent blog! This is probably one of the best I’ve ever read! I’m not kidding!
Eep! Super thanks. But, lots of people have WAYY better blogs, i.e Iepiat, Aliyah etc.
Congrats, you are now exactly half my level. XD
What he said.
Ooo! I really liked this
&& The screenies are lovely x) I never really tried FLYFF But it looks awesome. =]
^^ Grats, Panda, on the Magicianess.
Thanks, everyone =]