Nice people…

…Do exist in MS

Case in point: two people have dropped high level equips, and let me take them. I didn’t even ask or anything! They just wanted to get rid of them, because they had a better item. Just odd to see people like that in MS lately.

Another point, higher levels usually are nice, as long as you aren’t a total ass to them. That’s what a lot of the community is lacking, respect. I mean, there’s a platform with two cakes that spawn there. If someone else wants them, I’ll gladly shoot one, and the other person can kill the other.

Also, I know I’m sort with my blogs, but I don’t like to add fluff. To the point FTW!

#1 First thing I got

#2 Some jerk
Funny story about #2, that mage said that archer was a hacker, based on A. attitude (she came in and KS’ed actually), and B. “Lack of fame”. Just because one has lower fame than others does not mean they hack. They could just be a person that avoids towns except for when they need pots and such, like me. I could easily have a higher fame, but I really don’t bother.

#3 second thing I got
#4 Witty GM
#5 Witty smegas

15 thoughts on “Nice people…”

    people are so surprised to see a GM make mistakes or be funny
    “I dont have soul minions”

    and yeah there are nice high lvls but it’s hard to find them
    they should wear a special hat or something that says:
    or something

  2. Hey, PirateJing posts here too.
    But I didn’t get the joke in the mega. Someone explain?

    The Fire Arund is kinda lousy though. My sexeh Hinkel has higher Watk. ^^
    But the Giga. O_O Sweet.

  3. Ignore the second mega in the final screen, then you’ll get it (in other words, he’s calling that guy out).

    But hey, it’s a free lvl 80 bow, think I’m going to complain?

  4. Ooh. Okay.

    No, you’re not. Smack some chilli slimes over the head with it, and tell them because it matches their colour.

  5. XD
    I was referring to the Red Slimes map in the Secret Spa in Showa Town in the Zipangu maps. *nods*

    Yay more making things sound complicated. :X

  6. . . .
    -is even more confused-

    where is it? is it easy to reach? do u have to be a certain level to get to it?

    all that mumbo jumbo you said makes as much sense to me as seeing a giant midget x____X;

  7. LAWL.

    Poor dee.

    It’s a new map, based on Japan, that is currently available in JMS/KMS/etc/SEA. Just not Global.
    You don’t have to be a certain level to reach it, you just have to tank past the Yakuzas and die close enough to Showa.

    Hmm. Here’s my Zipangu blog, maybe you’ll understand it better. link

    that place sounds so cool but we dont have it! D<
    we dont have cocacola world either DD<
    but. . .then again
    mapleglobal would be so much laggy that
    peoples computers would crash >____>;
    but it still would be cool if global had it

  9. Aww, that was really nice of them Scrolled items too!
    Well, it’s nice to hear you had fun. =)

    And the last picture with the s’megas~Jing had a crazy comeback x)

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