Quotes. o.0

Hai =D Well, I haven’t had the time to post more quotes. Sorry. ;-; But guess what!? POSTING QUOTES RIGHT NOW Lol. Oh yeah, I did not make these quotes and giving credits to whoever made ’em. =) Less typing, more quote-ing. o.O

it’s the kind of love that just
makes you go awww.

sing from the heart
dream from the soul
smile to the stars
love like you’ll never let go

It takes no more time to see the
good side of life than to see the bad.

im not saying that im in love..
im just saying that lately, youre all i think about.

Stand up for what you believe in.
Even if your standing alone.

people who don’t know me
think that i’m quiet, people
that do know me, wish i was.

I want a guy that will make me happy.
Someone that will make me smile when I hear his voice.
Someone that will love me unconditionally.
I want a guy that will make my friends say to one another,
“She’s happy again.”

if it means marrying you
with a ring pop instead of a
diamond ring;; i would do it

When you tell someone something bad about yourself,
you’re scared they won’t love you anymore.
But then you get surprised
because not only do they still love you,
but they love you even more.

you know, when it works,
love is pretty amazing.

tell me you’re not okay
and you needed me all along

to those of you who thought you knew me
well im sorry but you are oh. so. wrong.

And when we aren’t together,
I want to be the one he’s missing.

that boy loves her in a
way he doesnt even realize.

Make my heart burn with passion;
my body yearn for love;
and my eyes sparkle as we kiss.

everyone promises that they care;
until something better comes along.

It’s tougher than diamonds, and rich like cream,
stronger and harder than a bad girl’s dream.
Make a bad one good, make a wrong one right.
It’s the power of love that keeps you home at night.

I’m not going to act fake to get your
attention, you should like me, for me.

She was much too pretty and much too depressed
they saw the beauty & overlooked the mess.

Remember: be yourself.
Speak your mind. Live your life.
The people who matter won’t care
and the people who care don’t matter.

you learn a lot about people
when you listen to the songs
that mean something to them.

i wanna be the girl who changed everything
that girl that made a difference
that girl who gave everyone a story to tell.

I hate this feeling. It’s like,
I just don’t know you anymore.

He meant everything to her
But she meant nothing to him.
And the sad thing is;;
She’d still do anything to be with him.

people say i`m a bad influence.
i say, the world`s already fxcked up.
i`m just adding to it.

we`re old enough to know better,
but too young to care.

you turned my life around
you picked me up when i was down

FATE `–»
decides who enters your life.
decide who stays in your life.
[ but there`s no point in trying
to rush fate. because the best things
in life are worth the wait ]

it`s funny how you can grow away from
your friends. when, just a few years ago,
they were the most important people in your life.

even though you broke my heart,
i still love you.

you were unmistakeably my first love,
and i will never forget that. even though
we`ve both grown apart, both changed, a
piece of you remains with me, always. you
will always be a part of me, because you
have unknowingly showed me what i
deserve. and every guy i`m with from this
day on will be compared to you.

youu just gotta deal with the shxt that people
do. not everyone in life is gonna stay true.

.. & i`m scared that i`m gonna walk
out of this room without you ever
realizing how much you really, truly
mean to me<3

it doesn`t really matter what you wear.
» let the people stare «

take your dxmn fairytale endings and your hopes,
dreams, and wishes and shove them up your arse.
this is the real world. and that shxt just doesn`t
cut it, anymore.

you`re the sweetest kind of catastrophe.
the one that keeps me up at night. i never
thought this would be worth it. but i`m *
not willing to give up this fight.

and you know dxmn well
that we`d go crazy without eachother.

i`m the kind of girl who tries so hard not
to like you, but ends up falling for youu
even harder

more people would learn from their
mistakes if they weren`t too busy
denying them.

[ EVERYTHiNG ] that happens in your life
has a reason. usually, we`re too stubborn to
see it, but some day down the road, you`ll *
realize the lesson you needed to learn long ago

to succeed ; we must first believe that
–»» WE CAN.

no act of kindness..
no matter how small,
is ever wasted.

CHALLENGES are what make life interesting.
overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

there is no better lesson learned
than one you`ve gone through yourself.

maybe her laughter is a cry for help.
& her precious smile a symbol of her insecurities.

i don`t forgive people because i`m weak.
i forgive them because i`m strong enough
to understand that people make mistakes.

when life gives you a hundred reasons
to cry, show life that you have a thousand
reasons to smile.

Wow.. So many quotes. x] Well all those quotes make up for all the times I didn’t post. D: I hope you enjoyed them. Btw, I’d like to see which quote in this blog you liked the best overall. =D Well I’mma go nao. G’night everone <3

x33 Suniiaaaa

7 thoughts on “Quotes. o.0”

  1. Nice quotes I got one too.

    We always see the world in our eyes, but have you ever wondered what your life would have been like if you were the person who sits next to you in class. It is through a different prespective that we learn the truth about the horrible things the world has to offer.

  2. my favorite quite of ALL TIME! i think it’s the most cooliest thing ever

    “lead me not into temptation, I can find it myslef”


  3. “Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, marriage ring and suffering”

    I’m not sure if any of you have heard this before

  4. mrlumpy said: “”Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, marriage ring and suffering”

    I’m not sure if any of you have heard this before”

    Must remember that one.

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