WOW! what a day!

YAAAAY! i finally got my boat! it’s just too cool, i got to sail for about an hour, soon i’ll add that stupid fishing skill and maybe i can catch a chest (if thats where they come from o.o)
anywho, the first trip out i fell a bit…..below what i should have, i was looked at a website that listed a bunch of ports, and someone reccomended zephyr isle, so i thought “hmmmmm that sounds cool”
so i punched in the coordinance after docking for the firt time on my spiffy new guppy. (it’s cute, OK?!) anywho, after 2 days of saving, i spent it all on the boat (i’m not complaining! i love it!)

so as i set sale for zephyr i kill some seaweed monsters along the way, now to anyone who is considering going out for their first boat trip, i suggest you look ONLY for “seaweed” monster, and not “wild seaweed” monster (or jellyfish, or sharks, or whatever the hell that big thing was that i was smart enough to run away from)
it is a long, boring trip for the most part, so blowing up a few things along the way helps (u can also just set the auto drive pilot in the direction the arrow points, works the same as on land, and just set at ur desk and read or something)
i ran into wild seawood not to terribly far out from argent harbor, so i figured it can’t be that tought (please note, wild attacks, the other one doesn’t) so i click it and it gives me a good thrashing before i finally blew it up.

so finally we arrive at the beautiful, exotic zephyr isle, and it is really nice there, fun music ^^
so i start to explore, first step out of camp i spot a cute little green wolf creature, so i watch it for a minute, and it darts over towards me, and before i can moe away, it SLAUGHTERS me! i mean one hit, smack, boom, dead.
so that REALLY pisses me off, not so much because i died, but because my respawn point is in the ice village! so not only am i extremely far from my boat, but i have NO IDEA how to get there from land, then it hits me, it’s an island! my boat is
stuck in an island harbor! i’m F(BEEP)D. so after freaking out about that for a few minutes, i run over to the basic teleport, pay her fee, and go back to argent city. remember an island teleport from yesterday i scour the city until i find her at the harbor (shut up i’m probably not the first person this has happened too….. -.-)

so i ask to be taken back to zephyr, and she asks not for the 500 gold the usual chick does, but 2000! it took me 2 days to save up 10k! so, as much as i hated too, i sold my level 20 bow (i really love my boat….) which i only needed to level once more to use, i take some comfort in the fact that i’d been thinking of keeping my purple and pink bow because i like it and it matches my equip better. (i still wanted to try it though…)

anywho, i go back to over charging skank, and pay her 2k fee. finally i get back to zephyr to get my boat, which i almost forgot to repair before i went back out, so now on the newly repaired, freshly fueled minty ship, i head back to argent city (i didn’t really care if i got there before i had to sign off, i just wanted to get close to base)
so as i get closer to argent i notice a flickering thingy at the edge of my screen, slowly inching towards it, i realize it’s a huge energy thing or electric water wave or something. i hoenstly, don’t know what the hell it was, just that it was spitting blue lightning bolts. so….yea, i left.

then finally i look at the radar and see i’m just a couple minute away from argent city. i got hit with a random lag when i looked away, i wait for it to unfreeze and at the top middle off the screen i see a black column (like a shiny black marble one) i stupidly clicked towards it while it was lagging, and discover, no it is NOT a column, but a shark, a shark with the “???” level infront of it’s name. now, knowing damn well that any monster with “???” infront of it’s name, is either going to kill you, or is going to make your day, pretty bad.
so i try to run away from it so as i click, it heads to the var same spot the result was, that we hit eachother at an angle, like this : >, it dishes out a nice little attack and knocks my hitpoint down 2/5 of the way.
so, noticing now that if i don’t get back to argent city my precious 10k boat, is going to sink. so i punch in the coordinance again ( i turned it off at some point) and start high tailing it back to argent city before another aggressive monster tries to kill me, the whole way dodging and running away from alot more wild seaweed then i remember passing on teh way there.
then i notice a jelly fish, i figured as always, such a low leveled monster, that didn’t attack me when i got close, had to be harmless, right? WRONG! (NEVER THINK THIS! EVER EVER EVER!)
so i attack it hoping to get at least one good profitable item out of the trip, long story short, i did kill it, but with 57 hp remaining, now in retro spect, that may not seem to bad, but when you started out with over a thousand HP, it is, very very bad.
so barely making it back to argent city harbor, i immediatley refuel and repair my boat. while the general experiance was hectic, it was very fun.
next time, i think i’ll go with a party. or maybe not o.o more people, more sharing. less items and money for me.

anyway, to put a perfect end to the day, i decided to have some more fun.
freaking out noobs!
i went to a staircase not far from the harbor and used the “play dead” emote in the flower garden, when you flop over, you completely invisible, the plants cover ur charecter up in a way thats almsot impossible to see unless standing in the perfect spot.
so whenever someone would walk by me, i would talk to them. “hi i’m Lina, the talking flowerbed, i am the voice of the plants” a few kids kept asking how i did that, “i am at one with the flowers, and the trees” they would either get bored or frustrated and leave. until terry came along, terry if ever someday you read this, thank you, you were fun.
the tale of terry:
terry walks along and i greet him with my usual flowery greeting. he freaks out and starts screaming o.o (anyone else know why? *still hasn’t figured it out*) so he asks me how i become a flower patch. “i became one with the plants, you too can acheive this grasshopper” so he runs away, after a couple minutes of running around the area asking how to come a flower patch, he comes back. who are you really? “i am lina of the flower patch, this is my domain”

he laughs for a minute then runs off again, so i talk to more people as they walk by (it doesn’t bother most, unless they can see by your equips your a decent level, you are going to be COMPLETELY ignored, by almost everyone)
so he randomly comes and sits down in the flower patch. i can’t help but laugh as he tries to hide in the flowers by sitting down in the tallest plants (sitting down can not hide you, especially guys, the tiny charecters maybe….)
so i keep yammering on about being nice to flowers, not to pick any of me and blah blah blah. terry runs off AGAIN, after a few minutes he comes back, and finally finds the “play dead” emote, then laughs and runs off.
maybe funnier in game then when reading it, but it is fun. even sailing is fun just be careful.

also, when playing this game, to all you guys out there who ignore people beacause they are a lower level than you, LISTEN, BE NICE! don’t be so f(BEEP)ing rude, low level players, are like kids in a way, and we are the older siblings, they need help when they start out, with learning the gameplay and junk, and not dieing over and over again on a quest.
so, stop shutting up and offer a helping hand ^_^ and to the noob kid earlier that d/c. sorry pal, i waited for 15 minutes for you to log back in, i had stuff to do. i hope your ok and glad i could at least help level you up a couple levels. good luck on your hunter quest, aaaand sorry i forgot your name.

and as a final goodbye i leave this advice
play nice with noobs, they have feelings and you used to be one too.
instant immersion into a game where you have no higher lvl friends to help you is the best way to learn something fast,
(2 days in game, i got my boat and everything and learned to play on my own, using site guides annoys me)
and finally, just because it’s cute, does not mean it won’t kick your ass.