perfections pain.

I and my friend wrote this, so dont blame INTIRELY if you dont like it.
Hope you likes it. Took us a while. ^.^

~[perfections pain.]~

This child, the child,
With her name unchanged,
These ships, her ship,
are not ours to drown,
The caption of the sinking ship.
Her name, her self,
Rests below the sea.

Her Heart’s in a cage,
Through the light it shows,
Felling better with weight like the sun,
while her perfect spirit glows.

But wishing your life was a life time,
With full praises and rejoice,
We covet all the successful lives,
We are given the choice.

To take, the life,
Of the incased heart,
To stop the throbbing,
To be swift, with a killing art.

The pain, of life,
With all the murderous clans,
they rest, they sleep,
With bodies resting on there hands,

~[Writhen by: Leifgreen.]~

If you where wondering, That was based on a dream I had, Yepers, Pretty freaky! o.0″

Please rate my other thing I wrote also!
Hers a link to it:
Truth of the world:

THANKS for reading! Please leave a positive comment.
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15 thoughts on “perfections pain.”

  1. Not really offending to you, but you are aware that you spelled ‘leaf’ wrong in your account’s name and your mule’s account’s name? ‘ Mapleleif7’?

    Just making sure you noticed. ^^;

  2. Ya dont worry, “Leaf” is the green (Or some other coler) things on a tree. (Or ground.) But the name I like: “Leif” Is spelled right, for it is a sweedish name.
    yep, yep.
    Just clearing that up for you all.

  3. Yush yush, but you *are* aware using mules to fame yourself is like, big time frowned upon and agains’t the rules? It’s cool though if you didn’t, just don’t do it anymore?


  4. Sure Sure, I guess your right, But Thats my friends account, and sometimes, It’s him doing it. But it was ME this time.
    (Is account shareing a big time frowned upon and agains’t the rules? Please anser.)

  5. Well, Me and mu friends on MS come up with this stuff, And some things I wright have Maple Story elements in them. (Not this one inparticuler.)
    But now you know.

    MWsseage from Leifgreen:
    (I forgot. T.T)

  6. Leifgreen, check your spelling xD or at least your typing. You make too many typos.

    Use the !@#$ backspace button!

  7. Theo said: “xXyZaThEx said: “Yes. Mip, your really vicious now.”


    She certain has changed sire.

  8. O.O, i dont really know who mip was and how she used to be XD oh well!
    I like your writing style, even without ryhmes, its really good ^^ keep up the good work!

    – VanillaPocki –

  9. Well, I guess my Program i’m useing is not much good. I’m useing : Microsft word 2003. A free trial that is. It underlines all the typos. WHY IS IT NOT WORKING!? WTH? ows wells. ( I like puting “S” at the ends ofs mys senteces. ^_^ )

  10. I suggest not to rely on spellcheckers. Use them, but don’t rely on them. It’s like clerics in MS. Get a cleric if you can, but use pots if you have to.

    The “pots” are your knowledge of spelling and grammar. (I hope you do know how to spell.)

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