
My I/L Mage turned 51 today. I dont know but I’m getting bored with it. I grinded hard and made it to this level in 3 weeks and I didnt bother doing most of the quests.

Honestly, I really don’t care if I level or not and lately training gets really boring. left-right-attack-attack-up-down-attack-attack.

I need some motivation.

Is level really important?

8 thoughts on “Bored.”

  1. Nope.

    I think the best bit of Maple is that I get to run around with random people and strange persons (*cough*my friends and guildies*coughs*) and just wreak havoc. I hardly feel the need to train unless I’m above 50%. And of course, running around and wreaking havoc and ending up dying to strong monsters are a kind of motivation, because you know you want to level up and be able to tank them.

    And of course, having crazy levellers in your BL and guild is motivation too. *mumbles about Eona who leveled up from 105-107 in ONE day*

  2. The burden of grinding and level will become the main reason of boredom. Take a break, mess around, then go back grinding. Moderation is the key to motivation (lol ).

    @SilverFx: 105 to 107 in one day O_O

  3. @silver: omg 1337

    @at person: well i just set a goal for myself like “IM GONNA GET TO LVL 87 AND THATS THAT!”

    then place a second goals like me “IM GONNA GET TO WHATEVER LVL PIRATEJING IS1!” and its attainable as he quit =O

    then place another goal “IM GONNA LVL TIL I CAN HIT 200000 ON BOB ZOMG1337!” im so gonna do it O___O;;


  4. Make Maple Story 3D and able to have PvP and the ability to hit players, then levels matter. =P

  5. it kind of is, because then you can go into higher level maps and go fight zakum or papulatus and the higher level u are, the less people spit on you for being a low level. 51, you say? go do ludi maze PQ and do that 3 hours each night, u’ll level once or twice a week

  6. Hmph.

    Level doesn’t matter, at least not to me. I’m a nublet at heart, and always will be. Even though I’m level 58

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