stinky maple breath

you know i wonder
although this is a game
how stinky maple character
breath is

if you think about it
maple characters never brush thier teeth
they neva wash there face
(unless ur in aqua)

and i think quite literally
that not only thier breath stinks
but they do too

i mean you neva take showers
i bet u they sweat alot while fighting monsters

so just picture it
how stinky would your maple character be??

7 thoughts on “stinky maple breath”

  1. Is this supposed to be a poem without rhymes?

    Couldn’t you at least put in a *ribbit* somewhere?

  2. . . .*cough*

    I’ll give you a like for effort

    Non-rhyming poems tend to be serious which is why i think your’s didn’t “click”

    But i’ll give you a like because, as a poet, i want to encourage other poets

    just uhh

    Make it good, next time XD

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