star lightS pt 3

ok story….
“Watch out!” a person said.
the toenails of this white were wolf dug deep into the ludibrum toy bricks, the atmosphere had a mystical tinge to it.

the were wolf raised its hands and summmoned 2 normal werewolves. they had devious intentions.

I stumbled clinging on the edge of the bricks, bracing myself for their attack. i heard a battle of fighting and a hand reached to

grab me, that hand had a mithril slyvia glove on it saying x4sinbandit. he pulled me up.
i glared at the mess ontop.

blood of the werewolves spluttered everywhere. ontop of the large werewolves were 3 people.

1 with a bow, 1 with a llama staff and the last one had the same hairstyle as me.
their names in short were Joy, keke and water.

“thanks again” i said again to the 3 and s1nb4nditxX.
” dont mention it” replied joy.
“oh it’s nothing” said keke
” ummmm jus call joy “rabbit” ok?” said water
“sleath and flameal come out of the counter!” I shouted
they crawled out like babys.
“as a token of thanks i shall treat you all out to red bean sundaes!!”
chain shock announced: ok all of you are dismissed…!

the next day….
in the dark corner of the henysys dungeon.

boom! slush BOOM! slush slush slush

‘RUN” shouted this newcomer called andrew1888…

but the 2 newcomers were cornered. they were shivering as the giant mixed golem fell to its knees.

the shadowed figure walked away dropping 10000 mesos infont of the two newbies.

the mysterious figure came to us im kerning city.

and knocked on our room.

and opened the door

the next thing knew we were in this parallel world full of red walls.

the figure stood infront of us as he/she raised a DR at us