Wierd Guy…….

Okay There Was this guy named Defuku566 And he was just going around saying “Me and you Are Freaky lets freak and u can smack my (Beep) every Night” I was like u pervert!!! i mass defamed him and he said “You smack my (Beep) and i fame you and give you meso im emo and you emo” I logged out and ive been looking out for him everyday this was in MapleSEA aquila.. PS: this guy has been banned for herassment YEAH@@@@

10 thoughts on “Wierd Guy…….”

  1. LOL i ment im not signaporian! im not asian im white u need to stop dissin’ people

  2. And you need to learn to spell. kthxbai.

    Oh, I pity you. Here, American, whose first language is supposed to be English. It’s spelt Singaporean.

  3. [[ Eh . I think I interpreted it. Or maybe its just my pessimist side kicking in . ]]

    Spell better, please .

    Were-bestie doesn’t diss anyone .

    ditto Silvahh .

    They speak American-English .

    Ever wonder why there’s an English [United States] and an English [United Kingdom] ?

    [[ There isn’t much of an excuse, anyway, as the only difference is the way of speaking it and the spellings of some words . o_o ]]

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