
“You have received one note(s).”

“You have been expelled from the guild.”


Even though I knew I’d logged onto my cleric and not my main, I did experience a few seconds of confusion as I signed on to see the big notification thing. [1] Confusion as in frantically opening the guild window in disbelief and trying to ask people on my buddy list why I had been kicked. Inactivity, probably…

I make myself feel very silly sometimes, yes I do.


At least I’m free to join other guilds now, though I do tend to feel some sort of stigma towards my cleric. Something to do with my username or gibberish like that, pfft. Having thoroughly realized that I was not, in fact, on my ranger, I decided to get on my ranger.

And what a surprise! This time a happy one.

Signing on, I loaded into the ever familiar Forest of Golem. Only one red dot showed up on my minimap, wandering around and staying mostly to itself. I idled near the top portal, chatting with all my friends in the guild.

We talked a bit about my cleric being expelled, the explaination being that they needed space for a ‘newb’ for the guild quest. Other, more random topics were dredged up from the murky shallows of my guildmates’ interests and discussed at length. My newbie warrior that’d been stuck in Aqua Road for three weeks out of sheer laziness. Video games. (I may have tried to bring up Catch-22 here, but I was ignored.)

A level 87 hermit signed on to say that someone had ks’ed his level 14 magician and he was going to get some revenge. Now there’s a person who won’t be stealing kills for quite a while. PTSD, indeedy.

What was my topic about again?

Ah, yes. The red dot.

The stranger on my map climbed up to clear the spawn of golems. At the moment, I was paying more attention to the purple text on my screen than anything else. Then, I saw the word “you” appear in white. [2]

Sure, I might appear a bit nonchalant in the chat log. Believe me, though, when I say I was, err, very excited in real life.

I had just chanced upon my first Broan MMOTer: Glacier123, known here as FirstKnight.

Which might not seem amazing until one tries to name the active bloggers on this site that play on Broa. I count… three. Shatred, vicelin, and MasterCheeze, if I recall, are the only three Broans here who’ve posted an experience blog in the past month.

And me, duh. >_<


After bidding FirstKnight farewell, I hiked off in an attempt to complete my monthly quota of innocent creatures killed. I’d gained a few percent when fellow guild members called upon me to do my honored duty.

That is, get on my cleric, accept an invite, sit around aimlessly, kill zombie things, do a jump quest, sit around aimlessly, then kill myself by taking off my manly purple earrings.

My role complete, I decided to get back on my ranger so I could do some real fighting in the next guild quest run. [3]

Silly, isn’t it? One ranger accompanied by three bandits; I actually felt needed for once. The gargoyle at the top of the map dispatched, I watched with a twinge of envy as the others attacked, jumped to the next monster and attacked, all with no thought of minimum range or whether they needed to use PKB or perform a back-jumpshot or whatever.

Pshh, melee. ¬¬

That run also finished, I headed to Henesys to try to buy some green tickets, for the Valentine’s event would end the next day. I’d already hoarded 270 or green tickets, both from drops and trades. 600k later, my count was up to 570 tickets.

A friend and guild member, Foofar1829, wanted me to help him train his crossbow-wielding archer, so I took him to a random tree in Ellinia. [4]

Having eventually collected 600 green tickets, I exchanged them for an Eclipse Cloak and called it a day. [5]


Hmm, I’m almost caught up to present events, seeing as all that happened four weeks ago. Shhh, don’t tell Iepiat, or he’ll stall in writing his next blog.

9 thoughts on “-Blink-”

  1. Hm. . I bought the tickets like the day before the event ended. It was awesome, lol. Everyone was tired of the tickets and wanted to sell them fast, so I was at FM entrance [channel 1] screaming “BUYING YELLOW TICKETS FOR 1K EACH!” And it worked =] -Thanks my friend for teaching me business and economy in ms- So I think I spent like about 1 mil or 1.5 mil on getting tickets lol. I got a eclipse cloak, lunar earrings, PP pilfer, and that mage hat that I cannot recall right now. . =p I got the PP Pilfer on the last day before the event ended. It was horrible x.x No one would accept 1k for a ticket because now people are frantically getting the tickets T.T.

    Btw, there was 2 times a event happened when I logged on. No, not a GM event or whatever, I logged on and I go like–what? What’s this empt space under my IGN? OH *$&()@$% WHAT? I DON’T HAVE A GUILD?!?– Those two times, the guild disbanded. Both were my best guilds. I hope my current one doesnt disband T.T I’m just bad luck.

  2. hey Iepat, I’m in Broa too now
    on my lvl 37 cleric yay
    but its like stone broke b/c I left Broa b/c i got hacked a while ago, and all I have is my lvl 30-35 equips
    btw that was way before the circle staff, petal staff, and hall staff came out
    Did you know I was playing when Ludi first came out?
    then I took a break for around 1.5 years XD

    ~Guy of Die

  3. quang13 said: “No offense, but I find your MS character’s name offensive.”

    Because it was meant to make you do so, maybe? XD

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