“No life”
People say you got “no life” right? but what I think that means is that have no “social life” or anything else that doesnt revolve around the game. that’s how I use the term “no life”. I’m not sure how everyone else uses it, but most peopel use it as “you dont have a life (aka being dead XD)”
Adults playing MS
Now somepeople go “Wdf haha you l0z3r you g0t no lyf3 playing M5!!” when people are in the “older generation” or adults. Now first, learn to type before you have “no life”. I know many hard working people who are in their 20s, 30s, 40s and above who play MS. I knowa very good friend. He is a father and a husband. He has 3 kids and a 4th coming. He works from 6am to about 10pm. He runs a house, he helps his wife who is still pregnant and tired, cooks, cleans, and stays up late to help his kids with homework and fix the computer bugs and all that. AND he stays up late to play MS just to relax a bit. While, most kids in this genration are lazy bums who dont do anything but sit on the couch all day chomping down Cheetos, drinking Coke and getting fat. Kids just watch TV, use computer, and very little kids these days actually have a social life -_-. They skip school, dont do hw, pass up on projects and heck THEY DONT READ! Many adults still work, clean, cook, eat, get out and exercise, play MS, and still find a way to educate themselves. Kids are just “Bleh I’ll clean up later mom.” or “i did my hw already” when there’s a huge pile under your bed or stuffed in your locker at school. Now, tell me– Who is the one here who has “no life”? The kids, or the adults?
Adults who really have no life.
You know those nice people you always meet in MS who give you free items, and smile at you all the time, and suddenly ask “Hey, where do you live?” or “How old are you?” our of the blue? Those are online stalkers who are smart and know how to lure the information outta you. These are the people who use their smarts for no good and really have no life trying to use their smarts to sexually abuse a child or other junk like that.
Do I sound like a hypocrite when I say most “younger generations” get fat, etc? Then what do you call ME?
Well, I have more of a social life than most people in the younger generation now a days. I swim once a week, I jog, I go bike riding, I play guitar/piano, I study, I help kids out, I volunteer at the foodbank, I actually see the sun light at least once a day (more than I can say for most kiddies out there), I go to church, I hang with friends, I read, I work around the house, I help the elderly carry their groceries to their cars and what not. I still play MS, watch TV, play Video Games, and such. But I usually do it in the most ‘healthy’ way ^-^. The only way I can exercise with my video games is with DDR, and NOT USING THE CONTROLLER LIKE SOME CHEAP SKATES HERE.
Despereate people for gf/bf
This is an old topic, no? Random idiotic peopel who are either hookers looking for free items/pots, or just plain depserate. But a new thought has occured to me. You know those “maple dads”, “maple moms”, “maple sisters/brothers” that are just used for fun? do you think the maple gf/bf thing is the name o_O?
CCing/”owning” a map
Okay, another old subject. People always go “cc” or whatever right? Even if you were there first. There are some points I want to make out.
-some people say “I was here first, so therfore its my map.” WRONG. It is not yours. And dont give me that crap about “this unwritten law” or whatever. I really couldnt care less! This is my view of things and I refuse to change it.
-if someone just walks in after you’ve been training on ‘your’ empty map for a long time, and doesnt ks and asks “hey, can i have this bottom part here?” and you dont go to the bottom much, then just let that person. Some people are just downright selfish and say “no, and cc u noob11!!111”, but I just say “go ahead”. this usually results in a fame, a “ty”, or the person just traning for a few minutes, lvling up and leaving you in peace.
-when in ch 1, dont ask people to cc -_-. What kinda idiot tells someone to cc in channel one? I was walking around Khaini a while ago (perion street corner ch 1) on my old warrior [now deleted]. I start killing some tree stumps and this lvl 2X bowgirl tells me to “cc”. I swear, this is one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever heard. She is in ch1, and all these other people are around here *strangely another 4 lvl 12 warrios* and she doesnt tell them to cc! -_- my point = dont tell anyone to cc in ch1.
religion into MS
Okay okay, some people might find this offensive. So if you think you arent up to the topic of religion, just hold down [ALT] and [F4] on your keyboard and this part will disappear =O. So what if peopel bring soemthign religious into their IGN or whatnot? My friend picked his IGN as something religious (in the Chrstian faith) in his IGN. and a random sin just walks up to him and says “lol you loser, Christians suck. their religion is crap and it dont know sh**7 and you have to be hella gullible to believe that!!” now, doesnt this sound messed up? this is my friend’s Ign, not the sin’s and yet he still chooses to just flame. or some people decide to spread their religion in MS. If their religion encourages it or their “god”/”gods”, want them to do it, then just let them. They were born and raised in the culture and they have been taught to live like that. MOVE ON IN LIFE AND GET ALONG WITH IT!
Stop treating high lvls like gods or w/e. “omg omg omg tiger got banned!!” or “=O liketocks got banned!!!” and things like that. THEY AINT GODS AND IF THEY GOT BANNED, THEY ARENT WORTHY TO BE IDOLIZED, am I correct?
My random rant is done for now, and go ahead and flame– because these are my views. I’ve had enough of this junk that has been going around.
I <3 this blog XD You’re so funni and you made your point brief and clear!
– VanillaPocki –
Amen. I’m not even 3rd job yet and I’ve got noobs begging up the wazoo for money.
People just use the Internet to insult and annoy others. What’s the biggest punishement they can get? A ban. Whopee, on to the next site/game!
Insulting religion is wrong as well. I don’t care for religion, but I don’t insult it.
Finally, you have to admit, not all maps are shareable, but “cc plz” is the best way to start a ks war, not to get them to leave.
lol good blog, i like the part where u using the mat for ddr instead of controller lol, that was funny
I hate going outside. =/
dude i agree even tiger has an extensive social network of real life people. but ksing is still in other games such as runescape and owning maps is also common. Except in runescape u cant really ks
I totally agree. Expecially with the religion part.
I mean, why hate on religions? I hate racism like that.
This blog should be pinned
lol yea, i agree with yellowy about the ddr thing. i use the mat, but never ever got an A
i agree with lots of that stuff you talk about. Lots of good points, i realy hate the “CC pl0x” it gets me super pissed,
It seems you may have spent time planning this blog, so is it really random?
no i didnt plan it o_O. i wrote it as i went lol ^
Lol, I enjoyed reading your random rants and agree with you on ’em. :]
Good job. (-b^-^)-b
Can I sign up for the “I can see your jaw dropping when I deign to tell you how “old” I am”, lol.
I think the adults (myself included) see this game as a great way to de-stress, well, most times, being yelled at to “cc” all the time is not de-stressing x.x
Anywho, I liked your rant XD
I have one word —> WERD