Black Stand [CH:01]

Black Stand

Chapter 01: Resistance

Author: iSPADE

The Black Stand organization is a team of people who’s sole purpose is to eliminate the expanded T-Virus. An infected viral cell that drains the human brain’s thinking ability, thus turning that person into a “zombie”, it out on the loose. The Black Stand recruits only the most capable of having a chance at terminating the T-Virus, and restoring those who have been infected by it.

The year is 2399, and with the T-Virus mysteriously coming back to Earth, all hope of peace is lost. The virus was thought to be terminated by the Umbrella Corporation, a giant organization who spent years trying to destroy the virus.. It turned out that the T-Virus was not thoroughly eliminated, and that it regenerated, and was out again to wreck havoc on mankind.

The Black Stand team members were huddled in their base downtown of New York City. They are the only team of people who resists the T-Virus, and searches for the cure to terminate it. The team consisted of 4 people.

“Alright crew,” Edward, the first member said, “the T-Virus struck the Eastern Motel on Boulevard Ave, we have to quarantine it, and shut the place down.”

“Sounds good to me. When do we go?” asked Brandon, the second member.

“We should have about twenty minutes to get ready, gather the needed equipment, and set off for the motel. We need to get there fast, and destroy everything there, so nothing spreads.” Replied Katie, the third member.

“I’ll drive then, I suppose.” Angela, the fourth member said.

They drove to Boulevard Ave, with their weapons ready. They stopped in front of the Eastern Motel, and all got off. Edward squatted behind a car, while the rest were waiting for the signal, staying in the van. Edward squinted to see through the entrance, but they were much too dusty to see through.

Edward gave the sign.

They immediately started to sprint, and as they reached the entrance, Angela smashed the entrance doors open with her foot. Angela held up her M4, and cautiously looked around. Brandon and Katie stuck together, while Edward loaded his Shot Gun.

The corridor was empty, although it was bashed up, with traces of blood on the floor. The blood trailed to an open the door on the other side of the hall. Edward nodded, and they began to advance.

“What the hell happened here… Did the T-Virus do this..?” Katie said.

“Most likely,” Brandon said grimly. “I thought zombies couldn’t do anything but moan and drool… I mean, that’s what the Umbrella Files said. They were incapable of doing any action besides walking, scratching, and biting.”

“They DO moan and drool Brandon,” Edward said, “But the T-Virus now grants the zombie to many more things now. Some can even shoot guns.”

“Shut up, both of you!” Angela hissed.

They neared the end of the hall, and Edward reached for the doorknob. Holding the shotgun in his right hand, he carefully twisted the doorknob, and began to push the door open. However, the door hinges were so rusty, it just broke off, and the door gave a thud as it hit the ground.

Katie gave a tiny squeak of horror, as a dead woman laid dead on the floor. Half of her face was completely ripped off, and her clothes were dirty and bloody. She had no hair, but you could tell she was a woman due to her figure. It appeared that they were in her room.

“Ugh..” Brandon said, “What a waste of a dame too…”

“She’s been dead for a while, “ Edward said, “If she hasn’t been killed yet in the infected state, she’s going to snap awake as a zombie any se—“

“GUHHHH…” The infected woman moaned. She opened her yellow eyes, with no pupil whatsoever, and began to crawl towards them, moaning.

“Wow, this dame is UGLY.” Brandon said. “I didn’t even notice that until she opened her freakin’ eyes, yo.”

The nurse was groaning loudly, and she was leaving a trail of blood as she crawled towards the team. She grabbed onto Angela’s ankles, and was about to bite her in the leg—

“This bitch is getting annoying.”

Angela, instead of shooting her M4, smashed the stalk right into the nurse’s ripped side of the face. The female zombie rolled, and stood there quite motionless.

“Alright…” Edward said, “We better get going. We have to get to the rooftop and activate the bomb that’ll send this motel down to nothing but dirt and bricks.”

They exited the room, and proceeded up the stairway, into the second floor. A shock awaited them, as the team saw heaps of bodies stacked one on top of another around the floor in the hallway.

“This is stupid,” Edward said, “How did this many people die? Did they just welcome the zombies and let them feast on their flesh?”

“Seems so…” Katie said, holding onto Edward’s arm.

They started to walk, and they each jumped over the mounds of corpses as they advanced through the hall. When they reached the end, they saw the stairway leading up to the third floor. However, there were 3 bodies on the ground, with a puddle of blood around them.

“C’mon… Let’s go…” Angela said.

When she took her step, the zombies snapped awake. They were all male, with no shirts, and with disfigured chests. They had foam leaking from their mouth, and they started to stand up. They bared their sharp teeth, and they were only but 6 steps away from the team.

“OPEN FIRE!” Edward exclaimed, and as he fired with his shotgun, Brandon took out his pistols and began shooting them in the legs.

The zombies were hit, but they proceeded to move towards them as if nothing occurred. They were muttering words. Danger neared Katie as one of the zombies began to outstretch his hands for her.

“GET BACK IN THE HALLWAY!” Brandon shouted, and as he pulled Katie away, he pulled the safety pin out of a fragmentation grenade, and shoved it down the zombie’s throat. Brandon headed back towards the door, and joined his teammates as a loud explosion accompanied their ears.

“Thanks Brandon.” Katie smiled.

“Meh, it’s nothing,” Brandon said, rather pleased with himself.

“It’s apparent you have to get headshots off of them, “ Edward said, “Otherwise they’re unaffected by the bullets we shoot them with. ”

“Yeah..” Angela said, “ I could’ve sworn I read something like that in the file records of the Umbrella corp… Anyways, we should be getting to the third floor now, we don’t want to stick around for these guys to wake up…”

Angela gave a look of disgust as she looked at the mounds of bodies. But just then, the bodies moved, and a small choir of moaning filled the hallway.

“Too late.” Brandon said.

The zombies started to get up, one by one, and as each of one of them sighted the team, they outstretched their arms, and started to go for the team. Some of them held knives in their hands, and several even crawled because they had no legs.

“C’mon, let’s go back!” Katie said, and as she whirled around, there was another line of the undeads coming for them. They were trapped between the zombies. It was made clear that they would have to fight their way back out.

Edward gave a small smile as he reloaded his Shot Gun. “Anyone ready to kick some zombie ass?”

“I’m so ready to shove more ‘nades down their throats.” Brandon grinned.

“I’ll just stand here and watch.” Katie said.

Edward turned towards his last team-mate, who was detaching the stalk off of her M4- Machine Gun. “What about you Angel?”

Angela gave a small smile as she said, “Depends.. Are YOU ready?”

Author’s Notes:
Well, here hopefully starts a new and fresh series of something I hope to continue from here on in! If you read this entire chapter, I would like to thank you. And if you found this storyline interesting, I would like to thank you even further, but this tale is based off of the popular series, “Resident Evil.” The “Umbrella Corp” was a team of people who eliminated the T-Virus at the end of the series, but I revived the virus for the sake of the story. And for those who are already seeking spoilers for this story, I’ll say one and one thing only. In the end of this series, there will be no happy ending. It will end as how it should be. That’s all I’m saying right now. I hope you tune into next week’s chapter!

Copyright content 2007
All Rights Reserved

17 thoughts on “Black Stand [CH:01]”

  1. 1.The Black Stand organization, a team of people who’s sole purpose is to eliminate the expanded T-Virus.
    2.An infected viral cell that drains the human brain’s thinking ability, thus turning that person into a “zombie”.

    That’s the first sentence. I split it up into two parts because I can logically if a semicolon is there then the two parts should each make a sentence.
    See the problem?

    Sorry, I didn’t read anything else but it’s just because the very first sentence didn’t hook me and the genre doesn’t appeal to me.
    Horror/Science Fiction? Is that correct?

    Don’t get discouraged by me please because
    1) I’m just giving you a suggestion that should help you
    2) I wouldn’t read this genre even if it was a published book; I would have doubts about reading a highly rated one (that is of course if I the book was comprehendable to me)(I’m not talking like scientific mumble jumble extreme)
    3) Truthfully, many MMOTaler’s do not read short stories on this site, the goal of an author on this site should be to get a small group of fans and keep them interested.

    ~LaZzz. . .

  2. Very nice, iSpade, though the references to Resi Evil were too much for me. The gore was good though, and the action reasonable. Congrats on a job well done. Who knows, maybe your later chapters will even get a Nazgul-Like!

    -=The Nazgul=-

  3. BlackNazgul said: “Very nice, iSpade, though the references to Resi Evil were too much for me. The gore was good though, and the action reasonable. Congrats on a job well done. Who knows, maybe your later chapters will even get a Nazgul-Like!

    -=The Nazgul=-“


  4. I thank you for your suggestion “~LaZzz, “, and I really appreciate how you pointed out the errors in my story.
    And also, I thank you, BlackNazgul, and AzNxKnife.

  5. I read half of it. Not my taste, although it was generally well written.
    I hope you continue on and good luck.

    Thanks for being a writer who can make corrections and get better. Some people just -they cry.
    The dialogue is realistic too, that’s a good point I saw in this story.

    It’s LAZY! or lazydame, but you can call me lazy. Yehp, I’ve been absent from this site for a bit, well sorta.

  6. lazydame said: “1.The Black Stand organization, a team of people who’s sole purpose is to eliminate the expanded T-Virus.
    2.An infected viral cell that drains the human brain’s thinking ability, thus turning that person into a “zombie”.

    That’s the first sentence. I split it up into two parts because I can logically if a semicolon is there then the two parts should each make a sentence.
    See the problem?

    Sorry, I didn’t read anything else but it’s just because the very first sentence didn’t hook me and the genre doesn’t appeal to me.
    Horror/Science Fiction? Is that correct?

    Don’t get discouraged by me please because
    1) I’m just giving you a suggestion that should help you
    2) I wouldn’t read this genre even if it was a published book; I would have doubts about reading a highly rated one (that is of course if I the book was comprehendable to me)(I’m not talking like scientific mumble jumble extreme)
    3) Truthfully, many MMOTaler’s do not read short stories on this site, the goal of an author on this site should be to get a small group of fans and keep them interested.

    ~LaZzz. . .”

    You’re starting to sound like BrokenImages. A little. At the beginning.



    *poofs away*

  7. I shall start reading this fanfic since AzNxKnife doesn’t update his ;( or Nazgul and I’m still working on AznRiceFan’s. For now you are one of my favorite fanfic writers.

  8. Sorry for double post, but the zombies.

    AzNxKnife said: “Wait, is this related to MMOs in any way whatsoever?”
  9. No one likes short stories? ><

    The writing was pretty okay, Spade, but I’m apologise for my partiality against Resident Evil. :X

  10. SilverFx said: “No one likes short stories? ><

    The writing was pretty okay, Spade, but I’m apologise for my partiality against Resident Evil. :X”

    Note to self: Do. . . not put Resident Evil . . . references in FEAR.
    Hey Lazydame, if you didn’t like Horror/Sci-fi, how come you liked FEAR?
    Which reminds me to write faster and finish those four pieces I’m writing

    lazydame said: “
    Sorry, I didn’t read anything else but it’s just because the very first sentence didn’t hook me and the genre doesn’t appeal to me.
    Horror/Science Fiction? Is that correct?

    Don’t get discouraged by me please because
    1) I’m just giving you a suggestion that should help you
    2) I wouldn’t read this genre even if it was a published book; I would have doubts about reading a highly rated one (that is of course if I the book was comprehendable to me)(I’m not talking like scientific mumble jumble extreme)
    3) Truthfully, many MMOTaler’s do not read short stories on this site, the goal of an author on this site should be to get a small group of fans and keep them interested.

    ~LaZzz. . .”

    Well iSPADE, nothing I can say that hasn’t already been said. Oh right. About that copyright? Isn’t that itself infringing on the copyright of Resident Evil?
    Points for effort. Creativity? so-so.
    And wasn’t Umbrella Corp the one who was PRODUCING the virus and not a team per se that fought against it?
    Discrepency. Angela kills a zombie with the butt of her rifle but later they fail to stop the zombies with ammunition?

    ~Lily x33.

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