Autumn Wings – 2

Lolz, it’s been a week since I’ve last blogged, so I guess I’ll blog now, in the dark, on
Saturday Night…man sometimes I should blog in the afternoon…well anyway
PLEASE leave some comments, I want some advice…thanks…enjoy. ^^

Part 2 – The Contract

Wake up…

Who said that? The voice sounded like a faint whisper.

Get up!

As the time passed, I regained my conscious. I found myself in the ruins.
Then I just remembered, I was with Momo, fighting off a balrog…and a girl
saved us. “Are you okay?” I rubbed the back of my head with my arm.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” I answered the girl, and looked around. I must of fainted for
a while.” I thought. The balrog was still lying there, blood scattered all over
him, and it had a large bloody scar on it’s brown, hairy chest.

I didn’t dare to look anymore, It was a gruesome sight. I shifted my head and
I couldn’t find Momo anywhere! “Where’s momo!” I asked the girl worridely.
“Don’t worry, he’s over there by the wall” She pointed at a broken up wall,
with a few plants jutting out of its edges. I was about to get up, but there
was lingering pain in my feet, and I fell back down.

“You sprained your ankle, so you should just rest there.” she replied.
“No wonder…but If I sprained my ankle, then what happened to Momo!?”
“He broke a few bones, but he’ll be fine tommorow, I healed him.” “You healed him…
how did you–but before I could finish, she grabbed my foot, and carried me over.
“Ow!” I cried. “Hold still…” She gently placed her hand on my ankle, and her hand
shined a bright, white aura. Soon, I was already feeling better. The pain was fading
away. After she was done, she told me to get up and walk, and when I did, my
ankle didn’t hurt at all!

“Wow…you’re amazing! Who are you though…?” “You wouldn’t believe me If I told
you.” she smiled and got to her feet. “You should go home…it’s getting really late,
wake your friend up.” After saying that, she turned the other way to leave. “Wait!
I have lots of questions for you…were you the voice in my head? Why did you
need my help and…who are you?” She stopped for a second and closed her eyes.
“I’ll tell you tommorow.” She started walking again. “Wait…where will you be tommorow?”
“I’ll find you, don’t worry…” “At least tell me your name…” I answered back.

“I’m Autumn.” It was a nice name, and autumn was my favorite season too!
“I’m Alyta.” She turned around to face me and she smiled. “See you tommorow Alyta.”
And that was the end of that. Sighing, I carried Momo back to his house. I made up an
excuse to his parents that we were exploring the ruins and got lost, and took us a long
time to get out, but Momo slipped, and hurt himself, then fainted. Yeah, it was a lame story,
but luckily, they believed me. I just hoped my mom would believe me too.

I got back home, and she started yelling at me, wondering why I came back home so late.
I made the same excuse, and she also believed me, believe it or not! Of course I saw
Reina make an awkward face, and she knew I was lying. When I got upstairs, she bugged
me the rest of the night, but I refused to tell her, but It was only a matter of time till
she annoyed me to death and I finally decided to tell her.

I didn’t really tell her the real story. I said that I was training with momo, and lost track of
time. Mom didn’t want us to be training for a while, so I guess It was somewhat believable
why I lied to mom. “Aww how boring.” Reina commented. “I thought it was something big,
like you had to fight a giant balrog or something.” I couldn’t help laughing a little, because
I actually did fight a balrog. Unsatisfied, she left my room and took a shower.

It was really hard to sleep that night, I was thinking about that girl, all that happened.
I couldn’t even believe it. I looked at my legs and I waved it around on my bed. Just
a while ago, It was sprained. “Who was she…” was the last thing I said before I
finally slept. The alarm clock clicked rang, on and on. I ignored it, and lied on the bed.
It shaked so much, it fell down, crashing down to the wooden floor, breaking it.
There goes my allowance…well at least I don’t hear that annoying ringing anymore.”
I thought to myself, and slept on.

“WAKE UP!” “AHHH!” I shouted, startled by the sudden noise. Of course, It was Reina.
“Do you know what time is it?” “Time for you to shut up and let me sleep?” I mumbled,
sleepily. “It’s…7:30 am….we’re late…again!” “What!? Piece of…” I left the
sentence unfinished on purpose, and told my sister to get out as I put on my clothes.
This time, we took our time. We were going to be late anyway.

Two tardies in a row, that meant detention, and trash pick up. I yawned, and
slowly went to my seat, totally the opposite from yesterday. “I have an announcement
class.” Mr Lam started off. No one heard him because they were busy talking.
“Hey! He said he had an announcement!” I yelled. They stopped and looked at Mr Lam.
“Well, we have a new student in our class, so be nice to her…come on in.” The
door swung open, and a girl with long, light redish hair came in.

It was the girl from yesterday! Momo must of knew too. I looked at Momo, but he didn’t
look at me back. His face was his usual face, he didn’t look suprised at all. Doesn’t
he remember? “I’m Autumn Ayasaki, nice to meet you all” she said. The class
cheered and yelled. We would always do this when theres a new person in class.
She blushed a little, and looked the other way. I couldn’t blame her, It was a little awkward.
“You can sit next to Alyta and Reina, the two slackers.” “HEY!” me and Reina argued
at the same time. “Calm down, I didn’t really mean it…” he replied, but he coughed in
a sarcastic way to show that he did mean it. The class laughed, and we gave
him a sour face behind his back just for fun.

Autumn searched to find the empty desk, and went over and sat. “Well, we’re going
to work in pairs again like yesterday, so get out your english textbooks…Autumn,
your partner is Alyta.” I always had to join Momo’s group because there was no one
next to me, but now I couldn’t…but this was good too, I had to ask her lots of questions.
We moved our desk chairs over. “You can ask me during lunch.” she whispered to me
immeditely, reading my mind. I nodded back, and we did some reading, and answered
some questions. Autumn was a lot diffrent then back at the ruins. She was a cheerful
person, so It was fun working with her.

The bell rang, lunch time, but I forgot…I had to pick up trash. Some other girls in my
class went over to her and talked to her, so she was busy too, so It wasn’t a problem.
I guess I was going to ask her after school. Momo helped me out with picking up
trash, so that ended up quick. There were still a few minutes left of lunch when we
were done, so I had to ask Momo some questions. “Momo…did Autumn look
familar to you?” “No…I never seen her before, why?” He really didn’t remember?
I wasn’t going to say anymore, I decided to ask Autumn about it first. I quickly made
an excuse “Nothing, I just thought I saw her before.”

After school was over, I had to go through detention. Momo had to go somewhere,
and Reina was going to walk with her friends, so they both left. Reina helped Mr Lam out
before, so he excused her from punishment today. Autumn talked for a while
with another girl in my class, then they waved goodbye’s. She waved her hand by the door,
giving me a signal that she was going to wait outside. I stared at the clock, but It would move
so slow, so I stopped and just sat there, staring at the board. Time passed quickly, and
soon, detention was over. “Bye Mr. Lam” “See you tommorow…and don’t be late.” he added.

I found Autumn siting on a bench with her legs crossed, patiently waiting.
“About time…I was getting impatient” She said as she got up and stretched.
Well…so much for being patient. We walked for a while, and went over to
the ruins again. Breaking the silence, I started to talk. “Do you know why
Momo didn’t know who you are?” “Yeah, I erased his memory of yesterday
night. Doubtfully, I looked straight in her eyes. She didn’t look like she
was telling me a lie. “I don’t understand…just who are you?”
She took a deep breath, and exhaled. She stared at the clear blue skies,
only a few clouds in sight. “Okay…I’ll tell you…I’m…

Before she could finish, we heard a huge explosion, and a cloud of gray
smoke. I covered my eyes with my hands as I coughed. She did the same.
“What was that!?” I exclaimed. The smoke began to wither away, revealing
a figure previously shrouded inside. When all of the smoke was gone, a man
with black metro hair, wielding a long, black, sharp claw in his right arm.

“I finally found you…Autumn.” he said. Who the heck was he?
Autumn looked at him and I could tell in her eyes that she knew who he was,
and it seemed he was after her. In a blink, he dashed straight towards
Autumn, just like that balrog did to me and Momo before! I ran over to
protect Autumn on impulse. I managed to get to her first and I got a hold
of his right arm. I gripped his hand tight. “You must be…her partner.”

Partner? What was he blabbering about?

He pushed my hand alway and punched me in the sides with his free hand.
Good thing It wasn’t his claw, or he’d rip me to shreds! Right away, he
lunged at me this time, and jabbed his claw at me, but I avoided all of them.
He was too fast for me and he striked me in the shoulder, a large scar
appeared, and blood was flowing out freely. I countered by ramming into
him, and he toppled over. I grasped my injured shoulder, trying to stem
the flow of blood, groaning with agony.

The man quickly got back up. “You’re weak…very weak…you should be
stronger than this if she contracted you.” He looked at Autumn, then
gave a suprised look. “Don’t tell me you didn’t yet?” He sighed unhappily.
“Well, this’ll be over soon.” For the third time, he yet again dashed at me,
but this time with full speed. Not knowing what to do, I picked up a huge
rock and I threw it at him. With blind luck, it struck his forehead, and
again, he dropped, with a startled grunt.

“That was a close one!” I said to myself. Some blood appeared on his
forehead. Not too much, but It was a sign that I did something. He wouldn’t
be getting up for a while. Behind me, I heard Autumn shout, “Come over
here Alyta…quick!” I walked towards her, not wanting to waste any energy.
“What’s going on here?” I asked her, still pressing down on the scar. “I have
to make a contract with you…here and now…it’s the only way to beat him.”
“Huh?” I didn’t know what it was, but she was serious, and I listened to her.

“Hold me tight.” “What?” “Just do it!” she yelled. Obeying her command, I
wrapped my hands around her, which felt awkward. I saw her face blushing.
“Here goes nothing…” All of a sudden, she leaped foward and kissed me,
right on the lips! “Contract, sealed!” There was a strange feeling welling up
inside me. I was feeling more powerful. The scar that was on my shoulder
was beggining to disappear. “It’s not over yet!” He lashed out a few shurikens
from his claw at me. I reacted right away, dodging all of them. It was my turn
now! This time, I was attacking! I ran towards him, with extreme speed,
speed I didn’t even know I had. He got up and shot many lucky sevens
at me as fast as he could, but I avoided all of them. When I got near,
I came to a full stop, clenched my fists, and punched him in the stomach.

He roared loudly, and coughed hard, as he lied down on the floor, unable
to move, barely able to breathe. “Damn you.” He muttered and with the
last of his strength, released a smoke bomb. I shielded myself with my arms.
Once the smoke cleared, he was gone, out of sight. Autumn raced to me.
I opened my mouth to speak, but she covered it with her hand. “Sit down,
I have tons of things to explain to you.” I did as she said and listened attentively
as she started talking about a city in the sky, contracts, and angels.

– Part 2 End
Phew, I’m finally done. Please leave comments, I worked hard on this okay!
Thanks for reading ^v^

7 thoughts on “Autumn Wings – 2”

  1. Nice story!
    Really interesting.

    Looking forward to the next chapter!


    EDIT: Oh some advice errrrr. When there’s a convo going on and it’s someone else’s turn to speak try spacing out the lines like (EX: Yo what’up
    Nothing much you?
    Yeah I’m good, how’s the family)

    So it’s not like (EX:”Yo what’s up” Nothing much you?” Yeah I’m good, how’s the family” ) It’s a little confusing for me.

  2. I know

    He’ll type kind of similar to Wolfguy184, but he uses more of the line.

    While everyone else types like this he just is all ehh. I have to taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee up space and there we go.

  3. lol yeah i agree, my paragraphs dont flow well, haha, yeah okay i’ll do that from now on, with the quotes, thanks for the advice ^^

  4. Is Scarlet over?


    You shouldn’t write fanfics at night; it makes you write a bit lowsier. Well, actually alot. When you write them in the day and compare it to the one at night you’ll see the difference.

  5. okay yeah, i guess thats why, i might write one in the afternoon instead, its just that i dont feel like doing it at those times.
    and i dunno about scarlet, most likely, and if i do, i promise i’ll stick to this one to thy end! oo

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