Crowd Control.

Greetings from the Tetra Catacombs.

I like Granado Espada so far. The unique thing about it, its “multi character control” system, is pretty cool. Formerly, the only people who could get free healing 24/7 were those masochists who call themselves healers; with three characters, I can be my own buffslave. That’s good.

GE’s interface annoyed me at first, until I figured out how to minimise and hide the redundant displays. The camera system is also nice and flexible; however, I wish these game maker people could get together and decide what to do with the scroll wheel. In GE, scrolling the wheel away zooms out. In Rise of Legends, it zooms in. In Civ4, it..

See, I already forgot.


Death by falling rocks can be quite exciting. [2] I was actually killed by a Sabel Tiger, a level 90 monster in a level twenty-two zone. I’m not sure if this is a glitch or just pure malice.

The AI isn’t very advanced or challenging, or else the monsters would play the runforyourlives game every time I started charging up my AoE spells. I like it that way, kind of.


My haphazard way of not dying consists of three parts.

1. Protect characters
2. Slow/snare monsters
3. Killkillkill

Easy, right? Only one problem – I originally had created a wizard, a musketeer, and a scout. These are all relatively “squishy” characters, seeing as the former two wear coats and the latter has a leather jacket. [3] Though if I lag while entering a new zone, they wear something totally different.

Because of this, I occasionally ended up with what one might call a total party kill.

Therefore, I decided to embark on the Quest For A Tank, capital letters included.

I made a fighter named Ferruccio Roveri. He would wield a great sword once he hit level 24. You know what they say about people who like big weapons, amiright, haha, haha, hah?

(It means I like at least a good meter of sharp pointy metal between my fighter and the monsters.)

Getting up to that level was pretty easy, with fancy skills like Earth Tremor to help me along. At level twenty, I just used all of my saved up EXP cards to get two more levels.

Before long, I had leveled to twenty-four, enabling my fighter to learn the “Plow-Guard” stance. Yay!

Behold, the great sword. [4] Also, the mob attack I get with that stance. [5]

I still die, of course.


It disappointed me to learn that there aren’t many point-blank AoEs in the game. The fighter gets one in the double swords stance, but I’m not even using that one. My musketeer will unlock double pistols and get a pbAoE at level 36, at which point she’ll probably become my favorite character…

Also, look at this screenshot. See the big fiery ball of death? And the white line below it? That’s the bottom of the flame! Hehe, silly animators.

The ‘megaphones’ of the game can be bought for just 2k gold, which means that any fool with cash to spare can subject the world to their idiotic blather. Most are annoying, but this one, I thought, was quite clever.

“lol someone pked me his name is ‘killerlag’ it hit me once ‘bang’ dead…”

Or maybe my brain was addled from the lagrape. Whatever.


Bonus screeny! This one just looked kind of cool.

8 thoughts on “Crowd Control.”

  1. wow!
    love the pic with thier laggy and silver clothes!
    meh! I would probly be that lvl if I played more!
    awesome blog!

    ~LaZzz. . .

  2. Alleeennn! Omg! I know this may be kind of late, but welcome back! I thought you lost it with the internet! Wish I could talk to you. But welcome back! We’ve missed you.

    And as of Flyff. I quit, and passed the guild. So that’s where I went if you came back. =p But always on MSN, but you never get on. D:

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