Back again, wrote a whole giant blog but put in the wrong pic type. Ugh. I’ll edit this tomorrow when I wake up, but yeah, I’ll list my blog in points
– Back from Turf Battles
– Lv.31 in one week
– Started over in Khaini
– 4mil in the two weeks
– Lv.40 in Broa before going back
I’ll be sure to expand on these later, sorry folks, and it’s good to be back! ~Hyper
Lol, I hate it when the pic doesn’t work xP
I just copy the whole blog just in case,
~Cheezy the Cautious of Wrong Pic Files,
Tired, didn’t think of it, shut up. <____< *Cowers under covers*
Mip is going to delete this You should just do it on Word.
I prefer free-style, but Just doesn’t work for some people.
ctrl+A and ctrl+C. Saves your lovely work all the time. *nods*