Nipples, God of Toasties.

Nipples was born of a bun. He emerged from his bun to become a human form.
With one nipple. Irony was cruel.

With the past over and dusted with, let us begin with the adventure of Nipples, God of Toasties.

Nipples awoke. What a nightmare. What a horrible, horrible woman! Nipples yawned and streched, arose from his patch of dirt he called his “living room” and began another day of hoboism. Nipples was poor and owned nothing as he was born of a bun. A discarded bun. A discarded stale bun. With green patches.

“meso plzx mastur”

One person down, all Nipples’ luck had been lost. Or had it? After a days work of hardcore hoboism, Nipples began to return to his dirt patch only to hear behind a bush;

“Oh God, yes! Yes!”
“Oh my God, it’s so big!”
“Quick, give it to me! GIVE IT TO ME.”

Nipples: A) Investigates further
B) Ignores
C) Shouts abuse
D) Begins thinking dirty thoughts, brings them to a private place and uses them to his own personal use.*

*This is not an option. Seriously you sick-minded folk. :l

15 thoughts on “Nipples, God of Toasties.”

  1. I think the best, well thought out option that will go along perfectly with the story would be . . . D!

  2. Because DD has a biased point of view.

    C, I guess. It’d be funny to see the other peoples’ response

  3. I always thought of drunkdaddy, when he was still here, as the one and only double D.

    He would’ve liked nipples.

    I think.

  4. Well, I would investigate further.

    If one of them, say, happened to be famous, then this situation would undoubtably be worth using as blackmail. Cell phone camera, anyone?

    I would then confront said famous person with the blackmail, demanding money in exchange for the evidence of their scandal.

    But if they turned out to be just average, boring humans, I’d keep walking. No point in wasting my time.

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