From popular demand…

Well, one person, a poem for Newbies. Making it up as I go along, and taking information from Henesys Ch1

From the distance I hear,
MEZOS PLOX – Oh God, they’re near,
The ringing noise of a trade request lingers in my ear,

I simply can’t stand it, I decline and defame
Only to hear the reply OMG I HIV ANUVER NAME
This insignificant creature continues, “IT LEVEL 92”
And then I laugh when it goes on to say “IT PWN U”

So, I finally have enough,
Thus I ask – Is a Macaque tough?
They reply “ye it reel strung but i pwn it with poisin mist”
So I laugh and tell them, that the monster doesn’t exist,
One of these creatures defeated…So many left to go.

Hope you liked that one. 8D

5 thoughts on “From popular demand…”

  1. LMAO i’m gonna try that next time a see a “OMG MESo pLOzXXX!111” kind of person ^^

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