Seasons. A Fanfic.

Pure white. The wind howls through the plains blowing up the powder from the crests of the dunes, cutting off the line of sight of any onlooker past a few pace lengths. There were a few footprints, barley visible that will no doubt disappear in mere minutes. Like something out of a post apocalyptic book or movie, it seems unnaturally empty….

The static of the wind is broken by the barely audible shout of
“Are you ready?” Before it is taken away by the flow of the wind.
A different voice fights the wind to reach ears “Anytime you are!”
A shape traveling faster then the surrounding flakes of snow zooms over the top of one dune, and lands, creating an indent in the edge of another. One similar object is returned, but clears the brow of the dune and keeps going. Many of these projectiles are exchanged in this white fairytale land, and eventually the wind dies down and is replaced by a thin sheet of fog.

“Have I hit you yet?” Cries out one voice as a ball of snow hurtles past the other dune. “Not even close Gale!”
Mocks the other voice. Gale sighs audibly, and slouches onto the back end of the dune.
“We’re going to be here all day Dust!” he cries out from under his mask. He sticks his gloved hands under his armpits and tightens his legs up, undoubtedly to preserve warmth. “Have we anything better to be doing?” Dust laughs from the other dune. Gale sighs loudly to himself again, and pulls out his hands. He curdles some snow from the ground, creating another small indent to join the others. Tightly packing it with both hands, he gets onto his knees and peaks around the dune. No movement, not that he was expecting any. He moves behind cover and observing his snowball, decides it’s time to finish this little fight. He gets into a crouched position, peaks around the dune once more, and runs straight out.

He sinks with every step, but his boots do not get stuck. The crunching of the snow alerts Dust, and Gale is soon forced to weave to avoid being hit, slowing him down. He sprints with all his might towards the dune, and starts a short climb. He plants his foot at the very peak, and jumps straight up, letting the snow he’s disturbed be controlled by gravity, as he is. He spins his upper body towards the left in mid air, and just as he reaches what he believes to be the right moment, releases the snowball. It flies gracefully through the air, and to Gales amazement, hits nothing but the back end of the dune. He Lands on both feet, and to counterbalance his spin, rolls backwards covering his back with a blanket of snow.
Dust isn’t there… he thinks to himself. Almost immediately, his vision goes white, and his face starts to burn. He instinctively rolls away, but is tripped in the process so he lands on his back, sinking into the deep snow. He slowly brushes the snow away from his face as Dust’s laughing fills the cool air. Gale sighs loudly once more.

“I hate Summers…”


Sooo… My second “Blog” if you wish to call it…. No pictures, Im boring >.>

I was wondering, what are some more codes for writing? I know:
(Insert URL code)
Itali…..italiz…. slanted words… >.>
But what else is there?
I wonder if this works..

Yeah.. Thanks for reading… Ill try to get another one out…. soon…maybe… need to practise for English >.>


8 thoughts on “Seasons. A Fanfic.”

  1. XD That was nice. Tricking people into thinking it’s almost a war scene, lol. I like that. ^^

  2. Teh Descriptive were nice.

    The fighting scene was nice.

    The part where you ended so quickly wasn’t. LONGER BLOG PL0X~

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