DragonFury hacker guild in bera

killerman15 is a hacker and all the guild in dragonfury all hacker… plz help get all this guild BANNED!!!!!!11

9 thoughts on “DragonFury hacker guild in bera”

  1. Both of them are hackers since they are in a place only accessable by a fly hack. But I would rather see a hacker using his powers to report other hackers then the hackers not being reported at all

  2. i doubt the accused was hacking. i mean, as a noob, the only way to get down there is by using a teleport rock, mystic door, or miss hack. Its up to the rest of MMOtales to guess that one

    and a hacker using hacks to report hackers? HIPOCRITE!

  3. Heh, obviously the DK isn’t the hacker.

    The noob couldn’t survive one shot down there, he’s only a single digit level. This must’ve been the most ridiculous hacking report I’ve ever seen.


  4. how does that person get no damage (godmode). i see there are no numbers and the vac is there. they are both hackers?

  5. mip!
    we musht get comic blog done!

    however, i am gonna do another one before the whole lunch scene comes out xD

  6. yo ive seen a level 1 beginner getting to the tauromacis lolz pic on basilmarket but then agian it could be an edit or hacking

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