Alright alright i give in -___-“

ALRIGHT! I have finally decided to write another fan fic. u hate em? live wittit cuz im going through with it. i need a new base for my stories cuz writing bout me nd abi’ll make me emo (blah blah blah yea an emo joke, live wit that too). i would like some suggestions please? of a plot or at least a genre. and what is ur guys preference of how i tell the story (1st person, 3rd person view, etc) just remember, i might not be online on mmot as i used to

7 thoughts on “Alright alright i give in -___-“”

  1. Lol writing bout abi makes you emo . . .that’s understandable.
    That kinda reminds me of the reason why I quit writing Winners & Losers, which I have not told most MMOers yet, although its a bit different from yours. Wait, its NOT what you think! ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!

  2. I said might. Look up EvilStranger on google too.

    Anyway, I found so much weird stuff on wikipedia. Matt Hill: the voice actor for Ed in Ed Edd n Eddy

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