ALRIGHT! I have finally decided to write another fan fic. u hate em? live wittit cuz im going through with it. i need a new base for my stories cuz writing bout me nd abi’ll make me emo (blah blah blah yea an emo joke, live wit that too). i would like some suggestions please? of a plot or at least a genre. and what is ur guys preference of how i tell the story (1st person, 3rd person view, etc) just remember, i might not be online on mmot as i used to
7 thoughts on “Alright alright i give in -___-“”
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Lol writing bout abi makes you emo . . .that’s understandable.
That kinda reminds me of the reason why I quit writing Winners & Losers, which I have not told most MMOers yet, although its a bit different from yours. Wait, its NOT what you think! ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!
How about the Paper Hell RP through your interpretation
Uhh, write another one again. And get noticed, people might put you on Wikipedia. Lol
O.O wikipedia? lolz im a famous person ^ xDDDDDDDD
I said might. Look up EvilStranger on google too.
Anyway, I found so much weird stuff on wikipedia. Matt Hill: the voice actor for Ed in Ed Edd n Eddy
Hidden. . .Read the e-mail I sent chou
LOL @ Guruji
Paper Hell RP. Good one.