Drop Rates/Scrolling

For some reason I never get decent drops… the only decent drop I ever got was an aqua board… though I had hunted for it for like a week. Even though I have played tons during double drops all I got is a 17 attqack meba from drakes. I killed 100 mushmoms and I have seen like 20 scrolls drop… of those I only got 1 (60% speed… once I saw someone kill a mushmom that dropped a 60% glove attack and a 60% claw attack as I arrived too late to get most of the experience).
Now when I talk about my scrolling chances its like a totally different story… like recently I scrolled a 40 attack slain.. and almost got an 8 attack workglove… maybe thats cause before I scrolled the slain like 5 10% scrolls didn’t work on a set of pants (had extra scrolls and was bored). So I’m not really sure of how Wizet works this all out.
I just realized that after all this I have said nothing about what might cause this… so basically this was pointless.. O well.

2 thoughts on “Drop Rates/Scrolling”

  1. wizet hates me with this “virtual luck”

    i have used well over 30 10% and not one has worked

    and that means at minimum 3 should have worked by now

    but actually i cant complain about drops

    i use to never get anything but lately ive been getting pretty good drops

    not like 5 drops in a row but now i get like at least 1 every 9 days or so

    but theyre never very good

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