All posts by HelloMoto777

Party Leveling at Zombies

Well today I did some party leveling at zsombies. It was pretty fun. I’m 90% and will level tommorow unless something comes up. Right now I’m really really poor.. I only have 500k.. but I should be ok cause I have Ayans quest to do when I level. I also plan to hunt for tobis at dark golems so its cool.

Drop Rates/Scrolling

For some reason I never get decent drops… the only decent drop I ever got was an aqua board… though I had hunted for it for like a week. Even though I have played tons during double drops all I got is a 17 attqack meba from drakes. I killed 100 mushmoms and I have seen like 20 scrolls drop… of those I only got 1 (60% speed… once I saw someone kill a mushmom that dropped a 60% glove attack and a 60% claw attack as I arrived too late to get most of the experience).
Now when I talk about my scrolling chances its like a totally different story… like recently I scrolled a 40 attack slain.. and almost got an 8 attack workglove… maybe thats cause before I scrolled the slain like 5 10% scrolls didn’t work on a set of pants (had extra scrolls and was bored). So I’m not really sure of how Wizet works this all out.
I just realized that after all this I have said nothing about what might cause this… so basically this was pointless.. O well. read more

First Time at Zombies

Today I decided to try zombies… knowing that I would do at least decent with my 40 atk slain (read other blog) I decided to go. I found that it did take a while to get there but not too bad. When I got there I saw 3 people fighting over a map… I thought “oh noes… its just like I heard about… but then I changed channel and went to the second zombie area… I found this channel empty and so proceded to use my warrior pills, cold bean soup stuff, and get antidotes ready. I started to kill them and found I normally 3 hit ko’ed them and that they gave me amazing experience… something like 10% in 30 minutes. Another thing about htis that makes me happy is my idea of being pro (in level/playing ability, not knowledge or kindness) is being able to train on coolie zombies… so now I feel like I’m “pro” (at least in level/playing ability) so that makes me happy. Please leave comments, if you have suggestions pm me, and if you like it vote so. read more

40 ATK Slain!

When I was level 50 I made a slain and it turned out as 28 attk. I decided to scroll it with 60%’s and they all worked up to my 6th one.. that one failed… I had like scraped money together to get my last scroll and was hoping very much that it would work and it did! Now I’m very happy. But I’m still not allowed to use the comp till this Sat (shhhhh, lol, I went on anyway). read more

Hackers and Rascists/Classist/Retards

Well first I’ll talk about the rascist dude.. ok.. he starts saying I’m ksing him and all and threating to report me (see first screen)… I fame him to try to get him to calm down and then he says he hates all sins and mages and then he is mean to every class that comes in the map.. that included a hunter, mage, me, a bandit, a warrior (same as him) and other various classes.. he called them all noobs (gosh I hate how that word sounds when you say it out loud). Then he said that all the jews should have died and all this other rascist crap.
Then a couple of days later I go to perion drakes and see all these fire boars floating around (see second screen).
Honestly the hacking doesn’t bother me as much as the rascist/classist/everyone-hater dude, he really got me pissed (his IGN is FuseKazuki3). I also have seen tons of scams happen but I’ll do those another time. read more