Ok, so, probably haven’t seen much of me recently. Last part was about a week ago, and I’ve been thinking about this one since, but only actually started writing last night, so please send me mail or something if there’s a horrible grammer/spelling/whatever. Um, ya, that’s about it for the story. Maple wise, I made a new mage on Scania which is now seeming to be my main, so if someone in EA wants to boot Veroandi and invite Ustione, please do!
Side note, if anyone cares, I’ve started hanging out with this guy (in Maple). He seemed pretty down, and now I’m his “gf”. Mostly just wanted to try it out some, but he’s a really nice guy and actually cares about more then my level and cup size (if you don’t know what that means then don’t ask). I had another online “bf” once before who was super nice too, but it kinda died because I’m a dummy. Ok, gunna stop rambling about that now.
If you read the tags (I normally don’t) you will see I’ve been watching movies lately. Like a lot. Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, Deja Vu, Sleepy Hallow (Depp WOO!), First Knight, The Chase, Stay Alive, and probably some more I’ve forgotten. As I type this I have the TV on to Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. Story time!
Last random thought: “B****, that’s cheating! I’m not even dead yet!”
*** C:/Public Records/Zeo Crisis/005 ***
Field after field rolled by as the sun set in the distance. The countryside was an amazing sight, a sight seen far too rarely by city dwellers. Silently she sat alone in her cabin, staring out the window, lost in thought. It had been over an hour since she moved or spoke, but no one was around to take notice. The train was near empty, the attendants exhausted.
Alright, okay, one last time. The servers are back up. I didn’t turn them on. They can’t have been on longer then seven hours. I can’t get into anything but public levels of MapleStory. So, what? How am I going to change anything when I get there? I don’t even know if the access codes have been altered! God . . . what have I gotten myself into?
She let out a depressing sigh and closed her eyes. Turning towards the laptop, she opened them and sat staring for a moment. Well, she spoke aloud, at least the servers are working, so Zeo can stop covering up. Hope they haven’t found me yet.
You have played MapleStory for 6 hour(s). We suggest you take a break from Mapling.
The young girl took a slow, deep breath in, then let out a long sigh to herself as the pink letters appeared.
What? asked her companion with a bewildered look.
Oh, it’s nothing. I’ve been online for six hours, she returned with a hollow laugh, turning away to hide her frown, then changed the subject. This game is killing me. If one more thing bites me I’ll . . .
Are you sure you’re not just imagining things? I don’t remember anything about attacks hurting and stuff. Seems, I don’t know, not right or something, he said, slowly trailing off.
They didn’t really tell us it was going to move from two-dimensional to three either.
True, true. Well, anyway, I need to go. My mom is going to kill me if I don’t get offline. Bye! he announced. He grinned and waved goodbye, then vanished from sight.
Going down the road, she felt cold, alone, and soon her walk turned to a run. Sprinting down grassy path she leapt over every monster in her way, and slowly tears began flowing down her face. Lost and confused, she had done her best to save face to her friends. Reaching a secluded spot of the town called Perion, she threw her bow into the corner and sat down next to it. The new emoticons had their limits, but for Sydney they were far more vivid.
What’s happening to me? she choked out. Over two weeks of my life, and I don’t remember anything. I can’t even feel this visor anymore. For a long while she sat alone, head in hands, desperate for an answer. Finally she looked up when voices began drifting over.
Stop hitting me! a male voice cried out. Stop it! The man continued to plead, but his attacker seemed to ignore it. Finally he appeared in front of her, apparently uninjured, but still shouting. He stumbled past, not realizing being watched. Shortly after a woman crept up, a broom held tight in her fists. Pausing to look around, the whimpering girl caught her eye.
Hey, have you seen a guy come by here? she asked, taking a few steps down the small ally. Sydney raised one hand and pointed off to the right. Um, are you alright? asked the woman, kneeling down and using her broom as support.
I’m I’m fine, it’s just been a bad day, she paused, and I can’t figure out how to log off.
Oh, you just like, think the word ‘logout’ for five seconds, and it happens!
Not for me. I just stay here.
Oh, I’m sorry. Maybe try it again? It is still the first day of version five. You look like you’ve had a rough time; here, let me add you to my Buddy List so I can try and flag down a GM to help you out, and just after a window appeared.
Annikabelle has set you a Buddy Request. Accept or Deny?
Call me Anni, just remember it’s A-N-N-I, or else! she said standing up, broom in hand. Sydney let out a short laugh with a smile and looked up at the grinning face. Anyway, you could try just restarting the computer or pulling your internet as a short-term fix. Now to find him again, muttered the woman as she jogged back towards the main streets.
Cheeks still wet with tears, Sydney sat up and tried to calm herself down. Taking a few breaths, she put one hand on the ground and pushed herself up. Bending down to get her bow, she decided to try it again. Squeezing her eyes tightly closed, she focused all of her will into a single word.
Wow. I really liked this chapter. Although I think hallow should be “hollow”. Nice work!
Annikabelle’s there!
Edit: Why do I always end up commenting right AFTER Silver? lol
Edit edit: Yes, Anni is there
Anni’s there!
Oh, I really liked this one.
Hahaha, Anni chasing people with a broom. Good stuffs. ;D
WHEE <33
My broom expired . D<
But my Guan Yu Polearm is going to expire tomorrow =/
Back to t3h uber pwning 1337 BROOMZ0R >D
To logout, all you have to do is to pull out the power socket . xO
*Has never tried that before*
I prefer the normal way of logging out D<
i.e smashing the computer into bits.
The heck’s a Cup Size? I seriously don’t know.
Loved the Anni bit. And the end. “LOGOUT!”
Priceless =]
o.O Lol reminds me of .hack// series with a twist.