A result

Got into a good PQ party today. Got into 2 PQs before I had to leave for lunch. Also got a 10% scroll for overall for dex and Lightning Earrings out of them both. Neither of them are for sale before anyone asks. A good result on top of the level up I got from the last one.

I’m now level 29 and I’m going to hunt Cloud Foxes for Hanako’s second Foxtail quest and in the hopes of getting an Eagle Crow (one can hope huh?). I got what I wanted from the KPQ so I’m going to let that slide a little and do some questing until level 30. I’m going to be a Xbowman in case anyone’s interested and I don’t plan on doing an FA based build. First point will be going into IA (Iron Arrow) just for the mobbing and then I’m probably pumping Mastery until I stop seeing “1”s.

The unstable damage is what sucks for Archers so I plan to rectify that one ASAP.

Happy hunting,

6 thoughts on “A result”

  1. congrats on. . . stuff! (:

    try to elaborate more on your PQs and such, and try to make your future blogs longer~

  2. I’ll try but I don’t see what there is to elaborate on really. In my experience PQs either go smoothly or they’re problematic. There’s very rarely anything in between.

  3. If they do, they’re called, “Smooblematic.” Remember that word if you plan to blog about it. ^^

  4. I got two eagle crows after hunting those foxes for an hour ~.~ so don’t worry, it shouldn’t take long.

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