Shattered Dreams [5]

Erm… Alright. So now, probably, I wanna introduce another one of my friend… (>.&lt The User ID is StreetGal… Oh ya, and to those people who read HER blog, she sometimes likes to write short form of words. =x. Anyway, here’s Shattered Dreams 5. Enjoy ! =X…

Oh ya, Joke of the day. Na, maybe I should put Video of the day -_-. Tell me which one you want.

alright, I have found a maple series, called The Chronicles of maplestory. I will post it after I see it, which will be at the next line. =D


Erm, a little funny…

Erm, I think I want to delay my story again >.<. After I watched that video, didn’t feel like writing. Sorry … Na, I think I should write. Alright.

“Yep.” My sister said with a grin. Taken aback, I fell onto the ground. Ray put his hands around me. “C’mon pal. You always found a way through everything. Like how you convinced your parents to let you become a warrior.” I nodded, but not very convinced anyway.

“Let’s go see Grendel.” Stacey said, beckoning us to go to Elinia.

“So, I see. They have began the epic quest. But no matter. They shall never beat me. Darkness shall prevail over the world. Once again… I shall become the ruler of the world. But this time, it will be for… Forever..”

“Yes, my lord. I shall make sure you will become the ruler once again.”

“Good. Now, take out the 3 rats. I cannot risk anything. Who knows… They might be strong enough to beat me. Now take them out.”

“Yes, my lord. I shall not fail you.”

“Man. This is boring.” I complained aloud. “Yea. Not that I’m getting tired of this, but it’s really boring.” Said Ray.

“We’re already there.” Laughed Stacey. I raised an eyebrow and stared at Elinia.

“C’mon. No more daydreams. Let’s go. Not a moment to lose! Race you up, Ryan!” shouted Ray as he teleported up to the nearest platforms.

“Alright. We can catch them off guard. But.. It will be harder than that. Assassins, take your positions. Bandits, get ready your gepharts. I don’t want to lose them.”


“So, you think you might have the power to defeat the Blood Lord?” Asked Grendel. I nodded. He looked at me and muttered to himself,” Looks can be deceiving.”

“Alright, if you think you can defeat Blood Lord, I shall summon monsters.” Grendel said, than a Jr Balrog appeared right infront of me.

“What the hell?!” I shouted as the Balrog rammed himself into me. Using my Wooden Mallet, I pushed myself up into the air and came down, hammering hard onto it’s head. It appeared to be stunned, and I fired a power strike at it, causing it to tumble back. After some struggling, it stood up and glared at me. Gathering up energy, it shot a fireball at me. I braced myself for the attack, trying my best to use Iron body. But instead, when the fireball hit me, it bounced right off me!

Grendel stared shocked.

The balrog slashed at the fireball, and it disspeared. Than it charged at me, wanting to flatten me. I jumped back, slamming my mallet onto the ground. A force shot through the ground, and the Balrog flew back once again. At that time, I was tired. But who cares? I’m actually owning a Jr Balrog. Wewt.

“Don’t speak too soon!” Shouted Grendel.

Oh ya, I forgot. He can read minds.

“Impressive. That boy, might have the potential to destroy Blood Lord. But, we won’t give him a chance. When he’s weak, all attack. Wait for it.”

The balrog was getting tired too. It charged at me after recovering from my attack and attempted to attack using it’s claws. I tried using my mallet to block the attack, but with a slash, my mallet broke into two.

“Not very promising…” Ray said dryly.

I desperately jumped away from it’s attack, but it kicked me into a wall. I gasped for air, collasping into the ground. The Balrog charged towards me, and Grendel used no effort to make the monster dissapear. I’m on my own. As it got closer, I realized that I had not much mana left. I had to dodge, and heal my mana before doing more attacks or I shall tire myself more. But dodging will tire myself more. I was at a dead end. The balrog slashed me, and I jumped back, but caused myself to hit the wall again. I felt blood trickle down my back. I took out my fruit knife.

“Only one chance… That’s all I have.” I thought as I took careful aim.

The balrog stamped it’s feet, causing me to lose my balance. The balrog threw itself at me. I rolled away, dodging the attack. I jumped to my feet before the Balrog could regain it’s composure, I threw the fruitknife at it’s head. My pulse raced. One chance, if I miss…

It hit.

The balrog roared in pain as it charged at me, blinded by rage and pain.

“Wait for it…” I thought. My fingers fidgeted nervously as it got closer. Than, as if something snapped in my brain, I raced for the wall, my legs landed on the wall. Than in another split second, I jumped right off the wall. I flew right pass the Balrog’s head as I landed right behind it. The balrog tried to stop, but could not control himself. It crashed straight into the wall. Than it turned into a wisp of smoke. I heaved a sigh of relief, and dropped to the ground, panting heavily.

Ray and my sister ran over. Grendel clapped his hands. “Impressive. You might have the potential-” Before he finished his sentance, the door burst open and assassins with stars in their hands stood outside.

“Attack, attack! Do not leave one alive!” I heard a voice and the assassins started to throw the stars swiftly. A star rammed into my sisters elbow, flinging her back. “AHHH!!” She screamed in pain.

“Stacey!” I shouted as I ran towards her. She had fainted. I glared at the assassins angrily. “That was one wrong move… How wrong was it.” I said, gritting my teeth. Ray sensed my anger. “Hey, pal, cool down!” He shouted. I walked towards the assassins and they stopped in their tracks.


I unleashed a roar, and the whole place shooked. The assassins all tumbled back. I felt energy surge through my blood and I unleashed another attack.


~To be continued….

I had to post this again >.<… Cause I found that the videos got some glitch, and anyway, I wanted to post 1 more vid.

5 thoughts on “Shattered Dreams [5]”

  1. Gogogo! Hahaaar =D , Hurry up . The suspense, Anyway, I already know how it ends -_-. Want me to tell them

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