Hey all! Long time since I wrote an actual experience on MapleStory. Well anyways, let’s get started!
Today, I logged on on Broa. The usual “Hi [insert IGN’s of all my friends who are online here]~” was stated by me. As expected, only two or three replied. On both Buddy List and Guild. I kind of feel lonely if they don’t reply back. But, no matter.
Alright, so today was Double EXP. I had 303 unagis left, 190 mana elixirs left. (I can’t believe I remembered that!) So I walked — err, ‘swam’ — to Korean Folk Town, to ride the elevator to Ludibrium. Ludi potions are cheaper, right? Better to buy there.
I wore my favorite, cool-looking, awesome, blue-and-white colored, super, terrific… [insert more positive adjectives here] speed equipment, which are:
Bone Helmet. 8 speed, 5 jump.
Icarus Cape (2). 10 speed.
Blue-lined Kismet. 3 speed, 19 DEX.
Green Snowshoes. 10 speed, 2 jump, 1 DEX.
So, in total, 131% speed and 107% jump. Fast as lightning~ Just kidding.
Anyways. I ride the elevator, wait for the elevator to arrive, talk to some random strangers, et cetera. I go in the elevator, wait for the elevator to stop. I always wondered one thing: Is the elevator going to have its own elevator music? Because the music from EOS/Helios Tower is not really my favorite one; it’s kind of annoying if you hear it repetitively. That’s why, I want elevator music.
Alright, so I arrive at Ludi. I head to the potion shop. That’s what I went to Ludi for, right? Obviously.
Before I enter the Ludibrium shop of toys and potions and food and drugs and… stuff, I hear a blue [Notice].
“[Notice] Event: Ludi” (I forgot what they exactly said)
Okay, so it’s time for a quiz! What do you think I did after I heard the notice?
A: Stand there dumbstruck.
B: Go back to Aqua Road and start training.
C: Panic.
D: None of the above (clarify).
E: I don’t really care.
Ok, I’ll just tell you. It’s… E! Okay, just kidding. It’s D! And I’ll clarify.
I went to the Ludibrium Event NPC.
Dun dun duuuuuuuuuun! Oh, the lag!
Nah, I don’t lag. My computer is strong, right, PC?
Alright, moving right along. I go to the Event NPC, but one thing. I didn’t know the channel! Oh my gosh I’m going to die noooooo! GM, why did you not tell me the channel? Okay, but I successfully went in. Want to know how?
My Guild Leader told me the channel: 4.
I rush to the channel, and I see the Game Master! His IGN is GMSMusic. He’s wearing the usual GM uniform: The Wario Hat — I mean, the white hat with the W for Wizet. I quickly talk to the kid NPC (event NPC), and BAM! I got in.
The game was Coconut Harvest. Some of you are familiar with the game right? All you have to do is hit the coconuts — whichever team that gets the most coconuts harvested, wins.
Mysteriously, I was wearing a swimming suit. But, no matter. It matched my Fire Arund! Yay! GM’s sure know fashion.
I was in the (Red) Maple Team, against the (Blue) Story Team. Red is probably the team from Ludi, and Blue from Orbis. I didn’t really mind though. Maple Team was going to OWN Story Team.
Results? Maple Team got pwned. We lost. [insert indescribable sobbing from Maple Team here]
Oh well. I got an Event Trophy. That alone is great.
I get kicked out of the Event thing with the other fellow losers on Team Maple. There was a clown smiling — I hated his expression and looks — and a Pirate standing on a treasure chest. Weird.
I got out, and I saw people’s spams overflowing my chatbox. “Z0MG WHERE IS T3H GM AUTOGRAF PL0XXX” It was annoying.
Ah, I almost forgot! I bought my potions after that. I was heading to Helios Tower, then I remembered the purpose of going to Ludibrium! Buy the potions.
Then, my Maple ‘Oneesan’ Miho told me the GM was in channel 19. Once again, I rushed there.
I saw the GM, standing on the delivery truck. He was hidden, but I right-clicked him to show the name. Same GM: GMSMusic. Miho-oneesan got in the Event, but I couldn’t, I don’t know why. It was probably because I already joined. Not because it was full, because GMSMusic was saying it wasn’t full.
I wished Miho-oneesan good luck, and went back to Aqua Road. Boy, it was a fun day today.
Oh, and Double EXP was good, too; I got from 63% to 81% in roughly 50 minutes! Pretty fast.
That’s all from me! — Oh, wait, two more things.
One: My friend Rokui and SnowBallz. They also went into the Event, but on channel 11. The GM’s let them enter. But the funny thing — sad thing for Rokui and Snow — is that the GM’s ditched the Event on channel 11! Meaning, the Event didn’t start on channel 11. They waited there, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited… You get the picture. Some GM’s are kind of cruel.
Two: The pictures I took today!
1] Coconut Harvest!
2] GMSMusic~
3] Leaving the Event.
(I couldn’t post some more pictures such as the Maple vs. Story and the big LOSE picture because it passed 150,000 bytes. Sorry!)
So all in all, it was a fun day today. A fun Wednesday. Oh, and one more week until school ends! Yay! (Mine ends on Thursday next week).
Oh, and to all the people who read my stories: I will change the title of my stories, but it will be the same story. Just the title is changed. So, if you see my story, please comment on/criticize/post opinions on/like/flame it!
That is all.
[insert comments down there]
I didn’t bother with the events rofl, I just used the double exp and leveled loads. o_o
Level 1 beginners FTW. ^^
, I was playing Kart Racer all day.
Its fun. I never go to GM events since I lag out. -.- Sometimes, I go to Lagworld (true story). I once went to Ellinia for a GM hide-and-seek thing. I thought I D/Ced after seeing the black screen for a long time. The pciture suddenly came clear, but no one was moving. I was able to walk wherever I want but I can’t talk. Pretty cool if you ask me. I logged off and voila! No more Lagworld! 
YOU GOT IN?!?!?!?!?!?!
I though you left,
oh yeah you’re talking about wednesday.
I’m not allowed to play on wensday
So what exactly does the cryptic message “3” mean? Weird if you ask me.
dang! I thought the answer to the quiz was f) all of the above
and yay I know 3 ppl now on MMO who end like same week of me of school
~LaZzz. . .(I READ YOUR STORIES! ! ! ! !)
The “3” on the second screenshot? GM was counting down for the start of the Event.
Thanks for all the nice comments and likes~
well at least you had SOME pics to show us