Hi! =D
Well as saw at the tittle I finnaly became an Elementor!!
Uhm well in fact that was almost 4 days ago >_>, I just wanted you to see me with my Elementor lvl 62 robes ^^.
Flyff 2nd job change is easy is just a bit long ( I made it in almost 1 hour ) in the way of the quest I found a Stick of Roritorem ( link ), it’s a lvl 45 Green Assist stick, at the first time I thought it worth like 3 or 2 mills but then I shouted for Price Check and all at the same time said: “20 MILLIONS!”.
xD Well after selling it for 18 mill to a blade I continued training.
I got some nice skills ;D I love them I can describe how awesome they are ( Especially fire bird x] ) Look for the pics at the end to see some of the skills =P. At first was hard to hit more than 1k with them even if the monster was weak to that element. But I maxed Stone Spear ( Lvl 10 ), Void is still lvl 9, Fire Bird is lvl 5, Ice Shark is lvl 4 and Thunder Shock is lvl 4 too.
Elementor do some nice damage but they get pwned by all classes at PvP =/ well is a price I have to pay for awesomeness skills =P
Anyways here you have the pics of the skills
Well I just started my life as an Elementor and I think it will pay the first 60 lvls ^^
I hope you liked as I do =P
Nobody od MMO Tales joined FLYFF ¬¬
Likelys are apreciated ^^
i played flyff until i got to level 8
it doesnt work on my computer thats why
I played it on my frends
Lol now you weapong your show-off suit eh =p
Fadow, you make Flyff look cool.
maybe i will try it someday.
someday =)
ditto gujju!
lol, the people look cool in Flyff. ^^
I play! And it’s cool. Try it.
You look cool dude. Can you PM me on how to take screenshots? I’m still a nub,
You look cool dude. Can you PM me on how to take screenshots? I’m still a nub,
To make a screenshot just press “0” and it will save in the FLYFF folder
XD I have the game, but i never played it before. lol, maybe i should try it
– VanillaPocki –
I have the game, and when I first downloaded it I got myself to level 7, but since then I’ve never gotten around to playing again. Not to mention I’m eternally busy trying to maintain an A in seven classes.
I want to play! Just a little bit! I tried I think before but I could’t register or something ehh. . .
I Wana PLAY!
(Got nothing else to do on Maple till my gf logs on!)
FlyFF suxx, well anyways i quit at lvl 35
AaaaAAAAAaaaaa. . .
You increase my determination to reach Blade. Dx
Must. . .get. . . Blade. . .by February!