Guildmates, stalking, and random things

Yes, all. It is another random, pointless blog about my Maple days, half of which I can’t remember because my memory is so appallingly disgraceful. xD

So, basically, the main thing is that I’ve joined a guild! Yes, Quang’s guild, as a matter of fact. Many of you may have read about it; it’s called PyroTales, and we’ve recently got an emblem. <3 It’s really pretty, a red pheonix on a yellow background. A lot of people joined too, and so guild chatting is always fun, especially when the guild members are as hyper and crazy as you. xD This point shall be proven later on. And out of curiosity, I asked my guild members what they thought my gender was, before I met them. I think about 4/5 thought I was a boy, and the one who thought I was a girl stated her choice really hesitantly. @_@ xD Oh well, I thought most of them were guys too, but they all turned out to be girls. @____@

I’ve also taken to wandering around in noob clothes. It’s really fun, seeing slimes hitting nine damage on you, when they usually do one. And seeing all these people wandering around, saying:
A) “Have you got a main?” or
B) Nothing, and F6/F7-ing you. xD In fact, Rikku and I walked around everywhere one day, arming ourselves with newby clothes and items that we bought from Lith Harbour. link

Anyway, back on the topic of the guildmates. Remember how I said they were crazy? One day, MAGICKALvan and I were bored, and we decided on dressing in nooby clothes and stalking people. We met in Kerning, and found various victims to terrorise. Most of these people just walked past us, before we assaulted them with an F2 face and started following them.

Victim one

Victim two

Victim three

Victim four 1, victim four 2, victim four 3

Victim five <– If nothing else, you HAVE to see this one. xD That was so funny! Oh, and all he had one was a pair of shorts, a green headband and the top part of his undergarments. xD

Victim six

I know some of them were boring, but others made me crack up so badly. Number five was by far my favourite. xD Much hilarity ensued, as I was suddenly struck by a bright idea. As a dutiful paladin (the jr master ranking of the guild), I decided to arrange a guild event! W00t! Yes, all who know my kind of fun events, cower in fear! I arranged for the members currently online to meet Van and I in Kerning, dress in their noobiest clothes, and together we would RULE THE WORLD WITH OUR AWSM STALKER SKILLZ. Quang, we can get rid of those bazookas and spies in th-uh, you didn’t hear that. Basically, we would single out a person and start following them as a group, doing F6 and F2 faces. This was all of us. It was weird; all of us had the same hair, albeit some in different colours, and nearly all of us had the same eyes. I had a twin! Same hair, same eyes, same crazy attitude. xD Amazingly, half the people we stalked asked to join our guild because it was ‘cool’. @_@ After we’d finished our stalking spree and freaking people out, we decided to go to Happyville and decorate a Christmas tree! A bit late, but better late than never. xD link Yes, pretty, is it not?

Munky and I got bored one day, and he decided on killing some golems. I was like “No frigging WAY!” when he suggested it. I mean, how was a level 18 archer and level 30 fighter going to take on a GOLEM!? Then he told me to use the three snails attack. @_@ I reluctantly agreed, and we went on a mad rampage and attacked all the poor red snails of HHG, collecting up just over 100 snail shells. Munky then planned a tactical way of attacking the golem, and told me. It was basically slide down the rope while the golem was on the left, hurl the snail shells as fast as I could, then lure the golem to the right and climb up the rope again. Then drop to the left side of the pit and throw more shells, and when the golem got too close, shove my way through to the right and start the whole procedure again. @_@ Yeah, confusing is what I thought when I first heard it. But carrying it out wasn’t actually that difficult. >_> *cough* Then we went to tackle the golem, and Lunny the cleric came along. Thank the gods she did, otherwise I would’ve perished ten times over with all my stupid stunts, like falling into the wrong side of the golem pit at the beginning. -______-;;; link

In other news, I went on a trip to Orbis with hiomghi, who sang some rather entertaining lines on the ship ride. . .then I altered it slightly on the way to Ludi.

– Not Maple related –

Mwahaha. MWAHAHA. Everybody, get off the streets. EZ HAS LEARNT TO DRIVE. *manic grin*

Congrats to those of you who had the patience who read through this entire blog, and people who comment negatively on the length of this blog will be shown the exit. Not politely. =D

Happy Mapling, everybody! =D

12 thoughts on “Guildmates, stalking, and random things”

  1. (Double post)

    You’re old enough to drive? I thought you were 13. * cough * Sorry if i thought wrongly.

  2. Sure thing! I’m trying to find people from Bera.
    It’s even better if you’re a mmotaler!

    Edit: Oh wait. You’re from MSEA

  3. (Thrid post)

    Couldn’t resist and too lazy to edit.

    I look like you. Like I siad on the other blog, cept’ I’m lvl 26.

  4. repty said: “(Thrid post)

    Couldn’t resist and too lazy to edit.

    I look like you. Like I siad on the other blog, cept’ I’m lvl 26.”

    I can’t see a character from Bera, in your MMOid.

  5. quang13 said: “

    repty said: “(Thrid post)

    Couldn’t resist and too lazy to edit.

    I look like you. Like I siad on the other blog, cept’ I’m lvl 26.”

    I can’t see a character from Bera, in your MMOid.”

    Shucks, I’m sad dude. *marches off to downloading gobal without lagging com.*

  6. repty, you can’t play Global from SEA. They’ve IP banned us. Else I would have hopped double quick to Global already.

    Anyway. 😀 Sounds like fun stuff. My new guild’s all obsessed with merchanting and leveling and t0king likez thiz, it’s boring and sad and amusing all at the same time. Oh well.

  7. I am t3h FREAKY person who likes people’s blogs and then not comment!


    Wait. I commented now so. . .>XD

  8. Heh. You pwn at stalking xD
    But most of the pictures proved what 86.23% of the people are in gMS. . “PL1sS11 m3s011 i pget hax plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”
    Pwnage blog.

    -giggles in corner-
    -imma start doing this again-

  9. Lawl. Thanks guys. =D It was hilarious; those of you in Bera should come do this with me again. xD

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