Taiwan Maple Update

Hey guys, I started to Maple again.

I don’t wanna use my Cleric anymore; it’s like.. ugly and old.

So.. I continued from my level 9 Suppose-to-be-Bandit and turned it into an Assassin. It’s still level 18 though.
There’s like, a lot of level 12’s using Steelys, Ilbis, and Hwabis. I feel so ashamed using my subis. Hahaha..

There’s been so much changes in Taiwan MS, Maple Island now has Stumps, Slimes, and Pigs to fight. And you know the quest where you have to get 10 Mushroom Caps? That friggin’ quest always pisses people off.. Yeah, now you only need to kill one and get one mushroom cap.

Also, when you get your first job advancement, you get the equipments for your own job. As for me, I got a Fruit Knife and a Garnier with two sets of 1000-stocked subis. Unfortunately, I can’t recharge them after use so I have to throw it away. (Can’t sell the Fruit Knife and the Garnier either)

WHAT SUCKS IS.. JM From Tha Streetz ma home dawg doesn’t make Meba’s anymore! I’m guessing that it’s the people didn’t pay him back for them ice, yo.

What else what else.. Oh yeah, the mini-boss monsters came out! I can’t find the other mini-bosses because they’re too friggin’ strong, looks terrifyingly ugly, or I’m just too pretty for them. Either way, the only thing I can kill is the Grandpa Snail.

The Grandpa Snail is a boss for level 9~11 like how Mushmom is a boss for level 43’s. Since I’m a level 18, I can kill it in like, 6~7 hits with Lucky Sevens? Yeah.

It drops Green Apples which turns out to be a piece of crap and 5 shells of Green Snails, Blue Snails, and Red Snails. Which is also a piece of crap. The skills that it can do and ONLY can do is summon snails and use slow. That’s it.


Oh yeah, and this dude gave me Paper Airplanes!

I’m gonna go to sleep, I locked too much today.

4 thoughts on “Taiwan Maple Update”

  1. around 30 damage
    65 exp
    41~54 mesos.

    IT SUCKS but fun to kill

    Respawns around every 20 minutes at the same spot on the map.

  2. Lawl.

    At school during lunch today, the (pathetic-excuse-for) dance-class did a hip-hop thing, and it was just. . .

    . . . Pathetic.

    ^^^ Me being nice there.


    I said that locking was cooler than hip-hop. d:

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