Guild Wars + Drama Llama

Y halo thar! Yes, it is me. I’ve decided to move away from putting Soup in the titles, as they seem to be pushing people away… Anywho, onwards!

The Drama Llama (Llama’s a funny word… Why does it have two ‘L’s?) that the title refers to takes place in the lovely place of RaiRO! Now, before I start explaining this, I want to say something. Join pl0x. Seriously, we need people. So I ask you, are you feeling bored with your current MMO? Do you want a more vibrant community? Then join. You won’t regret it. (join plz plz plz)

Now, where was I? Oh yeah, the drama. So, here’s how it goes down. In WoE, there’s a big Alliance that dominates. It was originally made to counter some big guild that’s dead now, so in my opinion, it’s no longer needed.

However, said Alliance does not think so. For a long time they have pretty much dominated WoE, and lots of people don’t really like that. And so, for most of that time, people were pretty quiet about this. But then came the drama/rant forum, and it burst, sorta like a dam does. There was a big long argument, and people quit. So, it all comes full circle. We need more people.

And in less drama-filled news, I have joined Guild Wars, as a side MMO! I play in Prophecies under the name Corpse Soup. Give me a ring! (and by ring I mean guild invite) (I’m pretty lonely, so some company would be nice)

Sorry, no pictures for today. But there’s always next time, mirite?

So, bye, I suppose! Stay tuned for more blogs by me!