Uh. . .

@_@ I’m not much at writing these blog-things (this is only my 2nd!) so bear with me.

After I failed at downloading Ragnarok, I tried Granado Espada. Stupid security code.


Stupid friggin’ code!!

So I gave up on GE as well.

I found out that a couple of my schoolmates played MS too, so I decided to go back.

Today I finally got the Zipangu patch downloaded.


Wielding her Cromi, Tae brought it down in a slashing gesture, instantly freezing the rust-coloured foxlike creature in front of her, instantly killing it. The Cloud Fox collapsed, dropping a small amount of mesos and its tail. She casually sauntered over to pick it up, threading through the crowds of other Maplers to pick up the two drops.

* * *

Some time later, Tae finished the 100 Cloud Fox-tails quest. Then, the woman asked for 200 more. ‘Sheesh, this old crone is really greedy!’ thought Tae. Then, with the help of a couple of guild members and friends, she went to collect the 200 tails.

“Are you trying to KS me, sir?” Tae asked coolly, dispassionately observing the fuming level 55 bandit.
“How can I KS you?!” the bandit snarled.

As Tae leaped away, her paltry athletic abilities enhanced greatly by her friend’s Haste, he called her something rather unprintable. (I have the actual screenshot of him saying it lol)

Quickly getting bored of collecting Fox Tails, and the constant KSing, Tae and her Page friend, Pat went exploring the rest of the Zipangu maps. Later, after her friend left, Tae did some exploring on her own, and chanced upon the portal to the Lucidas. She quickly passed through, crawling slowly down the rope to test for how much damage the Lucidas would inflict. Tae panicked quickly when she saw large chunks vanish from her hp and mp bars. She quickly chugged down a lot of mana and hp pots, teleporting quickly from ledge to ledge, finally getting out of the crowds of Lucidas.


Sorry if that was really boring @_@ Like I said, I can’t write for PEANUTS! You hear that? CAN’T WRITE FOR PEANUTS!! NOW STOP CRITICIZING ME!!!

Thank you very much.

Pic 1: Teh nubcake!

Pic 2: More of teh nubcake!

Pic 3: Very nice new friend ^^ Cute isn’t he +_+
. . .
Just kidding. XD

Omg my blog got on the front page? Wth? o.o (not that I mind, of course. . .)

6 thoughts on “Uh. . .”

  1. @_@

    Thanks Silver

    Oh, and any tips on how to improve my writing is greatly appreciated ^^

  2. Oh! I’ve wanted to go to Zipangu for a long time, but I don’t know how to get there. =(

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