Ultimate Fire Wizard Guide V 1.09

Devilrymage: The Ultimate Fire Wizard Guide

Newest Updates:

Version 1.01: Fixed a minor mistake with the fire wizard skill build, mistakes spotted by EpicTales. Also added a 4th point under starting tips.
Version 1.02: Added a new section, Guide Terms, and added a new note under it.
Version 1.03: Added a 5th point under starting tips.
Version 1.04: Added the Male Boss under the Boss Monsters You Can Try section.
Version 1.05: Made small changes to the Poison Myst skill build, added variations for the Explosion skill build. Mistakes spotted by Paterack7.
Version 1.06: Changed the Explosion and Poison Myst skill builds slightly. I decided it is best to leave seal at 19. Added a variation for the Poison Myst skill build.
Version 1.07: Added a FAQ section.
Version 1.08: Fixed the ‘About me’ section. I guess it took me long enough to realise it wasn’t there despite being stated in the content page. Also added a section containing excellent fire mage videos I have found on YouTube. I’ll get back to asking the producers of the videos for permission later.
Version 1.09: Added 3 new videos.

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Table of Contents:

1 —– Copyright Information
2 —– Starting Tips
3 —– Guide Terms
4 —– Pros and Cons
5 —– The Path of the Beginner
— 5a —— AP Build
— 5b —— Skills
— 5c —— Skill Build
— 5d —— Training Spots
6 —– The Path of the Magician
— 6a —— Skills
— 6b —— Skill Build
— 6c —— Training Spots
— 6d —— The Job Advancement Test
7 —– The Path of the Fire Wizard
— 7a —— Skills
— 7b —— Skill Build
— 7c —— Training Spots
— 7d —— The Job Advancement Test
8 —– The Path of the Fire Mage
— 8a —— Skills
— 8bi —— Explosion Skill Build
— 8bii —— Explosion Build Training Spots
— 8ci —— Poison Myst Skill Build
— 8cii —— Poison Myst Training Spots
9 —– The Path of the Fire Arch-Mage
10 —– Boss Monsters You Can Try
11 —– Frequently Asked Questions
12 —– Fire Mage Videos
13 —– About Me
14 —– Acknowledgements

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Copyright Information

– Can I post this guide somewhere else?
Answer: Since I’m a nice guy, yes. No I’m not a nice guy; I just really can’t be bothered. But please do remember to credit me.

I think I’ll start all the way from being a magician, since bringing your fire wizard to its maximum utility does start all the way from the beginning.

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Starting tips:

– 1. ALWAYS try to max out your intelligence. For example; you are lvl10 and you have 13 luck points, as per normal. Let’s say you want to wear the lvl15 hat and you need 18 luck points to wear it.

Here’s my tip; add 5 intelligence points each level and only 5 luck points at lvl15. The reason being that your intelligence does affect the amount of mana points you get each turn. To add to that effect, you could also try skipping some equipment to try to max out your intelligence.

I know this is a guide for normal magicians, not pure intelligence ones, but since levelling is easy at lower levels, you could consider skipping that nasty looking crap and move on. One of the armour definitely worth skipping is the doros robe, as the stats are pathetic; even lower than both split pieces.

Also, the amount of mana points you gain each level is dependant on your base intelligence, so in actual fact, you would benefit more by purchasing the equipment that adds luck points and adding more intelligence points to your character. However, do note that the number of luck points a piece of equipment gives does not count in its basic requirements.

For example, let’s say you want to wield some cool magic shoes, which adds 1 luck point. Your luck is 32 and the basic requirement of the magic shoes is 33 luck points. I’m sorry but you still cannot wield the shoes although technically, with the shoes your luck points should meet the minimum requirements. If I got the information bout the shoes wrong, I’m sorry but I’m not acquainted on the subject of noob equipment. Nevertheless the point I’m trying to drive is still there. With this in mind, let’s move on.

– 2. Fire wizards are not the rich kind, but the mesos they make can be pretty sweet. However fire mages are different from fire wizards. Fire wizards deal heavy damage to 1 monster, but fire mages deal heavy damage to mobs and crap damage to single monsters. But if you are not the kind who is prepared to grind like crazy and reach the status of the fire mage, you can still say fire wizards are 1 on 1 pros but I will disagree with you.

– 3. Although theives are the only ones who can execute a proper jump attack, it is possible for fire wizards to do the same by jamming both the jump key and the attack key at the same time. Note that the attack is still considered as it was released from the ground, so you can’t use jump shots like the thieves do. Jump casting, however, allows you to travel a short distance when attacking, although this technique be will replaced by telecasting (telecasting has a meaning of its own in Maple Story), which involves pressing the attack key followed by using a teleport, when you have put a considerable number of AP into teleport. Thus the main usage of jump shots at this point of time would be to dodge earthquake attacks from monsters like mushmom, cerebus and yeti.

-4. Though unknown to some people, pure waters actually cost less than mana elixirs and red bean sundaes less than pure waters. If you do not have the habit of accidentally spamming pots for no apparent reason, you should switch to red bean sundaes ASAP the moment you can afford to use them. Also, at higher levels, then comes along the mage’s best pot friend; elixirs. Healing 50% of your HP and MP for the measly price of 3-4k, these are must-tries the moment you have at least 4000 mana. You will save a lot of mesos and the price of the pots will be cheaper as you become stronger, especially if you have maxed out your mana.

-5 Although the description for intelligence claims that it decides the accuracy of a magic attack, there have been many people telling me that somehow normal magicians have more accuracy compared to pure intelligence mages. I am not sure if this information is accurate and reliable, but if so it means that luck actually gives more accuracy than intelligence. As I said, this has NOT been verified yet. If you know anything about this matter, please notify me. Your cooperation is appreciated.

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Guide Terms

1. I will be using teleports in this guide to express distance. Since 130 and 150 distance for teleports are hardy even visible, I do not see a problem there. For example, if I say you should always keep your distance by two teleports, I mean that by using teleport twice, you should have barely covered the distance between you and the monster, crashing into its very edge. So if you are accurately two teleports away, it would be most dumb to teleport in the direction of the monster twice. For new magicians who cannot really visually find out how much distance two teleports can cover, do not fear. As you become stronger and begin to teleport more, it will naturally come to you.

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Pros and Cons

Magician Pros:

– Can attack from both near and far.
– Lots of mana.
– With magic guard, they can be harder to kill than warriors, especially priests, who have invincible and resistance.
– High mana healing rates. At higher levels your mana healing rate will become even faster than the amount of mana you burn by spamming teleport, so teleport technically becomes free.
– The damage is the most stable in the entire game.
– Built in accuracy; no passive mastery skill needed, although this will soon become a disadvantage.

Magician Cons:

Low HP, but can be easily solved with magic guard.
Mana potions tend to be more expensive, thus making most magicians reluctant to use magic guard even in threatening situations.
The range of the magical attacks is almost half of what sins and bowmen can achieve.
Sometimes said to be the lousiest class in the 3rd job, but I ensure you that fire mages stand out on their own.

Fire Wizard Pros:

– Arguably the strongest class in the game when fighting ice based mobs.
– Applies heavy damage to 1 monster.
– Achieves knock back damage easily due to high damage from fire arrow and it being a 1-hit attack. Wow those poor bandits with their 6-hit savage blow, can they even knock back? o.O
– With maxed teleport they become the perfect ksing machine at stronger mobs in the 2nd job.

Fire Wizard Cons:

– No mobbing attacks, thus easily being ksed by ice wizards, bowmen or sometimes even warriors at weak mobs.
– Fire arrow is a slow move and magic claw is normal, while sins have faster speeds, thus fire wizards can also be ksed by them quite easily at weak mobs.
– The damage of fire arrow is really ‘sweet’ at fire resistant mobs. How much damage can you take with fire arrow at level40? Like, say, 400? You won’t want to be messing with those mobs, I ensure you.
– Completely helpless at taurospears. With taurospears being resistant to fire and immune to poison, they make the fire wizard’s nightmare. God I swear next time when my sin becomes a hermit I’m gonna go on a massive killing spree at taurospears to avenge my fire mage.

Fire Mage Pros:

– Explosion is the most powerful AoE (Area of Effect) attack in the whole of the 3rd job. With maxed Elemental Amplification, it can hit up to 12k damage on 1 monster at lvl120. That means a staggering 72k damage on 6 monsters. I’d dare step up and say that no other class, apart from dragon knights with their dragon roar or Chief Bandits with Meso Explosion, can take that much damage in 1 attack at lvl120 without sacrificing much, assuming there is no 4th job yet.
– With poison myst, you will be training as quickly as how you were at lvl50 if you are lvl100, thus making fire mages the fastest levellers in the entire game in the 3rd job.
– With the poison ability fire mages can literally kill any monster that can be poisoned as long as they remember to bring snail shells.

Fire Mage Cons:

– With poison myst you will be training at mobs where no one at your level would dare to touch. Perhaps bone fish at level80 and grim phantom watches at lvl85? All those are possible. But that means you will be really poor as well, so I recommend you to train explosion before poison myst.
– Fire Mages are useless at 1 on 1s. That’s means that fire mages can easily lose when ksing at boss monsters.
– The attacks are all sooo slooooooooooowww.
– Most parties prefer not to invite fire mages during boss monster fights like pianus and Zakum, mainly since fire mages are not effective at dealing damage to single monsters.
– Don’t even bother trying to show off. Your damage goes nowhere near those of other classes.

Okay now time for the real substance, the guide itself. I will be touching on everything I can think of, but feel free to give me constructive criticism. Flame me and I swear I will hunt you down and kick your ass (taken from the show Friends XD).

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The Path of the Beginner

AP Build

Default Stats:
Strength: 4-5
Dexterity: 4-5
Intelligence: *
Luck: *

* This can represent any number, but try to have your intelligence be as high as possible.

The normal AP rule to follow is that the luck should always be the level of the character + 3 but please refer to the first note at the start of my guide in terms of intelligence and luck points.

NOTE: Let’s say you have gotten 5 for strength and 4 for dexterity. If you are ever planning to get yourself and AP reset scroll try to get it as early as possible, since that 1 point goes a long way into benefiting you.


I will definitely not list down the skills and all their effects. That would be very retarded; you could just go and check hidden-street yourself. Wow what irony; I just said that I would have been touching on everything I could think of. I will, however, give my personal opinion on all the skills.

Three Snails:
Not a must max, but the most useful skill for magicians. It will allow us to train faster on Maple Island and even complete some quests like Mai’s training. At higher levels it is also pretty cool due to the fact that it will always hit. You could go poison Thanatos and just finish it off with a snail shell rather than waste 5 magic claws just to get that successful hit.

Not useful, pretty retarded. It could be helpful on Maple Island though.

Nimble Feet:
Not useful, extremely retarded. At higher levels you would be teleporting a lot and often have no need to use this skill. In Maple Island nobody in the right mind would waste that precious mana for the measly little speed.

Skill Build

I’d recommend you max Three Snails and Recovery, although you could max anything you wanted. There is no real skill build, although you would want to keep Three Snails at only level 2 on Maple Island, since red snail shells are a tad bit hard to get.

Training Spots

Level 1-8: Green snails, Blue snails, Quests on Maple Island.

Level 1-8: If you want to just skip the quests and proceed to Victoria Island it is fine. Gather some red snail shells and have your magician train at orange mushrooms in the Kerning City Construction Site. If you want to complete the quests feel free to do so. But by the time you finish them I’d think you would be level8 by then.

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The Path of the Magician


Improving MP Recovery:
A definite must max. You would be saving a lot of mesos on mana pots after you have maxed this skill.

Improving Max MP Increase:
Max this skill ASAP. A lot of beginners fail to understand that this skill allows you to gain extra mana each level, and only pay attention to the fact that you can gain more mana points if you add AP to your mana with this skill maxed. Some even chose to be smart and not max it. I tell you if you do not max this skill of your magician you are going to die a hard death.

Magic Guard:
A definite must max. Although at lower levels this skill only makes you burn mesos like crazy you will learn to treasure it properly when the monsters you are training on start taking damage that could empty your hp bar twice.

Magic Armour:
This skill seems to be the preferred option for most beginners. As a fire mage all your skill points are vital as your skills are the basic foundations of your life and any less SP in them could give you a great loss. This skill is something you will not need. I mean, why don’t you go to youtube and watch some maple story videos of pros. The mobs they are fighting are taking 2000+ damage. Now imagine how that cute little stirge takes 20 less damage when you use a maxed magic armour. Useful? How bout 1980+ damage at those strong mobs if magic armour is used? Does that even make a difference at all?

I hope I have made my point.

Energy bolt:
A pretty useless skill as magic claw is better than it in offence at all aspects.

Magic Claw:
You have no idea how important this skill is. It will be your only effective way of attacking fire resistant and poison immune monsters like taurospears. Also, you can enjoy the fact that this spell is the only one that can go through walls in the whole of a fire mage’s skill book, apart from poison myst, which is so slow it hardly counts as a single hit attack at all.

Skill Build

8- 1 Energy Bolt (1)
9- 3 Improving MP Recovery (3)
10- 2 Improving MP Recovery (5), 1 Improving Max MP Increase (1)
11- 3 Improving Max MP Increase (4)
12- 3 Improving Max MP Increase (7)
13- 3 Improving Max MP Increase (MAXED)
14- 2 Magic Claw (2), 1 Improving MP Recovery (6)
15- 2 Magic Claw (4), 1 Improving MP Recovery (7)
16- 2 Magic Claw (6), 1 Improving MP Recovery (8)
17- 2 Magic Claw (8), 1 Improving MP Recovery (9)
18- 2 Magic Claw (10), 1 Improving MP Recovery (10)
19- 2 Magic Claw (12), 1 Improving MP Recovery (11)
20- 2 Magic Claw (14), 1 Improving MP Recovery (12)
21- 2 Magic Claw (16), 1 Improving MP Recovery (13)
22- 2 Magic Claw (18), 1 Improving MP Recovery (14)
23- 2 Magic Claw (MAXED), 1 Improving MP Recovery (15)
24- 1 Improving MP Recovery (MAXED), 2 Magic Guard (2)
25- 3 Magic Guard (5)
26- 3 Magic Guard (8)
27- 3 Magic Guard (11)
28- 3 Magic Guard (14)
29- 3 Magic Guard (17)
30- 3 Magic Guard (MAXED)

8- 1 Improving MP Recovery (1)
9- 3 Improving MP Recovery (4)
10- 1 Improving MP Recovery (5), 2 Improving Max MP Increase (2)
11- 3 Improving Max MP Increase (5)
12- 3 Improving Max MP Increase (8)
13- 2 Improving Max MP Increase (MAXED), 1 Energy Bolt (1)
14- 3 Magic Claw (3)
15- 3 Magic Claw (6)
16- 3 Magic Claw (9)
17- 3 Magic Claw (12)
18- 3 Magic Claw (15)
19- 3 Magic Claw (18)
20- 2 Magic Claw (MAXED), 1 Improving MP Recovery (6)
21- 3 Improving MP Recovery (9)
22- 3 Improving MP Recovery (12)
23- 3 Improving MP Recovery (15)
24- 1 Improving MP Recovery (MAXED), 2 Magic Guard (2)
25- 3 Magic Guard (5)
26- 3 Magic Guard (8)
27- 3 Magic Guard (11)
28- 3 Magic Guard (14)
29- 3 Magic Guard (17)
30- 3 Magic Guard (MAXED)

Training Spots:
Level 8-15: Slimes in the Slime Tree or the Tree that Grew.

Level 15-16: Orange Mushrooms at the Kerning City Construction Site, Slimes or if you have a good weapon you could go to the Pig Beach early.

Level 16-20: Pigs and Ribbon Pigs at the Pig Beach. Don’t even bother fighting the Iron Hogs if those assholes spawn.

Level 20-22: Green mushrooms at the Sleepywood Swamp, the tree dungeon just northeast of Slime Tree or the Forest of Wisdom are okay. You could also stay at pig beach. You can’t go to bubblings yet since they have a higher avoidability level compared to green mushrooms. Axe stumps at the West Street Corner of Perion are also okay. If you are planning to fight green mushrooms and axe stumps remember to start the Winston quest. The Kerning Party Quest** is possible, but hardly anyone will invite you.

Level 23-25: Bubblings at the Subway B1 Depot. If you are not good at jumping quests you could try the bubblings at the Subway Line 1 Area 1 too but the spawn is nearly not as good, although it still beats green mushrooms. Another possible option are the octopus at the Construction Sites East and West of Kerning City, only provided you have someone to clear the bottom spawn for you. The Kerning Party Quest** is also possible, but you will still have a hard time finding a party.

Level 25- 28: Stirges at the Subway Transfer Line would be excellent as magicians have the ability to cast magic claw from both near and far. You could also try octopus at the Sleepywood swamp but you might have trouble with the jr neckis. Wild boars at the Land of Wild Boar 2 work fine as well, since it is quite empty nowadays. Do NOT go to the Land of Wild Boar 1 if they are no people clearing the jr boogies for you. By now you should be able to find a party easily for the Kerning Party Quest** so that is possible as well.

Level 28-30: Crows at the Zipangu Crow Forest are great, but that place is frequented by ksers. You could also try horny and zombie mushrooms at the ant tunnel, green and horny mushrooms or octopus at the Sleepywood swamp, wild boars at the Land of Wild Boar or Stirges at the Subwat Transfer Line. By now you practically own at the Kerning Party Quest**, especially since you are a magician, so it would be great as well.

** If you are a hardcore trainer do NOT do the Kerning PQ as the experience rates really suck, even if you keep on getting in. This is only meant for a fun way of training.

The Job Advancement Test

Nothing much to this. Talk to Grendel the Really Old, followed by the Job Advancement guy, to enter a hidden cave of horny mushrooms and cure eyes. The horny mushrooms have become stronger and the curse eyes, weaker. If you followed my skill and AP build you should be taking 2 to 3 magic claws to kill each monster. The only problem is that the drop rates are crap and it takes 1 in 5 monsters to drop a marble. I also should note that the curse eyes seem to have a better drop rate of marbles. Remember to bring the necessary potions required though. I’d say 20 orange and blue pots would be enough. Once you have gotten all 30 marbles talk to the Job Instructor to get the Amulet Thingy and go back to Grendel. Please be sure not the click on the wrong Job Option though, I accidentally did that mistake with my sin-to-be once, and became a bandit. Wow 30 levels wasted for no reason at all.

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The Path of the Fire Wizard

Congratulations on becoming a Fire Wizard! You will receive you cool new skill book and another skill point. You should know that being a fire wizard is the most tedious part of this job, as training is not very fast, yet your skills do not own so training is not fun either. Once your fire arrow is strong enough you will be staying at Ossyria for a huge part of your life, so be prepared for that.

If you want to be a poison mage, you had better not overspend mesos from level 55 to 70. This is the time where you will be making a lot of mesos, possibly around 25-40 million, which will be saved for fundings when you have become a poison mage.

Also, being a poison wizard is stupid. If you want to start a poison wizard you shouldn’t even be reading my guide in the first place as I specifically mentioned ‘The Ultimate FIRE Wizard Guide’. I will be still covering the poison mage since it is not as stupid as being a poison wizard.


MP Eater:
Not very useful at the moment, but once you get explosion you will be mobbing a lot, and this can help you save tons of mana. Since we cannot mob yet max this only at a later part of the game.

If you want to deal your heavy damage with fire arrow this should be maxed early. 20 Magic Attack is very useful. Although this is a party skill, only magicians have a use of it so you will be using this as a solo skill most of a time. Clerics will also like this skill, thus increasing your chances of being able to party with them. If you just want to have fun you could also give a random lvl8 magician this meditate boost and watch his damage double.

This skill allows us to travel the fastest in the 2nd job, thus also allowing faster training and ksing. It would be useful to have 1 SP into this skill first, although the mana cost is quite steep. Max this immediately after paying attention to your offensive needs, which would include fire arrow and meditation.

Not useful at all in the 2nd job. However once you reach the 3rd job when you will be doing heavy mobbing, this skill does wonders. When combined with seal monsters become almost as good as frozen. Do note that however, this is the only skill dishing out status abnormalities that can affect boss monsters. So if you are taking on the papulatus clock and that blue little alien is flying around the screen the dragon knight will personally thank you for slowing it.

Fire Arrow:
Don’t max this and I’ll personally whack you. No point being a fire wizard without this skill. You will be using this skill throughout your whole 3rd job life when fighting monsters such as tauromacis and the infamous Crimson Balrog since they are immune to poison. In the 2nd job this skill will also allow you to wipe out mini bosses like MT-09 pretty easily since you can achieve knockback most of the time. Max this first, since it will be your main skill used in training. And unlike holy arrow and shining ray, explosion is not stronger than fire arrow on 1 monster.

Poison Brace:
1 word: Useless. Once you get poison myst you will find out it overshadows poison brace in any and every way. You should max every skill and just put the junk SP into this skill. Or you could put it into magic armour and energy bolt. Either way I don’t care, all 3 skills are equally useless.

Skill Build
30- 1 Teleport (1)
31- 3 Fire Arrow (3)
32- 3 Fire Arrow (6)
33- 3 Fire Arrow (9)
34- 3 Fire Arrow (12)
35- 3 Fire Arrow (15)
36- Save 3 SP (3)
37- Save 3 SP (6)
38- Save 3 SP (9)
39- 12 Fire Arrow (27)
40- 3 Fire Arrow (MAXED)
41- 3 MP Eater (3)
42- 3 Meditate (3)
43- 3 Meditate (6)
44- 3 Meditate (9)
45- 3 Meditate (12)
46- 3 Meditate (15)
47- 3 Meditate (18)
48- 2 Meditate (MAXED), 1 Teleport (2)
49- 3 Teleport (5)
50- 3 Teleport (8)
51- 3 Teleport (11)
52- 3 Teleport (14)
53- 3 Teleport (17)
54- 3 Teleport (MAXED)
55- 3 Slow (3)
56- 3 Slow (6)
57- 3 Slow (9)
58- 3 Slow (12)
59- 3 Slow (15)
60- 3 Slow (18)
61- 2 Slow (MAXED)
62- 3 MP Eater (6)
63- 3 MP Eater (9)
64- 3 MP Eater (12)
65- 3 MP Eater (15)
66- 3 MP Eater (18)
67- 2 MP Eater (MAXED), 1 SP into whatever you want
69- 3 SP into whatever you want
70- 3 SP into whatever you want

Training Spots
Level 30-35: Crows at Zipangu Crow forest once again, horny and zombie mushrooms at the Ant Tunnel and wild boars at the Land of Wild Boar. I still do not think you are strong enough to take on the jr boogies though.

Level 36-40: You can stick to Crows at Zipangu Crow Forest, move on to jr wraiths and ligators, or take the ship to orbis and try jr pepes there. I recommend jr pepes from level 37-39 as the spawn is very good. If you choose to add 12 SP into fire arrow instead of saving the last 3 you can go early jr grupins early at lvl39.

Level 40-43: Jr Grupins. Crows suck now and jr pepes are still too strong for you to 1-hit them. If you want you could try jr wraiths but the map is not friendly for fire wizards so I recommend jr grupins over them. The experience is quite good, considering you share a map with clerics, taking the bottom spawn, and are willing to take the trouble to go back to Victoria Island.

Level 44-49: Jr Pepes are ideal and the drops are fair. Besides there doesn’t seem to be any other suitable training spots. From this level onwards you will start to make quite a lot of mesos.

Level 50-55: Jr Yetis. And they drop the elusive 60% GFA scroll. Within these 5 levels I think you should be able to find 3 or more, which already gives you 9 million to fund. Pretty neat huh?

Level 56-66: It will be grupins all the way. You may complain its 10 whole damn levels but let me tell you, by the time you’re done with them, you’ve never felt richer. Icicles, tobis and 60% cape dexterity scrolls; what more could you want?

Level 67-70: You could stick at grupins to make a bigger fortune but you would probably be so sick you’d never want to touch another grupin in your entire life. By now you should move on and try white pangs. For tips on how to train effectively at white pangs please read my other guide at link

The Job Advancement Test
You are finally ready to proceed to becoming a mage! Congratulations! You’ve probably never felt happier if this is your main account. The main thing I should warn you about is that this test is nothing like the first one. For one thing, it can even be considered a challenge.

Your first task would be to speak to Robeira. After that make your way back to Victoria Island and revisit your old master, Grendel. He will send you into the depths of Ellinia in search of his evil clone.

I suggest you stock up on elixirs, white potions and most importantly, holy waters. The last thing you would want to do is be sealed by him in the middle of 5 raging tauromacis. Also, by now your mana should be at least 4000, so you can use elixirs to save mesos.

Now make your way down to the Forest of Evil 2, which can be reached via the Forest of Wisdom. Click on the Door of Dimension to enter to be transported to the Path of the Glittering Crystal. If you have defeated Jr Balrog before this battle will be cake, but most people are not prepared to take so much damage.

Grendel has 3 attacks; explosion, shining ray and ice strike. All 3 attacks can be dodged by teleporting and have very little range. Your main problem is when Grendel starts summoning tauromacis. Always try to kill the tauromacis first before you attempt Grendel if not they will keep zapping you, unless you have not hit them yet.

The main advantage of the fire wizard is that we can achieve a hundred percent knockback on Grendel with fire arrow, so just corner Grendel, keep yourself two teleports away from him and spam fire arrow.

Also remember that it is worth bumping into Grendel for only 200 over getting smacked by Grendel’s explosion for 800. If Grendel ever seals you just press the button you allocated holy water to and continue with the fight. If you follow my strategy you should not take more than 5 minutes.

After getting the dark charm speak to Grendel for the Necklace of Strength. Go back to Ossyria and get yourself a dark crystal. Now these cost 1 million mesos and using more than one for the quiz is a complete waste of mesos.

When you are ready make your way to the Holy Ground at the Snowfield via the wooden door at Sharp Cliff 2 and click on the Holy Stone. Just remember that you are NOT timed so you can put down the Maple Story window and check the internet for help if you want. Also, always ensure you have inventory space for the necklace of wisdom or you will have to redo the quiz and waste another dark crystal, even if you have gotten all the questions correct.

Once you have the necklace speak to Roberia one last time and congratulations! You are finally a Fire Mage.

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The Path of the Fire Mage

The Fire Mage is believed to be the weakest class in the game. Although in terms of offensive abilities priests are at the bottom of the list, just below fire mages, they are respected for their great variety of useful party skills, thus making people frowning at fire mages and saying, ‘That’s the most useless class ever.’

Those who say that are the most ignorant, incompetent and unreliable reviewers, I assure you. If you only look at certain aspects of a game, like perhaps only its storyline and graphics, you are a lousy reviewer. Same goes for making opinions on Maple Story jobs.

In fact, put up a level 120 dragon knight against a level 120 fire mage at grim phantom watches. You’ll be please to know that the dragon knight has already lost before the start of the battle.

As far as I’m concerned, the heavier the map spawn rate is, the more efficient fire mages are.

Well enough with this, since I will be touching on the skills later. I just want you all to know that this is the heaviest section in the whole guide and I will be splitting the guide into two builds; explosion and poison myst. Actually I would say that you can max anything you want that takes effect immediately in your training, like elemental amplification and elemental composition but the explosion and poison myst builds are the two most effective builds in the game. Another thing you will be pleased to know about is that in the 3rd job, you can actually train faster than you used to in the 2nd job until around level 100.


Partial Resistance:
I will not say this skill is useless, but it has not much effect at the moment. Considering most of the monsters you are fighting will be weak to fire and poison, I doubt they will be launching fire attacks and poison attacks at you. But who knows? Maybe in the future this skill will be of more use. 1 point into this skill is enough, or if you want you do not need to train it at all.

Elemental Amplification:
Ah this heavenly skill is what makes explosion so deadly. Although it doubles the cost of your attacks the 35% extra damage slapped on to the high damage you are already doing literally owns. Do not max this skill too early though; the pot cost is going to burn you, especially since this is a passive skill. Elemental Amplification only affects damaging skills, which thankfully means skills like teleport and meditation will not have increased MP costs.

Max this skill first and you will finally feel like a true fire mage. When maxed the damage of this skill is the same as you shooting out 6 fire arrows at one go. Another benefit is that when you have found a comfortable sniping spot in a map with heavy spawns with party members covering the other areas, you can just lean back, relax and keep one finger on your explosion hot key, while you use your other hand to snack on chips or something. You will only need to jump off from your sniping position once in a while to pick up the drops. With maxed MP Eater your mana cost will be pretty low as well. Comparing your fighting style to sins I can confirm you will last longer in a battle of endurance.

Poison Myst:
Unknown to many people, if this skill is used correctly, it is one of the strongest skills in the entire game. If you max this skill early it will allow you to train at even monsters that are fire resistant. However do not even bother trying to show off with this skill, all the other immature creeps around you will just start spamming, ‘Z0MG WH0’S F4RT1NG?’ with an F5 plastered on their ignorant faces.

Here is an example of the utility of poison myst. The base idea is roughly taken from Flenaris of Maple Global but I am using my own words. Still I would like to thank him for coming up with such a nicely phrased passage.

So let’s say you are playing ks with another dragon knight. You are a mere level 80 poison mage while the dragon knight is at 100. His buster takes around 9k on 1 monster, which is 27k on 3 monsters, while your poison myst only takes 1k on a grim. Do not despair; you can easily overcome this problem.

So you start poisoning your first 3 grims for 3k damage per second. You immediately move on to the next set of grims. The dragon knight, full of confidence, smashes the grims to gain a majority of the experience. But oops, the time he has taken to kill the grims was too long, you have moved on and poisoned 6 more grims, now taking 6k damage per second. By the time he manages to kill the 6 grims you would have already poisoned 10, and since you takes the longer time to kill 6 grims, the poison has taken more effect and the experience he gets gradually decreases.

By the time he can make the whole round all the grims have been poisoned for 40 seconds and from now on he will only be getting around 500xp per grim while you are getting the rest. This will continue and soon the dragon knight will realise he has been beaten by a poison mage and leave in disgust.

Sounds tantalising enough? However I must warn you that there is a downside. In that amount of time you would have lost at least 500k in mesos. Besides you cannot ks off a party of three or more at grims. I mean, name me another job that can. Since most ksers at grims come in huge parties this scenario is rare, I highly recommend you go with the explosion build. With Zipangu released (Sorry all those playing Maple Global), you can train much faster with explosion now at the Parking Lot, and chances are by the time you move on from the Parking Lot you would have made much more mesos compared to the poison myst build and probably only 2 or 3 levels behind. After that you can move on to duals and by the time you are done with them you would have started training poison myst yourself already.

Wow that was a lot of description I gave for only one skill.

You can finally get the complete slow+ seal set. If slow is Yin this will have to be Yang. Slow decreases a monster’s speed by 40 (how much you can get from haste, by the way) and seal disables them from using magic attacks. Reaching you would take a million light years and since they cannot snipe you with their fanciful blasts, you can take your time to kill them. However effective this is, though, it cannot grant maximum utility compared to freezing. If you try to use this method at grims, accompanied with explosion as your main attacking skill, the grims will still be able to hit you as explosion is too slow.

Magic Booster:
Always thought your fire arrow was a little too slow? No problemo! This skill fixes that. To save your precious skill points, you will not be maxing this skill though. Leaving it at 11 is good enough since you still get the +2 speed bonus.

Magic Composition:
Do not be mislead; this skill is actually divided into 50% fire and 50% poison so the damage is not that massive, but guaranteed massive against monsters both weak to fire and poison. That means that if a monster is weak to fire it will be 75% fire and 50% poison, which is 125% of the actual attack but if the monster is weak to both elements, it will be 75% fire and 75% poison, which amounts to the normal 150% elemental advantage. This skill will allow you to take much more damage on neutral monsters and a little more on monsters that are weak to fire. This skill can also poison monsters and it looks really cool. You will be replacing fire arrow with this skill (since when did we turn into archers?), although fire arrow will be more effective at tauromacis and Crimson Balrog since they are immune to poison.

Explosion Skill Build

70: 1 Explosion (1)
71: 3 Explosion (4)
72: 3 Explosion (7)
73: 3 Explosion (10)
74: 3 Explosion (13)
75: 3 Explosion (16)
76: 3 Explosion (19)
77: 3 Explosion (22)
78: 3 Explosion (25)
79: 3 Explosion (28)
80: 2 Explosion (Maxed), 1 Elemental Amplification (1)
81: 2 Elemental Amplification (3), 1 Magic Booster (1)
82: 3 Magic Booster (4)
83: 3 Magic Booster (7)
84: 3 Magic Booster (10)
85: 1 Magic Booster, 2 Elemental Amplification (5)
86: 3 Elemental Amplification (8)
87: 3 Elemental Amplification (11)
88: 3 Elemental Amplification (14)
89: 3 Elemental Amplification (17)
90: 3 Elemental Amplification (20)
91: 3 Elemental Amplification (23)
92: 3 Elemental Amplification (26)
93: 3 Elemental Amplification (29)
94: 1 Elemental Amplification (Maxed), 2 Poison Myst (2)
95: 3 Poison Myst (5)
96: 3 Poison Myst (8)
97: 3 Poison Myst (11)
98: 3 Poison Myst (14)
99: 3 Poison Myst (17)
100: 3 Poison Myst (20)
101: 3 Poison Myst (23)
102: 3 Poison Myst (26)
103: 2 Poison Myst (28), 1 Elemental Composition (1)
104: 3 Elemental Composition (4)
105: 3 Elemental Composition (7)
106: 3 Elemental Composition (10)
107: 3 Elemental Composition (13)
108: 3 Elemental Composition (16)
109: 3 Elemental Composition (19)
110: 3 Elemental Composition (22)
111: 3 Elemental Composition (25)
112: 3 Elemental Composition (28)
113: 2 Elemental Composition (Maxed), 1 Seal (1)
114: 3 Seal (4)
115: 3 Seal (7)
116: 3 Seal (10)
117: 3 Seal (13)
118: 3 Seal (16)
119: 3 Seal (19)
120: 1 Elemental Resistance (1), 2 Poison Myst (Maxed)

Explosion Build Variations:
You could add 3 SP into Elemental Amplification before you start pumping 3 SP into Explosion. It depends on whether you prefer range and stability or attack power. Range makes more sniping spots available for your usage, stability gives you a stronger minimum damage from increased mastery and power gives you more damage. I personally prefer range and stability, hence maxing explosion first, but it is really your choice.

Explosion Build Training Spots

70-150: Good luck to you, you’ll be sticking to Grupins from now on, where you will move on to snails at HHG after 150. The xp rates are around 5% a year so this will be the ultimate test in your career as a fire mage.

Nah, I’m just spoofing some guide I saw on GameFAQs, one of the lousiest ever.

70-75: This is what the Zipangu Parking Lot was meant for. It’s perfect for beginners to practice explosion sniping. A level 1 explosion is all you need. The best place would be the truck at the extreme east of the map, as your explosion is not strong enough for you to take the west area yet. But due to the low availability of this map parties would normally be training in all 20 channels. If you can, try to get into a party, preferably with a priest. That is when your experience rates will shoot up. If you can’t find a map or a party, though, the Showa Street 2 map can do. You can’t take map 1 since the male boss spawns there, which takes 4500 touch damage. Ouch. Map 3 has lots of Jr Bulldogs, which can be considered as irritants, so try to avoid training there as well.

For those playing Maple Global, sorry you do not have Zipangu yet; it just made 70-75 a hell lot harder for you. I guess you’ll have to stick to white pangs all the way. Another possible option would be jr yetis. What personally I did was to hit all the jr yetis in the map with a fire arrow. You would be able to kill some of them in 1 hit. Since the rest of the jr yetis would be following you, you just lure them to the middle and cast explosion in the centre. You might spam more pots than normal, but the training is pretty fast and you still gain quite some mesos.

76-80: With a level 19 explosion you should be able to find parties at the Zipangu Parking Lot much more easily now. Continue there, it is probably when you will be making the most mesos in your life as a fire mage. The Subordinate Ds drop Guan Yu Pole arms and Seclusion Wrist Guards, which can be sold for good mesos. Also remember to trade off the Leader B shades at the trading quest after training. With much luck you could snag the elusive Brown Adventurer Cape.

For those playing Maple Global you can move on to Death Teddies or Ghost Pirates now. Although they drop crap mesos the equipment drops are pretty cool. The better sniping spots are not available at the start; you explosion range is not wide enough. But as you level further and pump more skill points into your explosion the monsters just become more and more vulnerable to them. If you are planning to try Ghost Pirates I recommend you ask an ice wizard friend or someone who is free to take out the buffoons and lazy buffoons for you. Trust me they can be very annoying.

MapleSEA players can train at Death Teddies and Ghost Pirates as well, but I strongly recommend the Parking Lot.

Also, you should start the Papulatus Clock quest now. Extra Experience from quest rewards can’t harm.

81-85: Continue at the Zipangu Parking Lot; by now you should be partying a lot more now. After level 80 with a maxed explosion priests would definitely want you in their parties, especially to take the west corner. Ice mages are good; but fire mages kill faster.

For those playing Maple Global you should stay at Death Teddies. By now you will be killing them much faster and that will mean your training speed remains pretty much the same as it was 5 levels ago, despite the whole hell more experience you need.

86-90: By now the experience gains at the Showa Hideout Parking Lot is starting to become less, but nevertheless still good enough for training.

For those playing Maple Global you can move on to Dual Ghost Pirates, or Duals, by now. Fire mages can also find parties here, so I guess the statement that fire mages solo all the time becomes just a lousy stereotype with the releasing of Ludibrum and Zipangu. Do note that there are no sniping spot for the Duals at the bottom whatsoever, so that’s where a hermit or dragon knight party member can be of great help. You can also find dragon tails at Duals if you are lucky, which are worth a handful. MapleSEA players can also move on to Duals, but the mesos aren’t that good compared to the Parking Lot.

A note about fighting Duals: Dual Ghost Pirates attack in a weird way. If you stand close to them they will not bombard you with magic attacks. However they will if you stand about two teleports away or more. Also, if you stand on a spot just higher or lower than them chances are they’ll spike you with their irritating attacks as well. So when sniping with explosion do ensure that you try to keep yourself directly above them, or make the angle as vertical as possible, or they make just whack you out of your comfortable sniping pot, wasting your two precious elixirs.

91-95: The Parking Lot is pretty useless now; you should be moving on. You can try Phantom Watches if you are daring, but it would be a good idea to train there in a party. I recommend you stick to Duals; the experience is still really nice. Also Duals are a lot more popular with parties. Take this chance to make a lot of friends; you’ll never know when you need them for fast party training ever again.

96-105: Move on to Phantom Watches. As usual, the moment the bottom spawn of Phantom Watches grow, they will become a potential pot-waster. As with Duals, try to party and have a hermit or dragon knight take the bottom. The sniping spots in this map are pretty okay and with the right tecniques, you can still gain quite a lot of mesos here. The magic attacks of Phantom Watches are relatively the same as Death Teddies, just that they are astonishingly fast and much more damaging. You can still dodge them with teleporting, although some practice is needed.

106+: Grim Phantom Watches are your best bet now. The experience is really sweet, but on the downside you will feel a whole lot poorer after a day of hard training. The mesos Grims drop are almost half of what Phantom Watches give, and that promising Kage drop you are aiming to hunt is probably 90% false hope. Chances are you will not be seeing one.

Also, the sniping spots in this map are crap. But on the brighter side you would have maxed poison myst by now. If you have not tried it yet, now would be a good time to harness its power. By now you should be very experienced in Maple Story, definitely more than me, and I will not tell you how to train. Partying is still good, but how you choose to fight would be completely up to you XD.

Once you have maxed your elemental composition you could also try hunting gate keeper and thanatos.

Also, congratulations for making it so far.

Poison Myst Skill Build

70: 1 Explosion (1)
71: 2 Elemental Amplification (2), 1 Poison Myst (1)
72: 3 Poison Myst (4)
73: 3 Poison Myst (7)
74: 3 Poison Myst (10)
75: 3 Poison Myst (13)
76: 3 Poison Myst (16)
77: 3 Poison Myst (19)
78: 3 Poison Myst (22)
79: 3 Poison Myst (25)
80: 3 Poison Myst (28)
81: 1 Elemental Amplification (3), 2 Seal (2)
82: 3 Seal (5)
83: 3 Explosion (4)
84: 3 Explosion (7)
85: 3 Explosion (10)
86: 3 Explosion (13)
87: 3 Explosion (16)
88: 3 Explosion (19)
89: 3 Explosion (22)
90: 3 Explosion (25)
91: 3 Explosion (28)
92: 2 Explosion (Maxed), 1 Magic Booster (1)
93: 3 Magic Booster (4)
94: 3 Magic Booster (7)
95: 3 Magic Booster (10)
96: 1 Magic Booster (11), 2 Elemental Amplification (5)
97: 3 Elemental Amplification (8)
98: 3 Elemental Amplification (11)
99: 3 Elemental Amplification (14)
100: 3 Elemental Amplification (17)
101: 3 Elemental Amplification (20)
102: 3 Elemental Amplification (23)
103: 3 Elemental Amplification (26)
104: 3 Elemental Amplification (29)
105: 1 Elemental Amplification (Maxed), 2 Elemental Composition (2)
106: 3 Elemental Composition (5)
107: 3 Elemental Composition (8)
108: 3 Elemental Composition (11)
109: 3 Elemental Composition (14)
110: 3 Elemental Composition (17)
111: 3 Elemental Composition (20)
112: 3 Elemental Composition (23)
113: 3 Elemental Composition (26)
114: 3 Elemental Composition (29)
115: 1 Elemental Compositioin (Maxed) 2 Seal (7)
116: 3 Seal (10)
117: 3 Seal (13)
118: 3 Seal (16)
119: 3 Seal (19)
120: 1 Elemental Resistance (1), 2 Poison Myst (Maxed)

Posion Myst Skill Build Variations:
If you do not planning on going to sharks you could skip the 5 SP into seal at earlier stages and pump explosion immediately.

Poison Myst Training Spots

70-79: If you are playing MapleSEA, 1 point in explosion has never been so useful before. You can go to the Zipangu Parking Lot immediately and snipe with level 1 explosion. If you can find a party it gets even better. With a priest experience rates can still shoot up to 15% an hour 75.

For those playing Maple Global I’m sorry but you will have to stick with White Pangs, Grupins and Jr Yetis until 79. Or if you want to practice mysting early you could try Death Teddies or Bone Fishes, but NEVER EVER attempt them with less than 22 SP into poison myst or you will be just wasting your mesos.

80-90: For me Bone Fish are excellent within this period. Always take Map 1 as Map 2 contains too many gobi houses. If you are bored you could try mobbing gobies for awhile, but during serious training try to keep away from the houses as much as possible. Although this map has little spawn, it makes the poisoned mobs easier to detect and dodge their magical attacks. In fact if you are fast enough, you could make your rounds just in time to see the greenish colouring fade off the ready-to-be-killed mobs.

Many people also recommend Death Teddies. I personally do not have much experience at Death Teddies as I tried going there with 15 points into poison myst once. Somehow that nightmare makes me never want to touch Death Teddies again. But if you are keen on trying Death Teddies, just remember to constantly dodge the flying thingies Death Teddies throw at you with the simple trick of teleporting back then forward.

91-105: Call me crazy but you could actually attempt Grim Phantom Watches now, although the meso cost is nothing to laugh about. It’s like recoil damage. Poisoning Grims = Poisoning your mesos. Anyway enough of those crap.

You could try sharks at this level, but without seal your life will be miserable and you will often find yourself dead more than not. Just remember; the dark blue sharks are extremely deadly with dispel. Without your magic guard you are helpless and that is exactly what dispel takes away from you. Last resort when you have been dispelled and are sinking towards an angry mob of sharks: Quit the game. And remember to spam magic guard once you log in. The cold sharks can slow you but that is hardly a threat so do not bother.

The following video is excellent in demonstrating poison myst at sharks. Just note that this person has created a blood mage so that dispel is no longer a threat to him. Well dispel is still a threat to you so you cannot afford to be so reckless. Nevertheless I find it a highly inspirational video =P


106+: Refer to the 106+ part under the explosion training spots. By now you would have maxed the same skills with those of the explosion build so I needn’t say more.

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The Path of the Arch-Mage

No point writing anything, since the skills are not even confirmed yet.

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Boss Monsters to try
If you are really bored I’m going to write a list of boss monsters you can hunt. Note that the super cool drops we normally know they can drop (eg. Mushmom and ilbi) are very rare so don’t count on getting any.

Level 40+:

Very easy to kill. This is the first boss with the earthquake spell and you should learn to counter it; many bosses attack in the same way. Other than that just keep hammering rombot with your jump+ fire arrow and it should go down in no time. It drops the rombot memory card.

Chief Gray
Also easy. The main problem is that it is resistant to fire, but with the measly amount of hp it has you can easily finish it with magic claw. The multiple-hitting starry attack can be dodged, and if you see some poor guy afking in the corner feel free to make use of chief gray’s attack to kill him. Chief gray can also summon grays, which can be a constant irritation. It drops the Chief Gray’s sign.

Telecasting is very useful here. Every time it fires the missile at you just telecast forward before the missile hits you and telecast backwards to maintain your distance between MT-09. Always ensure that you are two teleports away from MT-09 though to avoid crashing into it. Continue this and MT-09 should go down easily. If telecasting is too expensive for you then use jump attacks so that MT-09 will fire the missile into the sky, then bombard it with more fire arrows and jump attack before MT-09 launches its next attack. It drops the MT-09’s fuel.

Level 45+

Counter mushmom the same way as rombot. Keep jump attacking to send mushmom to her grave. Mushmom drops the Mushmom’s spore.

Level 50+

Zombie Mushmom
Refer to mushmom, although zombie mushmom has already been sent to her grave. Do not, however, that the Jr Boogies are quite annoying so clear them before you deal your first hit on ZMM. It drops the poisonous mushroom.

Level 65+

Jr Balrog
Jr Balrog is quite difficult to kill. With its attacks reaching up to 2500 damage, you definitely wouldn’t want to be playing around with this toughie. The trick for jr balrog is to keep telecasting backwards, ensuring your distance always remains two teleports from it. Jr Balrog’s 2 attacks can be dodged by teleporting out of its range, making teleport all the more essential. But remember that if Jr Balrog throws a fireball and it is about to hit you, NEVER EVER teleport forward. It will leave you in the range for Jr Balrog to cast another attack which would hit you for sure. If Jr Balrog casts its meteor attack just be a man and tank the damage. I have never fought Jr Balrog before so I am assuming base on pure common sense. However it is not accurate so please do keep that in mind before you recklessly jump into Jr Balrog and come complaining to me later.

Level 85+

Male Boss

I prefer to call this guy Gun Boss, especially since he’s so irritating with the 4.5k damage on you when he whips out the stupid gun. There are two ways to fighting this guy.

Method 1
The first and most effective way would be to find an empty area, teleport down and pummel the Gun Boss with fire arrows or elemental compositions. Remember to slow the Gun Boss and clear the mobs near him before you start attacking. I recommend you to be at least level 100 before you try this method as the chances of you being subjected to the deadly gunfire is much higher and without enough health or mana points you will be dying very easily. Remember to always try to maintain your distance from the Gun Boss by two teleports and kill the mobs he summons as well or the map will be overcrowded. When you near the corner of the map hang on the rope, wait for the Gun Boss to walk past you, then jump down and start attacking again from the other direction. If you are cornered you can always use the strategy of bumping into a nearby monster for 200 instead of 4500 and fly away as fast as you can.

Method 2
This will be for those barely above 85. Do note that you will need at least 15 SP into explosion though. Find an empty area, teleport down, cast slow and quickly agitate the Gun Boss once. Then if not already so, teleport over to the extreme left side of the map. Cast explosion whenever the Gun Boss jumps and cast slow on all the mobs he summons. My trick was to cast explosion when the Gun Boss was jumping halfway. As he usually jumps twice, the explosion would smack him right in the fact during the 2nd jump. After you have killed the Gun Boss, teleport down and spam explosion! If you have followed what I said there should be a whole hell of spawn at the bottom right now. You don’t have to worry about the Gun Boss reappearing near you as he only spawns at the right side of the map.

I’m sorry but this is the furthest I can write to, as I am not at a stage where I can attempt those stronger boss monsters like Crimson Balrog or Pianus yet.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why must I max Magic Guard and not Magic Amour?

Magicians have pathetic health points, even at higher levels. Unless you are creating a blood mage, which I will not be going through since this guide is meant for normal magicians, you will not have enough health points to take an attack from a stronger monster. For example, you will have around 1100 health points at level 100. A cold shark, which is 5 levels LOWER than you, can deal 2000 points already. Don’t even bother to try fighting it without magic guard.

2. Why must I max teleport before MP Eater?

MP Eater. 30% success rate. Absorb 40% of the enemy’s mana. Self Explanatory. This skill sucks for you at your stage. the reason why MP Eater is more essential for clerics is because heal is a multiple hitting attack. This allows them to damage 5 monsters at once, which has 150% chance of regaining their mana. Your fire arrow damages only 1 monster at a time, so you will only be absorbing its MP approximately every 3 to 4 hits. Considering how little max MP a monster has, it hardly helps. Teleport allows you to travel more than twice the normal speed you would move at. Telecasting even allows you to evade attacks from other monsters as noted in the starting tips. With practice, you will definitely be saving more mesos with teleport over MP Eater until the 3rd job, when you get explosion.

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Fire Mage Videos

The true might of Fire Mages; its all here. Get a taste of the power and be inspired to drive yourself that extra mile towards mastering the elements of Fire and Poison. I present you a collection of really good videos I have found on Youtube. Do note that these videos were not made by me. If you find your video is being presented on YouTube without me seeking your consent, I apologise as I have found no way of contacting you yet.




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About Me

I play MapleSEA, where I have a level 88 F/P Mage (devilryfire) and a level 42 assassin (devilryclaw). Unfortunately my F/P Mage has been hacked and now I am working on strengthening my assassin. You can feel free to drop me an email at kyc333 @ gmail.com or pm me in game regarding any queries.

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hidden-street.net since I gathered quite a bit of information from them.
Flenaris for his wonderful inspirational fire mage guide.
and most of all
Wizet for making this great game.

Maple Story Rock On!

21 thoughts on “Ultimate Fire Wizard Guide V 1.09”


    [eh . I tend to use that nowadays .]

  2. lol that was long. >.> . didn’t take the time to read it. and i’ll copyright it for u. XD

    ©2007 DevilryMage Productions


  3. Nimble feet is useful offside maple island, When in the Kerning PQ, you can use it while rushing, and it costs ALOT less MP than spamming teleport, believe me.

  4. devilrymage said: “At higher levels it is also pretty cool due to the fact that it will always hit.”

    Not on JQ monsters

    But seriously.


    And trust me, I’ve seen a LOT of guides.

  5. No offense to all the guide makers out there because u do a good job looking through all the stuff and actually writing out the whole thing detail by detail, but in my opinion, theres no point in taking the time to make guides because its a big waste of time. Yes its helpful to the new starters and stuff but aren’t u looking too far ahead? I think most maplers who follow guides never much make it to over lvl 100 or even 3rd job. They just get up to 50-60. They always read the pros of being a strong lvled of w.e class they’re talking about and like lets say this guide. 72k damage to 6 monsters is a LOT. But that’s at lvl 120 -_-. Which person will really have the patience to actually get to 120. Im not saying this to discourage nobody and stuff but really, u look too far.

    P.S. Very good guide tho XD.


  6. Awesome. This strikes my match of excitement to start up on my old F/P mage! Hooray!


  7. I have a few corrections and comments to post:

    1. The reason to get Max MP early is to get at least 80% MP and 20% HP, so Magic Guard will always protect you. It will also let you use elixers at high levels, saving you tons of money, and I believe that Hyperbody and elixer combos are completely broken.

    2. You need 3 points of MP Eater before Meditate.

    3. Slow before maxing MP Eater, Eater is far more useful in the 3rd job, while slow can actually do something. Otherwise, you could get Poison to see what it does, and skip Slow altogether.

  8. irlazybum said: “No offense to all the guide makers out there because u do a good job looking through all the stuff and actually writing out the whole thing detail by detail, but in my opinion, theres no point in taking the time to make guides because its a big waste of time. Yes its helpful to the new starters and stuff but aren’t u looking too far ahead? I think most maplers who follow guides never much make it to over lvl 100 or even 3rd job. They just get up to 50-60. They always read the pros of being a strong lvled of w.e class they’re talking about and like lets say this guide. 72k damage to 6 monsters is a LOT. But that’s at lvl 120 -_-. Which person will really have the patience to actually get to 120. Im not saying this to discourage nobody and stuff but really, u look too far.

    P.S. Very good guide tho XD.


    Yet, in other versions of MS, people have gotten to 2XX and beyond. You’d think that one day, GMS might be like that too? Is 12X too far already? Shouldn’t we plan for the future, or do we get screwed when we get there?

  9. I thought that the max level for MS is 200. :X And apparently, it takes you all the exp you need from lvl 1-199 to get to 200. XD

  10. SilverFx said: “I thought that the max level for MS is 200. :X And apparently, it takes you all the exp you need from lvl 1-199 to get to 200. XD”

    Well, I only said this because there were 19X people months ago in JMS =O

  11. irlazybum said: “No offense to all the guide makers out there because u do a good job looking through all the stuff and actually writing out the whole thing detail by detail, but in my opinion, theres no point in taking the time to make guides because its a big waste of time. Yes its helpful to the new starters and stuff but aren’t u looking too far ahead? I think most maplers who follow guides never much make it to over lvl 100 or even 3rd job. They just get up to 50-60. They always read the pros of being a strong lvled of w.e class they’re talking about and like lets say this guide. 72k damage to 6 monsters is a LOT. But that’s at lvl 120 -_-. Which person will really have the patience to actually get to 120. Im not saying this to discourage nobody and stuff but really, u look too far.

    P.S. Very good guide tho XD.


    Me .

    [but only with 2x exp cards, and a fixed party at purple squids .]

  12. EpicTales said: “I have a few corrections and comments to post:

    1. The reason to get Max MP early is to get at least 80% MP and 20% HP, so Magic Guard will always protect you. It will also let you use elixers at high levels, saving you tons of money, and I believe that Hyperbody and elixer combos are completely broken.

    2. You need 3 points of MP Eater before Meditate.

    3. Slow before maxing MP Eater, Eater is far more useful in the 3rd job, while slow can actually do something. Otherwise, you could get Poison to see what it does, and skip Slow altogether.”

    Good points! But I will have to stress that without slow and seal your life as a fire mage will be hell, thus making slow a must max.

  13. devilrymage said: “

    EpicTales said: “I have a few corrections and comments to post:

    1. The reason to get Max MP early is to get at least 80% MP and 20% HP, so Magic Guard will always protect you. It will also let you use elixers at high levels, saving you tons of money, and I believe that Hyperbody and elixer combos are completely broken.

    2. You need 3 points of MP Eater before Meditate.

    3. Slow before maxing MP Eater, Eater is far more useful in the 3rd job, while slow can actually do something. Otherwise, you could get Poison to see what it does, and skip Slow altogether.”

    Good points! But I will have to stress that without slow and seal your life as a fire mage will be hell, thus making slow a must max.”

    Great point, Poison Brace is literally useless. . . Except for Ganzicus xD

  14. Hmmm, got any other guide? Cos, Im not excalty too keen on being a mge even thought the damage is great. . .

  15. As soon as I’m gonna read it all, I’ll drop you a line what I think and if we’ll need a translation. Amazing work there, keep it up. Happy Mappling! 😀

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