A Series of Fortunate Events

Well contradictory to a famous book, this means exactly what it says instead of making the plot too far-fetched. My first good news is that my blogs are okay! I don’t care about my lastest blog being deleted, but the restoration of my story brings much joy as I will be abole to continue writing the Winnders & Losers Series.

My 2nd piece of good news is that my devilryfire is finally lvl50! It took me a really long time to nurture this fire/poison wizard but in the end I feel it is all worthwhile. We have been through thick and thin alike, the feelings we have developed . . .wow that sounded pretty cheesy, I’ll stop beating around the bush and go straight to the point. Devilryfire is finally lvl50! Have I told you that yet?

And finally, I got 65 experience from killing a panda! I struggled in an exhausting battle, pitting all my skills and pushing them to the limits to burn the little panda into a pile of soot. Don’t tell me 65 experience is nothing. What’s nothing multiplied by a million? Nothing. What’s 65 multiplied by a million? 65 million xp, or in that case something. So there you have it.

I submitted a pic of devilryfire. The cash burned a hole in my pockets but I like it.

PS: Today I was chatting with Annikabelle through whispers. She used 2 whole super megaphones over a mokbi. That’s the last thing I’d expect from a lvl1xx priest lol.

12 thoughts on “A Series of Fortunate Events”

  1. It wasn’t too bad, really. Of the 20 shots I popped at him, about 4 of them were misses.
    Luckily i SS’d this one though, it was my highest hit .___. rest were ‘1’s.

  2. I suppose. I assume. I think? 😀
    I never really left. I’ve just been lurking in the shadows for the longest time. I’m surprised people remember me after so long. xD


  3. NOT FUNNY LOL its not the mokbi, its the thought of someone looting your mokbi, and getting away wiith it,


    You were fighting Mushmom and u defeated it, and OhMiGoSH it drops a ILLBII <or whatever u call it> and then u were so buzy celebrating that you FORGOT to take the illbi and a noob passes by and thinks “LOL free stuff” and grabs it right under your nose. You are not going to give up without a fight right? so u chase that noob till u get it back.

    I was so tired of chasing Sweeyin that i decided to do it the easier way, its not the mokbi. its the thought

  4. Annikabelle said: “NOT FUNNY LOL its not the mokbi, its the thought of someone looting your mokbi, and getting away wiith it,


    You were fighting Mushmom and u defeated it, and OhMiGoSH it drops a ILLBII <or whatever u call it> and then u were so buzy celebrating that you FORGOT to take the illbi and a noob passes by and thinks “LOL free stuff” and grabs it right under your nose. You are not going to give up without a fight right? so u chase that noob till u get it back.

    I was so tired of chasing Sweeyin that i decided to do it the easier way, its not the mokbi. its the thought”

    Wow you celebrated over a mokbi drop?

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