World Lost a of Tales


I lured you into my blog.



EDIT: ekil!

EDITEDIT: And, Gujju LOST her marbles and wanted to be mentioned in MY blog. THERE. YA HAPPY?

15 thoughts on “World Lost a of Tales”

  1. Somehow, I have a feeling AznRiceFan will have something to say about this…

    -=The Nazgul=-

  2. BlackNazgul said: “Somehow, I have a feeling AznRiceFan will have something to say about this…

    -=The Nazgul=-“

    Apparently, we’re not the only ones in love with the word ‘lost.’

  3. AznRiceFan said: “

    BlackNazgul said: “Somehow, I have a feeling AznRiceFan will have something to say about this…

    -=The Nazgul=-“

    Apparently, we’re not the only ones in love with the word ‘lost.'”

    It’s a epidemic!
    We need a cure for this “Lost” addiction!

  4. Cheeze! Not you too!
    I can feel it taking hold of me as well.
    Gotta fight before I los- NO!
    phew that was close

  5. OMG, what if I watch LOST! ! ! ! !
    Fortunately I do not! But I heard it’s a good show and stuff. . .
    Topic change?
    Let’s talk about my new fanfic called “Lost in Maple”. . .

  6. I am LOST! I love the TV show LOST! It’s so fricking awesomissimo! Lost itself is a pwnful word too! w00t for lost!

    -=The Nazgul=-

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