Really Random and crappy Paint Thing

Anyways I made a crapped up thingy with a hermit killing a mage…o.O(you can leave now)
link (<—- click there if your legaly insane trust me you will be after you see it that’s how bad it is…)
Veiw the other thing too…Go here to see something slightly better and to veiw me… link

9 thoughts on “Really Random and crappy Paint Thing”

  1. Maybe if you just shown the characters in action without the throwing stars , it might be better .

    But yeah .

    The like’s for the hawt sin/dit .

  2. I’m legally insane!
    And the random people were pretty good.
    -Hugs Dragoon for no apparent reason-

  3. Weee I’m illegaly and legally insane (don’t ask how I am at the same time buut. . .)
    Check out the kick or hug thing XD I spent 1 hour pm’ing my self. . .

  4. . . . ZOMG IT COVERS W-T-F without the dashes up T.T anyways sowee for the triple post

  5. Lol.
    What dot com = oil site?!
    And I wish I had your conversation skills.
    I can’t talk to myself very well, but I did set a mosh date with me.

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