Well as a few of you may know I created a warrior about 3 or 4 weeks ago. As of 11:04 EST last night I got to lvl 70. Tomorrow after school I will have a dexless DK
I’m surprised I made it to 70 and so quickly. Although I was planning on hitting 70 a few days ago. My computer cannot handle MS lately. It lags way too much.
Yesterday some guy sold me ilbis for 2.5m and I was extremely happy! =) although it did seem weird, when I asked him why he said he was quitting. Recently while on my CB I picked up two (yes TWO) mastery books. Ninja ambush 20 70% which should support me in my goal of a zhelm and hog for my dk-to-be.
I posted this as a bad experience because after 3 weeks of pure grinding I made it to 70 just to have my mom kick me off the computer when I was about to begin my job advancement.
Also, sorry for never posting SS’s. I blog on my sidekick on the bus to school in the mornings so I can’t put any of them up.Iill try to edit this blog when I get home and put some screenshots.
Sorry for the double post my phone lagged. Can someone tell me how to delete?
You go to edit your blog and check the box next to the words ‘ Delete blog ‘ .
Hey grats on the 70 =)
I am wayyy jealous of you .
Any tips to quick levelling ?
Go to edit blog, and then under the blog body thing you see a delete button? Check the box next to it and hit delete.
By the way, congratulations on hitting 70 so fast
I would never have the patience to grind like hell for 3-4 weeks 
Congratulations on lvl 70.
Don’t you hate parents when they do that? XD
Well. Basically what I did was get to 21 in a day and pq till 30. Once I became a spearman I went to ant tunnel and trained till 35.
My guild offered to lvl me to 50 by pqing with me.
Which I did for the next week.
I hit lvl 50 in a week and a half. Then I went to fog and trained with a friend of mine. (Priest) and I reached 60 in 4 more days.
I was low on money so I lmpqed from 60-70 in 5 more days.
Day one:1-21(Various locations
Day two:21-27(Kerning Party Quest.)
Day three:27-31(KPQ)
Day four:31-35(Ant Tunnel)
Day five:35-37(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day six:37-40(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day seven:40-42(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day eight:42-44(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day nine:44-46(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day ten:46-48(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day eleven:48-50(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day twelve: 50-54(FoG)
Day thirteen:54-56(FoG)
Day fourteen:56-58(FoG)
Day fifteen:58-60(FoG)
Day sixteen:60-62(LMPQ)
Day seventeen:62-64(LMPQ)
Day eighteen:64-66(LMPQ)
Day nineteen:66-68(LMPQ)
Day twenty:68-70(LMPQ)
Btw! This was all inspired when my friend challenged me to a race to 70. He would be a dexless sin and I would be a dexless DK.
Obviously he had the upper hand seeing as how I have never played a warrior BUT I had friends to hep me. I got to 70 while my friend is still lvl 37, I won a total of 1MILLION MESOS! Which will cover about 1/100th of the total cost of accuracy/dex equips.
My guild offered to lvl me to 50 by pqing with me.
Which I did for the next week.
I hit lvl 50 in a week and a half. Then I went to fog and trained with a friend of mine. (Priest) and I reached 60 in 4 more days.
I was low on money so I lmpqed from 60-70 in 5 more days.
Day one:1-21(Various locations
Day two:21-27(Kerning Party Quest.)
Day three:27-31(KPQ)
Day four:31-35(Ant Tunnel)
Day five:35-37(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day six:37-40(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day seven:40-42(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day eight:42-44(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day nine:44-46(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day ten:46-48(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day eleven:48-50(Ludibrium Party Quest)
Day twelve: 50-54(FoG)
Day thirteen:54-56(FoG)
Day fourteen:56-58(FoG)
Day fifteen:58-60(FoG)
Day sixteen:60-62(LMPQ)
Day seventeen:62-64(LMPQ)
Day eighteen:64-66(LMPQ)
Day nineteen:66-68(LMPQ)
Day twenty:68-70(LMPQ)”
That’s what you call leveling.