So I got to 60, then a lot of things happened.
Da pimpin’ asianic
I coudn’t believe it. 79 weapon attack, clean (for the non initiate out there, the average is 75), so with 7 60%’s it would be… *does quick math* (yeah, I’m good at math ^^) 93!. It was too good to be true. I rushed into MS for advice, no buddies or guildmates connected. Screw this, auto win was 7.5mil so I bid it.
Fast forward a couple of months, I finally get to 60 (after 4 months!), time to scroll this baby! First one fails; gee, what an omen; then 2 work, one fails, 3 work, then… I click the shield place (I do this a lot); I try again and miss again, try yet again, this time using MouseKeys to make sure I don’t miss and… nothing happens. So I start reading through the stats, Asianic Bow (+5), blahblah, what!? 0 slots left!?!? You’ve seen work gloves with 3 slots instead of 5, right? Apparently, there are weapons like that as well. I knew it was too good to be true.
So I ended up with an 89 attack bow, something that could be done with an average one and 7 scrolls, only that in my case, it was much, much more expensive (like twice as expensive).
This happens when you don’t stare longingly at your next weapon of mass murder, or when you are very, very stupid; I deserve to be shot, then peed by dogs, then hung, then shot again. Then kicked in the nuts, just in case.
I can’t complain, though, 89 is pretty decent and it made a friend jealous; plus it’s the first time I scroll something my self (I feel like a pro! ). But there’s a warning: always watch out for the amount of slots when you buy something, anything.
Assessing training spots
I went roaming through the three continents to find a good training spot (I will NOT go to zombies).
– Soul teddy and master soul teddy (Clocktower, Ludibrium): full of hackers! >
– Blins (rocks in KFT): kinda slow
– Samihos (fox thingies in KFT): decent exp, and I had tons of holy water to counter their curses. But I still wanted to try…
– Skeleton soldier and Officer skeleton (Sharenian, Perion): let’s see, same exp as zombies, don’t poison, weaker and shorter ranged magic attack, easier to get to (no bloodthirsty lycans on the way), no annoying steps, map isn’t HP-reducing, MUCH better drops (possibility of 60% GFA) and all archers are at zombies so it’s easy to get a map; plus, a walking skeleton is much cooler than a rotting corpse . Platforms are a little small but still, looks like I found a gold mine here!
The eternal hunt por maple items
I log in, say hi to buddies and guild, and after training for less than 2 minutes one of those ugly skeletons spits a maple scorpio! (it’s funny beacuse I’m a Scorpius ). This reminds me of last year, I hunted for a maple bow for about 20 days (and 3 levels); after that, I went to train at green mushroom and within 5 minutes I found a lama staff. It’s true, good things happen to nice people
Random screenies
[1] The answer of a GM to a smega
[2] Anyone got bitten by a horse sometime? (sorry for the crappy editing)
[3] My first GM sighting!
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Eeeee! Another windian!
Go Windia !
How do you know I’m in windia? o.o
testing somthing,