My Maple Soap Opera

Maple has been more bad experiences than good as of late it seems. It seems that something has always gotta come up and some stupid little personal problem develops from it that shouldn’t be such a big deal.

This time last month I was level 61. Right now I’m level 64, because I have been completely drained and have almost become uninterested in continuing onwards to that universal goal known as level 70 and 3rd job. Meanwhile, all of my friends are happily training along, hitting 3rd job, and now I fear that I’m going to be stuck as a hunter forever because every time I try to get back into training, some other freaking drama comes up and I end up hating Maple all over again. It’s seriously getting frustrating going through this cycle over and over and over again, because I’m positive I would’ve hit level 70 by now if it weren’t for happenings on Maple.

Also, despite how much I love my guild and the people in it, I feel like leaving it. Everyone is starting to become significantly higher than me and now the only things they wanna do are high level stuff that I’d usually die at. Everyone wants me around, but I rarely ever see any of my guildmates anymore because they’re training at grims, MDTs, or some other super strong monster that I’d get killed at with one hit, and when I actually get a chance to let loose, hang out, and suicide a couple times, I’m closing in on my next level so I can’t. All in all, my guild has lost its fun factor for 2nd jobbers now.

It’s less than what I make it out to be, yes, but Maple has just turned into a big drama queen for me. I’ve just about had it with this game.

2 thoughts on “My Maple Soap Opera”

  1. Yeah, that is why I have an upper, not a lower cap on my guild. We bowmen have it hard to lvl >_>.
    If I may ask, what events occur that you actually start hating maple? I remember being in a fight and making a char in Windia to run away from the people for a while. But it didnt happen to me yet that I hated the game,

  2. Hunters are hard to level after a while. Fatigue sets in easily. But don’t give up, I guess.
    All I need to know is that teh sexeh Strafe is waiting for me

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