Stuck Without High Speed Internet

Hiya everyone , very bored once again, mainly because im stuck at my Grandma’s house till I can get my passport ready -_-;, lukily, they still have dial up, so I can still write this, but No MapleStory thats for sure…ugh, can anybody reccomend anything to pass the time cause my mp3 broke down and I left my DS at home -_-; how stupid am I

Survey Says: (p~_~)p*YOUR AN IDIOT!*

man theyre always right -_- dam Survey. O well catch ya later, tryin not to let my Chronic-Boredom-Fatigue-Syndrome get the best of me, although I would kill somone to play on Broa right now, just kidding…or not

I Like Pudding, but it cant cure boerdom-_-

One thought on “Stuck Without High Speed Internet”

  1. Well I have one soultion 0.o if you have a brother or sister ask them ifb they have an idea or call a friend and ask what there up to mabye you could do my fav Sleep -.- lol or idk sing a song and swit around or idk those r my best ideas -.- cya later -kisses- Frenchimage2

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