lol charming o.O

soo today i got married to kelly A.k.a. SmilingAngel nad it seemed really really cool for a while. First time i’d been engaged. so it was al going good and she’s like one sec Afk. so i go and walk around and kill a few mushys. then she’s liike “baaack” :sorry my other bf chatted me”
Me- ummm. no.
that’s not gonna fly babe.
then we had a fight and she ended up leaving him. i decided to try again with her.

later on this girl i like in rl gets onto my server and im all FACK YES. so i’m thinking imma go out with her. and kelly starts going bitch mode again. so i quit her guild (she’s leader) and i just say. IM LEAVING YOU NIBCAKE. and she’s getting all pissed and im like im going out with Jia. Bye. and she gets mad and starts raggin on Jia and im like. you have a new bf every other day. NO. you had another bf besides me. NO. your always bitching. NO. i love Jia. and then i tell her all the awesome things about her *skipping that part* and then she says “you know, it’s people like you that make me wanna quit maple. and i say, it’s people like you that make me wanna quit LIFE and i dropped the ring IN HER FACE with a HUGE F3. it was Epic.
anyways. Jia’s a nib. get nx. ily anyway tho.


11 thoughts on “lol charming o.O”

  1. Welcome to MMOTales. Literacy please.

    And you also sound like a player-ish type of person. ._.

  2. Lmao.

    Epic revenge.

    What I’m amazed at is how upfront that other girl was. o.o;; I mean, “Sorry my other bf chatted me”? *coughnotverysubtlecough*

  3. XD


    dont try and be a player with these girls or youll find yourself murdered by every guy on this site

    they ahve the guys eating out of the palms of their hands (IE aliyah=waffle, silverfx=nobodyatnight,applebomb=will blow you up with a bomb)



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