A hero’s destiny chapter 2

~Chapter 2~

Divinewind returned to reality walk from the annals of his memory. The rain had already started falling. Lightning crash and thunder boomed overhead as he approached the safety of his shack. Suddenly his PDA beeped. His father had given it to him and he had never used it much. He picked it up and to his amazement he found that someone had sent him a email. He opened it and started reading, occasionally stumbling over words that he hadn’t used in a very long time. The letter was sent to him by the mayor of Southperry, reminding him that the day of Acension, when the young maplers would leave Southperry and journey to Lith harbor was approaching. The PDA dropped from Divinewind’s hands and clattered to the ground. He would be able to leave maple island at last. He gathered everything that he didn’t care to leave behind and started to long walk to Southperry. After talking to Shanks he discovered that the voyage would cost 150 meso. Since he didn’t have that much, he was going to be forced to pawn his knife to buy passage to Lith Harbor. He entered the store to sell his knife, and found the captain of the ship that he was forced to be on to escape the yakuza. “Going to Lith Harbor?”he inquired.

“Yes,” Divinewind stated dully,” I don’t have enough money to go to Lith Harbor so I have to sell this knife that my father gave me.” The knife was old and worn, but it was the only reminder of his parents and he didn’t want to give it up, but he had no choice.

“Let me see that knife,”said the sailor. He turned it over a few times and gave a low whistle. “Boy, this here knife has been scrolled with 7 10% scroll for dagger ATT and it seemed that all of them worked. Also, it seems that this knife is too thick to be a fruit knife, perhaps it was originally two fruit knives that were molded together.” he said in awe.

“No way!” exclaimed Divinewind. Suddenly his vision dimmed and scenes from his childhood swarmed in front of his eyes. Another scene kept appearing, it depicted two young people that bonded their knives together, and those two people looked a lot like his parents. Also he saw his father complaining about the hard apples that he grew, so he scrolled a knife to cut the apples without exerting much force.

When he came to his senses the first thing he heard was “How much do u have boy?”the captain asked. After checking his pockets Divinewind found that he had 78 meso. “Here I’ll give you 100 meso. Use it to go to Lith Harbor, I have a feeling that I won’t regret this.

“Thank you!” Divinewind gasped and ran off to catch the boat that was about to leave harbor. The captain watched as he ran towards the harbor. He chuckled, and returned to his task at hand. As Divinewind approached the harbor, he realized with dismay that the ship was leaving! He put on a extra burst of speed and ran up the ramp. As Divinewind neared the end of the ramp, he exerted every drop of energy he had, and jumped.

dun dun dun… what will happen next?

2 thoughts on “A hero’s destiny chapter 2”

  1. Good story. No duh he will just barely make it on the ship. or he misses and he somehow or other gets onto Victoria Island. Anyways, finally you have paragraphs, whew, *rubs eyes* Anyways, don’t add dun dun dun, leave us hanging! It’s called foreshadowing, or unless you don’t know that word, you won’t be a good story writer.

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