All posts by blade

Maple China

This may appear to be my first blog but I used to have a few other blogs before this one but I deleted them all. Today for the first time in several months I log onto my cMS sin KunaiStorm. I just trained and fooled around and found this weird bamboo staff/wand thing. I’m not much of a writer, but I just felt like showing all people in other parts of the world what cMS looks like and how different it is from other versions of Maplestory. I’ve only seen 1 hacker in the time I’ve played cMS and the community is really nice and friendly. What really freaks me out is people buy fame or 50-130k,mokbis are 500k and the fact that people buy 10% hat def scrolls for 300k in cMS. read more

cms continues to scare me

When my friends finally got me to play maple global I was really impressed and so I said I would play when I got back to China. When I reach china I download it and it doesnt work. -_-. So I say whatever and play Maple China. This is when scary things happen. I made a character and when i wanted to leave Maple Island, Icouldn’t.Some *&(#$ used several summoning bags on the way to southperry, in fact the one map right before it. (Yes in maple china you can go back to maple island for 15k) . Anyways after a month or so of waiting for a pro to come by -_-. Ifinally get off maple island. I still cant believe it. 10% hat scrolls bought for 210k…kumbis for 500k…fame for 30-300k… people keep giving me free pots ^_^…people buying 10yuan for 2bil meso..(10 yuan= 1.25 dollars)…double exp and drop for all of the holidays! …and why do these chinese people call hp “red” and mp “blue”. you cant report people for hacking… youcan actually trade cash items in a trade.. a lvl 47 sin telling a lvl 10thief to add everything into dex -_- that. that sin was VERY weak. his punch almost did more than his stars o0. double exp for 25cents i still cant adapt to chinese maplestory. read more

A hero’s destiny chapter 2

~Chapter 2~

Divinewind returned to reality walk from the annals of his memory. The rain had already started falling. Lightning crash and thunder boomed overhead as he approached the safety of his shack. Suddenly his PDA beeped. His father had given it to him and he had never used it much. He picked it up and to his amazement he found that someone had sent him a email. He opened it and started reading, occasionally stumbling over words that he hadn’t used in a very long time. The letter was sent to him by the mayor of Southperry, reminding him that the day of Acension, when the young maplers would leave Southperry and journey to Lith harbor was approaching. The PDA dropped from Divinewind’s hands and clattered to the ground. He would be able to leave maple island at last. He gathered everything that he didn’t care to leave behind and started to long walk to Southperry. After talking to Shanks he discovered that the voyage would cost 150 meso. Since he didn’t have that much, he was going to be forced to pawn his knife to buy passage to Lith Harbor. He entered the store to sell his knife, and found the captain of the ship that he was forced to be on to escape the yakuza. “Going to Lith Harbor?”he inquired. read more